1979/02/22 MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting February 22, 1979 · Members Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. John McIntosh, John F. Miller, Robert Dacey, Joseph A. Bernardi Others Present: Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Mayor Orlando P. R aqazzi~ Deputy Mayor Robert Argazzi, Arthur B. Powers, Corporation Counsel Harry N. Jackaway; Kay Cahill, reporter-The Herald; John Heenehan, reporter-Hartford Courant Meeting was called to order at 8:40 P.M. by Chairman Ward. MINUTES Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. D~cey and VOTED to approve the minutes of February 20, 1979 meeting. OLD BUSINESS - see minutes of February 13, 1979 Chairman Ward read a letter from Arthur B. Powers to Mayor Ragazzi stating his position on his acceptance of accured vacation pay. This was vacation he had earned the previous year and because he felt he should stay on the job to ensure a smooth transition, he did not take his vacation. He pointed out a memo sent to all Department Heads in November of 1976 indicating all elected officials were to be treated equally as ~own employees. He stated he has worked too hard to creat a decent image, he has a lot of pride and he would not have accepted the vacation pay if he didn't earn it. He agreed there should be a written policy however, he still maintains elected officials should have the same rights as a Town employee. The Executive Board has asked that the Mayor's account be repl~hished ~and he feels he shouldn't have to return the funds. Corporation Counsel Jackaway advised the Board, prior to answerinq questions, he represents Mr. Powers personally and he is a close friend. When asked if an elected official is a Town employee, he stated no. There are statutes in the State which define employees and they exclude elected officials. When asked if elected officials are entitled to accrued vacation pay, he advised he contacted the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities however, they could not provide the date as to what other towns were doing. So he called several surrounding communities and of the 6 cities or towns contacted, 3 had personnel rules: Southington-the Town Clerk is the only elected official and he is entitled to accrued vacation pay; Simsbury-the First Selectman works full time and is entitled to accrued vacation pay; and, Meriden-the elected officials are not entitled to accrued vacation pay. He listed his arguments against elected officials receiving accrued vacation pay: 1) State Statutues state elected officials are not employees 2) our Charter defines elected officials and employees separately 3) the Mayor's office is not a full time job; they can come and go as they please 4) we do have written personnel policies written by Mr. Powers which specifically excl%de elected officials. The arguments for: 1) they do participate in the insurance and pension plans; the pension plan specifically states elected officials and employees may participate in the plan--nothing in writing with ~spect to the insurance coverage 2) our elected officials do adhere to the same vacation schedule of the employees--one year/2 weeks, etc. 3) our ,e~ected officials do receive pay increases 4) from a fiscal and financial ~v.iew he is entitled to the pay 5) I have always been reminded when sitting in on negotiations that I should be cautious conceding to benefits because it ~ould effect non-union employees and elected officials. We do not have a Written policy. This is a decision the Board of Finance will have to make. There is no question in my mind that what he did he felt he was entitled to the benefits; it has the color of respect. Chairman Ward said he strongly supports this because he knows this is how it has been considered in the past. Mr. Dacey said Mr. Powers deserves the pay and we should fund the money for the balance of the fiscal year. Mr. Powers could have taken the last 40 days off but he didn't want to leave the Town without a Mayor. Mr. Powers pointed out this is why he has asked for an aide--we do not have the continuity in the Mayor's office, not just for vacations but in cases of disability. Mrs. Delaney said she would have thought he would have considered the limited aspect of the term and perhaps have questioned the vacation payment. She added, I am really astonished that you feel this is correct to do. You should admit you are wrong and return the money. Mr. Powers said elected officials ~e--~e~ ~-~ible for ai~-other 'f~inge' benefits'and there was never a question. Now we are saying everything except vacation. I don't feel it is fair. I don't want to be put in the position of embarrassment. I am stubborn enough that it was given in good faith. The Executive Board is a personnel authority and they did vote on this in good faith; there was agreement that the Mayor should receive vacation pay which he had earned. I don't think the Board of Finance should dictate personnel policy. You do not have the right to deny payment to an individual when it has been earned through past service. Mr. Miller said the elected officials are entitled to vacation that they take during the term of office. Attorney Jackaway stated the custom that has grown with this Town is a little different. Ordinarily elected officials just get their salary but it does not work in this Town because our elected officials have followed vacation schedules and have taken vacations on the number of years in office. This is the custom that they followed. Chairman Ward said he was considering the elected officials as employees and it has been this way for years. It is not illegal; many towns pay the elected officials but we don't have anything in writing; it was assumed by the Mayor. Do you back up the person or do you say the State Statutes say that an elected official is not a Town employee? Dr. McIntosh stated if it was taken during the anniversary date there would be no problem, but this was accrued. Mr. Powers stated he didn't feel the Town could run without a Mayor if he resigned March 1 and left 27 days earlier. He added, I felt it was my responsibility. I am not going to beg; it is not my style. After Mayor Ragazzi, Deputy Mayor Argazzi, Corporation Counsel Jackaway and Mr. Powers left, Chairman Ward asked if there was a motion to reconsider the motion made on February 13. Mr. Bernardi said he feels badly for the incumbent, addiDg,_there is nothing political but my feeling has not changed. Chairman Ward pointed out we are not going to follow any procedure on a lot of things. We did feel they were employees; we do lack a book however. He added, I do not know whether the previous requests should have been approved; you are not being consistent. You have two choices: 1) appropriate the additional funds or, 2) hope that the former Mayor returns the money to the Town. Mrs. Delaney felt there should be a letter sent to the former Mayor requesting reimbursement of the money. Motion was made by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mrs. Delaney to reconsider the motion made on February 13, 1979 to appropriate $1,969.00 from the General Fund to account #101 Mayor. Prior to the vote, Mrs. Delaney requested the Board consider amending the motion to directing a letter be written requesting Mr. Powers to return the money. Chairman Ward said the official memos were assumed by the Executive Board to be the policy of the Town. You cannot separate the Chief of Police and the Mayor--you are still talking about termination of benefits. They were guidelines set forth by the Mayor and the Executive Board. Mrs. Delaney said she didn't want to see funds go into the account until we attempt to get the money back. Mr. Miller announced he intends to abstain from voting as he was involved in seeking the mayoralty and he didn't want people to feel there are sour grapes. The vote to reconsider the motion: IN FAVOR: Mr. Dacey OPPOSED: Mrs. Delaney, Dr. McIntosh, Mr. Bernardi ABSTAINED: Mr. Miller Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Dr. McIntosh to send a letter to the Executive Board requesting they write to Mr. Powers requesting reimbursement of $2,312.27 in accrued vacation pay to the Town of Berlin Mr. Bernardi stated he thinks it would be demeaning. If he accepts the vote, he will return the money. He will not leave Mr. Ragazzi out in the cold. I think good conscience will prevail. The motion was withdrawn. The meeting was adjourned at 10:12 P.M. Respe~tfu~itted, ud~it~ Lindq~en, secretary MINUTES EXECUTIVE BOARD February 22, 1979 The SPECIAL meeting of the Executive Board was called to order by Mayor Orlando P. RagaZzi at 7:30 p.m. Deputy Mayor Robert A. Argazzi was present. Deputy Mayor Joseph P. Lanzoni was absent. Also present were: Members of the Board of Finance - Thomas ~. Ward, Jr., Blanche Delaney, Joseph Bernardi, Robert Dacey, Dr. John McIntosh; John Miller; Judith Lindgren, Secretary to the Board of Fina~e; Richard Russell, Director of Public Buildings; Donald Prue, Superintendent of Streets; Edward Haber, Chief Mechanic; Theodore Hrubiec, Superintendent of Public Grounds; James Capodice, Director of Recreation; Gary Clinton, Finance Director; Kay Cahill representing the Herald; John Heenehan representing the Hartford Courant; Attorney Harry N. Jackaway (part of the meeting); former Mayor Arthur B. Powers (part of the meeting). Mr. Prue reported that his.department now has fewer men than it has had since 1972. He is now operating with fifteen men and feels that they are not accomplishing what the people deserve, as a lot of the work that is requested cannot be fit into their schedule. He is requesting two regular town employees, if not CETA positions are requested. Mr. Haber reported that his CETA employee is terminating the week of 2/26/79 and when this position is up on September 50, 1979 his department will be · shorthanded. He reported that his work load is increasing and is backlogged at the present time. Mr. Ward asked if there are good mechanics available under CETA and Mr. Haber reported that there probably aren't. Mr. Ward stated that if the town is going to consider funding any positions they should be in the area of skilled people such as mechanics. Mr. Argazzi stated that the CETA program is to train people and it would be nice to train a mechanic. Mr. Bernardi suggested the possibility of utilizing overtime with the present staff to accomplish the workload. Mr. Haber stated this is something that could be tried. Mr. Ward asked Mr. Haber to check with his men to see if they would be willing to put in the overtime and report back to Mr. Nard. Mr. Haber is requesting a regular town employee. Mayor Ragazzi asked Mr. Prue if overtime would solve his workload problem. Mr. Pure replied that it would mean having to double up on districts, but they could do it. One private contractor could be eliminated. Mr. Russell reported that he presently has five C£TA employees and one anti-recessional employee. He is requesting that the Electrician definitely be retained as a regular town employee. Mr. Russell reported that the painter is also very skilled and should also be retained as a regular town employee. In order of preference he stated that he is also requesting the Custodian at the Police Department, Custodian at Town Hall, Custodian at the Youth Center and the Maintenance Helper. Mr. Russell also reported that his department did have a plumber under the anti-recessional program which terminated. He is now contracting all plumbing work. Mr. Hrubiec stated that if Mr. Russell did fill this position, the plumber could also .~ be used for pool maintenance. Mr. Russell stated that he would like to maintain CETA positions if regular town employees are not forthcoming. Executive Board Minutes /22/79 Mr. Hrubiec reported that he presently has two CETA people. He explained that he is requesting two regular town employees as the workload of his department has increased due to the additional recreation facilities. Mr. Hrubiec stated that if the two regular town employees are not forth- coming he would like to retain the two CETA positions. Mr. Capodice reported that presently his department has t~o full time positions~ himself and the clerk in his office. He is requesting that Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation and the Supervisor of the'Community Center be retained as regular town employees. He reported that his departsent maintains approximately 280 part time people during a years time and 75 to 85 programs are maintained. An Assistant Director has been requested'for many years, as it is difficult for one.person to supervise the program~' and the part time employees. Mr. Capodice also reported that the 'Supervisor at the Community Center is the only-full time position at tko Center, He also requested that the Custodian be retained as a CETA position as the Center will not be able to remain open if there is no custodian. Mr. Clinton reported that there have been four employees in his department (not including himself). He explained that many new systems have been implemented in the past few years and feels if these positions are not maintained his department will not be able to accom~lis~ the' workload in total. Mr. Clinton stated that most of their time ~s utilized handling Accounts Payable and Fringe Benefits. Mr. Argazzi asked if the cost of outside computer services has been checked into. Mr. Clinton replied that this was checked before purchasing the computer in his department. At that time it was determined the way to go was in house. He stated that he feels in the next five years it would be feasible to go with_ an outside service for payroll, Accounts Payable and Inventory. Mr. Clinton is requesting that the Anti-recession position and the CETA position he retained as regular town employees. Mr. Clinton reported that he would like to retain the two positions as CETA positions if tike two regular town employees are not forthcoming. Mayor Ragazzi reported that he is requesting that the clerk he. retained in the Mayor's office. He presented the dUties that are now: being carried out and explained that the Mayor's Office is currently handling approximately twelve welfare cases per week. This takes up approximately thirteen hours per week. The new requirement that the Mayor's Office maintain the Executive Board Signature Plate requires approximately two hours per week. Mayor Ragazzi is also requesting that the position of Administrative Service Director or Personnel Director be instituted as a regular town position. He presented a list of duties that would be handled under this position. Mr. Ward requested that a Job Description be prepared and forwarded to the Board of Finance. Mayor Ragazzi stressed that he ~s requesting the position of Personnel Director and not necessarily the person. Mrs. Delaney asked if a full time position is needed at the Reception Desk. Mayor Ragazzi reported that his office is looking into a direct dialing system for town hall, but that the town is not yet equipped for such a system. He stated that actually one and a half positions could be eliminated with this system and that a cost study is being done. The town will not " be equipped before March of 1980. Executive Board Minutes z/zz179 -3- There being no further business to come before the Executive Board, the meeting was adjourned at 8:58 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Secretary