1978/07/25be at least equal to the Union contract. The Mayor said he would not like being tied down to anything specific. Mrs. Delaney said she still felt there should.,be some:kind of factor developed so the supervisors would be salary points ahead of the mployees they supervise. Mr. Argazzi said you really shouldn't expect as much when you reach maximum. Chairman Ward asked the Executive Board to set up a committee and come in with a recommendation. He also requested they make a decision regarding comp time so it could be passed on to the committee. It was then agreed to adjust the salaries of the three supervisors at the top of the scale for this fiscal year only with the understanding a long range policy will be established. Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mr. Miller and VOTED to transfer $550.00 from ~210 Contingency to account ~601 Highway Superintendent. OPPOSED: Dr. McIntosh as he felt this should have been done at budget time Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mrs. Delan~y and VOTED to transfer $600.00 from #210 to account #3501 Super- intendent of Public Grounds and Recreation. OPPOSED: Dr.McIntosh In the Water & Sewer budget-- Motion was made.by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Dace~ and VOTED to transfer $250.00 from account #3113 Contingency Expense to account #3107 Administration. OPPOSED: Dr. McIntosh Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Dacey and VOTED to transfer $250.00 from account 93313 Contingency Expense to account #3307 Administration. OPPOSED: Dr. McIntos~ OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Argazzi said he felt this Board's philosophy on the.answer to the water problem on Savage Hill should be the same on the answer to the problem on Timberwood Road (see minutes of July 6, 1978) Chairman Ward said it has not been established where the funds will come from. If the Water & Sewer people can bear the cost of their own projects without drawing from the Town funds, then I would prefer it that way. There is a gray area as to who benefits from some of the projects. Mr. Dacey pointed out who should be eligible to vote on the Water and Sewer requests for funds for projects---the entire townspeople Or the people in the Water & Sewer served area. Everyone agreed this is a good question. Mr. Argazzi said, speaking for the Kensington Fire Distri6t, they will not pay any money to put in the pit or the meter. The District has agreed to buy water from the Town only during the periods when there wouldl be a big draw. Chairman Ward pointed out if a court decides that the KFD is responsible for supplying both water and fire protect~onL~,~~a~,~ zesponsible. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting July 25, 1978 Members Present: Members Absent: Others Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. John McIntosh, Joseph A. Bernar~i~~ John F. Miller, Robert Dacey Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Nicholas J. DiMaggio, Chairman-Board of Police Commissioners; John Heenehan, reporter-The Hartford Courant Meeting was called to order at 8:42 P.M. by Chairman Ward. MINUTES ' BILL It was moved by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Dr. McIntosh and VOTED to approve the minutes of July 18, 1978 meeting. It was the consensus of the members present to approve for payment bill for partial payment from Albert 3. Dudzik & Co. in the amount of $2,350.00 for the month of June. TRANSFERS Memo from Mr. Clinton dated July 21, 1978 requesting transfers in the 1977-78 budget. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Bernardi and VOTED to transfer $109~00 from #210 Contingency to account #201~Board of Finance-Operating; and, Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Bernardi and VOTED to transfer $571.00 from account #1978 Rangers to account #1976 Starters. Mr. Clinton explained this was due tO the shortage of starters (2 instead of 3) and they were forced to use the starters in excess of 40 hours which resulted' inlt'ime and a half wages. OLD BUSINESS Mr. DiMaggio appeared to discuss the possibility of compensating Chief Roberb SkinneP fop the sick days he has accumulated. (see minutes of June 20, 1978) Mr. DiMaggio explained, the Chief is not part of the bargaining unit and not entitled to any of the benefits of the patrol force. They have no written contract with the Chief. He comes under the administration of the Board of Police Commissioners which is a separate agency of the Town. He has not abused the sick day privilege . and has accumulated 158 days to date. He cannot be reimbursed for this in any way; however, if this Board can see its way to giving him a cash refund, our Board would feel ~ra~eful. We would like to see him paid for 130 days. At his daily rate of $75.38, this would amount to $9,799.40. He also has $1,507.68 in compensating time and vacation and $57.14 in longevity. The Chief was hired on November 13, 1956'smd he will retire on October 19, 1978. Chairman Ward pointed out he has been very critical of the sick days. They were put in there to give the employees assurance that should they become ill their pay would con~L~ue. They are not to be considered automatic vacation days and now if I am to go along with this it would be contrary to what I have been saying. I know it is done; it is part' of some union contracts. Mrs. Delaney stated we really should have some policy. Dr. McIntosh felt any compensation fo~ the accumulated sick days would be precedent setting. Mr. DiMaggio was asked what progress has been made in the selection of ~ new chief. He advised, letters have been sent out to the first panel. They will meet August 8 at 10 A.M. in the Commissioners' Room to screen the applications down to 15. The second panel will conduct the oral examination and narrow the field down to 5 or 6. The Board of Police Co~znissioners will pick 3 out of these and send them out for physical and psychological examinations. He was asked if the Lieutenant will be acting Chief in the interim and if he will be paid the difference in pay. Mr. DiMaggio stated he cannot say what route the Board will take. He was then asked what his recommendation would be as to whether the Lieutenant would be paid the current salary or t~e first step on the pay scale. He stated he would recommend the first step on the scale; adding, the Liautenant position would remain vacant until the Chief is named. It was agreed to request the opinion of the Executive Board regarding the accumulated sick days . The meeting was adjourned at 10:08 P.M. MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting August 8,.1978 Members Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. John McIntos~, Jo~ ~. Mi~e~, JoseI~ A. ~er~ardi Member Absent: Robert Dacey Others Present: Gary S. Clinton, Fihance Director; Mrs. Emily Chotkowski; Thomas Shiel, reporter-The Herald; John Heenehan, reporter-Hartford Courant; reporter representing the Berlin Eagle Meeting was called to order at 8:20 P.M. by Chairman Wa=d. MINUTES It was moved by Dr. McIntosh, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED to a~prove the minutes of July 25, 1978 meeting.