1979/07/24 ~ PLANNING COMMISSION '~ : 1) Regular Meeting of the Berlin Planning Commission Was called to order at 7:37 P.M. July 24, 1979 in the Town Hall. Those Commissioners in atten- dance were: Mr. R0sso, Chairman; Mr. Stiano, Mr. Baccar6, Mr. Piskorski,  Mr.. Dobson'and Alter.nate Mr. Castiglioni. Also present W~re: Mr. Seely&, own Engineer and M~. HoWard, Assistant Tow~.Engineer. 2) Agenda Item 1. The owner did not appear, Mr. Seelye reported that Mr.' Nilsson would like to be on the agenda for the next meeting. 3) Agenda Item 2. AccePtance of property Deerfield Section 5, T & M Homes, developer. A deed conveying lots 7A, 4A, and~10A Deerfield Manor, to the Town of Berlin from T &'M Building Co., Inc.~ Was.received by the Engineering Department. :~Motion was made by Mr.~Stiano, seconded'by Mr. Baccaro to reconm public acceptance of the parcels as described. Motion Carried. 4) Agenda Item 3. The owner did not appear. Mr. Seelye reported .that Mr. Nadeau would like to be on the agenda for the nex~ meeting for approval of the three lots. Mr. Seelye added that he still feels the storm drainage should be required to be installed and suggested the Commission view the property on Saturday. 5) 'Agenda Item 4. Discussion on Lot 17, Block 127, Wethersfield Road, Jay Dee Realty, developer. 'Mr. Howard presented a drawing showing the proposed road to Seibert Road. -Mr. Seelye suggested the Commission view this property also on Saturday. 6) Agenda Item 5. Subdivision Review, SummitWood-Section I Kensington Avenue, MERIDEN, Meadow Haven, Inc., developer. Mr. Seelye presented Subdivison PlaD Section I SummitWood,indicating 'four lots, for comments ~y.the.Commissio~. CCRPA and the Town Planner in Meriden referred it ~to the Planning Commission for review. Motion was made by Mr. Piskorski, seconded by Mr. Stiano that we have no comments except the comments that were made ~n our letters of January 2 and Januar~ 10, 1979 addressed to David Martin. Motion Carried. 7) Agenda Item 6. a. Letter received from Eral H. Wicklund dated July 24, 1979 requesting ~--reduction in his bond on Saddle Hill, Section III to $20,950.00 from $33,000.00..Motion was made by. Mr. Stiano, seconded by Mr. Dobson to reduce Mr. Wicklund's bond on Saddle Hill, Section III, to $20,950.00. Motion Carried. ~ b. Letter received from Earl H. Wicklund dated July 24, 1979, requesting ~--reduction in his bond on Saddle Hill, Section IV, to $14,425.00 from $23,600.00. Motion was made by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Dobson to reduce Mr. Wicklund's bond on'Saddle Hill, Section IV, to $14,425.00. Motion Carried. c. Mr. Howard asked that another map of Towne Drive and Hall Lane he ~gned by those members originally signing on May 8, 1979 as' the first was not clear. It was signed. __d' Mr. Howard advised that Mr. Bengston has requested the ~Commission to vote to approve the acquisition of the Norman Cooley property on the Chamberlain Highway for conservation, open space, park & recreational purposes in accordance with Connecticut' General Statutew 8~24. Mr, Riskorski disqualified himself in this matter. Motion was made by Mr, St~ano., seconded hyMr. Baccaro to approve the acquisition of the Norman Cooley 'roperty on the Chamberlain Highway for conservation,~open space, park '~-~nd recreational purposes in accordance With Connecticut General Statutes 8~24, Motion Carried. e. The Commission decided to mee= at the Sage property on Worthington Ridge- ~turday, July 28 at 11:00 ~.M. to.view that property, the~ proceed to Wethersfield Road and to the Nilsson property. f. The Commission discussed sidewalks in the Leonard Abrahamson properties and agreed to put the matter on the agenda for the next meeking. Motion was made by Mr. Stiano, seconded by Mr. Baccaro to approve the ~Tfnutes of July 10, 1979 meeting. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:57 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Peter Baccaro, Secretary MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting July 24, 1979 Members Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. John P. McIntosh, Robert Dacey, John F. Miller Member Absent: Joseph A. Bernardi Others Present: Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Dominick F. Scerra, Town Treasurer; Morgan Seelye, Town Engineer, John Heenehan, Reporter, Hartford Courant - The meeting was called to order at 8:15 P.M. by Chairman Ward. MINUTES It was moved by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Dacey and VOTED to approve the minutes of July 12 and 17. ABSENT: Mr. Bernardi CORRESPONDENCE Budget breakdown for the period ending June 1979 was received from the Finance Department. "List of Taxes Transferred to Suspend List" (3 copies) from Francis' J. Motyka, Tax Collector, was signed by Board of Finance members present at the meeting. "Comments Upon: An Ordinance Establishing a Service Charge for Properties Served by Fire Hydrants Owned by Adjacent Communities within the Town of Berlin" dated July 23, 1979, from James H. Godfrey, Chairman, Water Control Commission, regarding a service charge for properties served by fire hydrants owned by adjacent communities within the town of Berlin. He suggested that the Water Control Commission collect the taxes for these hydrants and pay a proper rental to New Britain for the use of the hydrants. Mrs. Delaney stated by not paying taxes to New Britain, the residents have to ask if they can be legally included in a district. Dr. McIntosh stated that New Britain already sends out water bills. They only need to add the hydrant cost on to their water rates. Chairman Ward stated that this is between the property owners and the City of New Britain; it has nothing to do with the town of Berlin. The property owners will not agree as it will cost them a Board of Finance Meeting of July 24, 1979 -2- lot more. They suggested that perhaps the WCC could assume the responsibility in that area, as fire protection, and thereby apply the 1½ mill tax rate against property owners. This would be more expensive and result in an approximate tax of $75 per household. Additional water charge, as suggested to the City of New Britain, would result in a far less charge -- approximately $5 per household. Mr. Seelye stated that this is the arrangement that New Britain has with its property owners; Berlin has nothing to do with it. The charter spells out what is taxed and what is not taxed. He doesn't see why New Britain doesn't put a surcharge on their water bills. He stated that outside the city limits they can add a sur- charge to the water bills. Chairman Ward asked if the WCC ever sent a letter to New Britain suggesting that this be added on to their water bill? This should come from the Executive Board. This problem goes back to April 12, 1978, and probably farther. This is just adding additional work for the town of Berlin. TRANSFERS Budget change form received from Mayor Ragazzi dated May 10, 1979, requesting $1,969.00 from account 210, Contingency, to account 101, Mayor, to fund the Mayor's position through June 30, 1979. Mr. Miller stated that the Town Meeting did not approve the salary schedule. Chairman Ward stated that we must make sure that this doesn't happen again -- either to an elected or any other officer in the Town Hall. Mr. Miller stated that the break-in time for a new Mayor is one week. This is true for all officials except the Town Clerk. Chairman Ward stated that the Executive Board and this Board have to agree on what we are going to pay. Dr. McIntosh stated that the Board is going to follow up the return of the money from Mr. Powers by seeking legal advice. #80-02 Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED to appropriate $1,969.00 from account 210, Contingency,to account 101, Mayor. OPPOSED: Mr. Mil. ler Board of Finance Meeting of July 24, 1979 -3- Budget change form and memorandum received from Richard Russell dated July 16, 1979, requesting $700.00 from account 3816 to account 9093 (Sandblast Machine) to cover the cost of a sandblast machine. Mr. Dacey questioned how have they been doing the work. Mrs. Delaney stated that the town has hired someone. Chairman Ward stated that the costs of these services are going up b~cause of the costs of manpower and transportation. This sand- blasting needs to be done two to three times per year and it would be cheaper to purchase a machine. The more we can do ourselves the better off we are. Mrs. Delaney stated that the schools most affected by graffiti are Griswold and the High School. . ~80-03 Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mrs. Delaney, and VOTED to appropriate $700.00 from account 3816, Vandalism, to account 9093, Sandblast Machine. OPPOSED: Dr. McIntosh TOWN MEETING A request was received from Mayor Ragazzi dated July 24, 1979, requesting the inclusion of the request for a sanitary sewer for Overhill Road to the Town Meeting scheduled for July 30, 1979. Mr. and Mrs. Schumann have agreed with the installation of the sewer and with the assessment. Overhill road is provided some town services; plowed during the winter, not a paved road - patched. Mr. Seelye suggested that an account be opened entitled "New Construction" for any new jobs, etc. Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate an amount not to exceed $9,000 from the Sewer Fund Balance to Account No. 3310, Capital Expenditures, to install a sanitary sewer in Overhill Road, from the existing sewer in Wilbur Cross Highway easterly about 300 feet in length. A letter was received from the Executive Board dated July 24, 1979, requesting a Special Town Meeting on July 30, 1979, for the purpose of appropriating $987,000 through the issuance of bonds and notes for completion of the final 840' of Contract 91 of the Berlin Interceptor Sewer. Board of Finance Meeting of July 24, 1979 -4- Mr. Seelye stated that representatives of DEP and EPA will be at the Town Meeting. He has no qualms about recommending the same construction firm to complete the job. They have done work for the town previously. MotiOn was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Dacey and VOTED to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate an additional amount, not to exceed $987,000, through the issuance of bonds and notes for the construction of the Berlin Interceptor Sewer. This brings the total authorized amount to date $4,267,000. OLD BUSINESS There has been no reply to our letter of July 17 to Mayor Ragazzi concerning the Public Health Nurses vacation. Mr. Clinton spoke with Mrs. Conway who said that the Public Health Nurses throughout nursing receive three weeks of vacation after one year; four weeks is not uncommon. This is comparable by profession. Chairman Ward stated that benefits would not be granted to nurses and not to other tow~ employees. Mrs. Delaney sta~ed that the nurses have written the policies~them- selves. NEW BUSINESS With regard to the Board of Education charging the town for use of school buildings, Chairman Ward said he would advise Mr. Vandrilla that if this was going to be the policy of the Board of Education they can be billed for heat, lights, etc., and any other services supplied by the town to the Board of Education. The Board of Finance will bill the Board of Education for the town garage work. They are wrong to take out their budget reductions on the res~ of the town government. Chairman Ward agrees with charging various organiza- tions for outside functions. We are working as a town; not charging one another for use of the facilities. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 P.M. Respectfully submitted. Alexandra D. Dempsey SecretarY