1978/05/16MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting May 16, 1978 Members Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. John McIntosh, John F. Miller, Robert Dacey, Joseph A. Bernardi Others Present: Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Thomas Shiel, reporter-The Herald Meeting was called to order at 10:10 P.M. by Chairman Wa~d. EXECUTIVE SESSION Motion was made by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED to go into Executive Session at 10:23 P.M. with the press and Mr. Clinton in attendance. Motion was made by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED that a tax rate of 1.5 mills be set to raise an amount of current levy of $102,331.00 on a net Grand List of October 1, 1977 of $73,871,840.00 in the area served by the Town Water & Sewer Commission for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1979, to off-set in part ~the cost of operation of the Water and Sewer Commission budget. Motion was made by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Dacey and VOTED that to support the budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1979, in the amount of $9,993,634.00 predicated upon an amount to be raised by taxes, current levy, of $7,243,682.00 as set forth in the budget adopted by the duly-called Town Meeting held in the Berlin High School on May 16, 1978, a tax rate of 29 mills be levied upon the net Grand List of October 1, 1977, which totals $260,556,855.00. OPPOSED: Dr. McIntosh Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Miller and VOTED to go out of Executive Session at 10:55 P.M. REGULAR SESS ION Letter from James Capodiece, Director of Recreation, dated May 12, 1978, advising that due to the raise given supernumeraries this past year, account #2703 Police Protection in the Youth Council budget will be short $467.82. Mr. Clinton advised that a $.50 per hour raise was granted as of February 1, 1978. It was agreed this transfer should be made from the Supernumerary account in the Police Department budget. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Dacey and. VOTED to transfer $468.00 from account ~2005 Supernumeraries to account ~2703 Police Protection. OPPOSED: Dr. McIntosh as he feels this is cutting down the surplus. Meeting was adjourned at 10:55 P.M~ ~ ~ ~Tu~'~~/~mitted' J/udith 5fndg~n, sec. MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting May 23, 1978 Members Present: Member Absent: Others Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. John McIntosh, John F. Miller (8:20), Joseph A. Bernardi Robert Dacey Edward Haber, Chief Mechanic; Police Sgt. Gerald Charamut; Ron Cioffi, reporter-Hartford Courant (part of meeting) Meeting was called to order at 8:10 P.M. by Chairman Ward. MINUTES It was moved by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Bernardi and VOTED to approve the minutes of May 9 and May 16, 1978 meetings. LEGAL NOTICE ANNUAL BUDGET MEETING MAY 16, 1978 The Electors and Citizens qualified to vote in Town Meetings of the Town of Berlin are hereby warned and notified that the Annual Budget Meeting of the Town of Berlin will be held in the Berlf~ High School on Patterson Way on Tuesda May 16, 1978 at 8:00 p.m. prevailing time for the following purposes: 1. To elect five (5) members to the Board of Directors of the Berlin Public Health Nursing Service. 2. To accept the following streets or portions of streets: Metacomet Drive (portion), Briar Patch Drive (portion), Rabbit Trail and Partridge Lane. 3. To cons~ider and act upon recommendations of the Board of Finance to appro priate a sum not to exceed $110,000.00 through the issuance of bonds or notes for the South Kensington Fire Department tanker-pumper. 4. To authorize the issue of bonds or notes in an amount not to exceed $110,000.00 if such appropriation is approved, to authorize the Executive Board to determine the rate of interest, form and particulars of such bonds or notes; the manner in which the same shall be signed, issued, and sold; to designate the attorneys-at-law to approve the same and a bank or trust company to act as certifying and paying agent. 5. To authorize the Executive Board to expend the aforesaid appropriation, if approved, and to apply for and accept grants-in-aid from the State of Connecticut and the United States of America. 6. To authorize any other action which may be considered necessary or desira- ble to enable the Town to issue bonds or notes to defray the aforesaid appropriation, and to authorize the temporary borrowing of money in anti- cipation of such bonds or notes. 7. To consider and act upon an appropriation not to exceed $10,000.00, as recommended by the Board of Finance from the General Fund to Account #1539 Contracted Services. 8. To consider and act upon an appropriation not to exceed $4,000.00, as recommended by the Board of Finance from the General Fund to Account #164 Tax Refunds. 9. To consider and act upon an appropriation not to exceed $6,000.00, as recommended by the Board of Finance from the General Fund to Account #140 Welfare. 10. To consider and act upon the estimates and recommendations of the Board of Finance and to make such specific appropriations for the expense of the Town including Water and Sewer, and support of the schools for the Fiscal Year commencing July 1, 1978. Dated at Berlin, Connecticut this 10th. day of May 1978. Arthur B. Powers Joseph P. Lanzoni Robert A. Argazzi Executive Board Attest: Jeanne G. Ward, Town Clerk Mr. Arthur B. Powers was elected moderator of the meeting. Mrs. Jeanne G. Ward was clerk of the meeting. Mr. William Tara presented the following resolution: RESOLVED: That the following names are submitted for election to the Board of Directors of tha Berlin Public Health Nursing Service for a term of three (3) years from the date of their election: Oscar A. Steege Rev. John M. Haggarty, Jr. Mary Ann. M. Fagan Phyllis M. Nigro Patricia F. Davis The resolution was moved, seconded and carried. Mr. Morgan Seelye presented the following rasolution: RESOLVED: That Rabbit Trail, Partridge Lane and portions of Metacomet Drive and Briar Patch Drive, as they are more fully described and attached here- to, be and they are hereby accepted into the highway system of the Town of Berli Partridge Lane (portion); Rabbit Trail (portion); and Briar Patch (portion) "three (3) certain pieces or parcels of land, with all improvements located thereon, sit uated in the Town of Berlin, County of Hartford, and State of Conn- ecticut, and being more particularly bounded and described as follows, to wit:- FIRST PIECE Befng ~ portion of PartridgeLane as more fully set forth on a certain map en- titled, 'Partridge Acres' Section 1, Subdivision of Property of Northern Enter- prises, Inc., Four Rod Road, Berlin, Conn. October 22, 1973, Scale 1"=40', Revised December 1, 1973, G.S. Jarmolinski Associates" and being on file in the Town Clerk's Office of the Town of Berlin, and being more particularly bounded and described as follows:- Beginning at a point in the northerly line of land now or formerly of Richard A aud Lorraine Mauran, Lot #99A as shown on said map, said point being located 4.95 feet from the existing street line of Four Rod Road, as shown on said map; thence northerly along the hereinafter described property,, 65.10 feet to a monument located in the westerly line of Lot 100C; thence southeasterly on a circular curve with a radius of 15.00 feet, a distance of 23.66 feet to a monument located in the southerly line of Lot 100C; thence S 84° 53' 12"E along Lots iOOC and IOOD in part by each, 129.62 feet to a monument located in the southerly line of Lot #10OD; thence continuing southeasterly on a circular curve to the right with a radius of 175 feet, a distance of 107.51 feet to a monument located in the south- erly line of Lot i00F, said last course and distance running along the southerly lines of Lots 10OD, 100E and 10OF; thence continuing southeasterly on a reverse curve to the left with a radius of 308.30 feet, a distance of 210.11 feet to a monument located in the southerly line of Lot #100H, the last course and distance being along the southerly lines of Lots i00F, iOOG and iOOH; thence S 1° 15' 51" W, 50.00 feet along a portion of Partridge Lane, Second Piece hereinafter described to a monument in the northwesterly corner of Lot 2L, as shown on said map; thence on a circular curve to the right with a radius of 358.30 feet a dis- tance of 244.19 feet along the northerly lines of Lots 99, 99D and 99C to a monu- ment located in the northerly line of Lot 99C; thence on a reverse curve to the left with a radius of 125.00 feet and continuing along the northerly line of Lot 99C, a distance of 76.79 feet to a monument located in the northeasterly corner o land now or formerly of Richard A. and Lorraine Mauran, Lot 99A as shown on said map; thence continuing along the northerly line of said land now or formerly of Richard A. and Lorraine Mauran, a distance of 145.05 feet to the point and place of beginning. SECOND PIBCE: Being a portion of Partrfdge Lane and Briar Patch Drive as described on a map entitled, " 'Partridge Acres' Section 2, Subdivision of Property of Northern En- terprises, Inc., Briar Patch Drive, Berlin, Conn. December 1973, Scale 1"=40', G. S. Jarmolinski Associates" which map is on file in the Town Clerk's Office of the Town of Berlin, and being more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a monument situated in the northerly line of the hereinafter des- cribed parcel, said monument being also located 15.00 feet from the southwesterly corner of Lot #2K, as shown on the above-described map; thence S 88° 44'09"E the southerly line of Lot IOOH as shown on a map entitled Part idge Acres Sectiol 1" and Lots 2K, 2J, and 2H, as shown on map of "Partridge Acres Section 2" re- ferred to above, in part by each, a distance of 237.34 feet to a monument located in the southerly line of Lot 2H;thence southeasterly on a straight line along a portion of Briar Patch Drive previously deeded to the Town of Berlin a distance of 69.61 feet to a point marking the southwesterly corner of Lot 3J, as shown on said map; thence S 2° 35' 00"E along the westerly line of Lot 3K, a distance of 43.15 feet to a monument; thence on a circular curve to the left with a radius of 2075.00 feet and running along the westerly line of Lots 3K, 3L and 3M in part by each, a distance of 155.48 feet to a monument located in the westerly line of Lot #3M; thence continuing S 6° 52' 35"E along the westerly lines of Lots 3M, 3N and 3P, in part by each, a total distance of 211.00 feet to a point marking the southwesterly corner of Lot 3P; ;thence northwesterly along a portion of Briar Patch Drive, Parcel 3 hereinafter described, in a straight llne, a distance of 55.00 feet, more or less, to a monument located in the easterly line of Lot 2R, said monum ~ent being at the northerly terminus of a point of curvature having a radius of 15.00 feet; thence N 6° 52' 35" W along the easterly lines of Lots 2R, 2Q, and 2P, in part by each, a distance of 187.58 feet to a monument located in the easterly line of Lot 2P; thence continuing northerly on a circular curve to the right with a radius of 2125.00 feet along Lots 2P and 2N, in part by each, a total of 159.22 feet to a monument located on the easterly line of Lot 2N; thence northweslerly on a circular curve to the left with a radius of 15 feet, a distanc of 22.56 feet to a monument located in the northerly line of Lot 2N; thence N 88° 44' 09"W along the northerly line of Lots 2N, 2M and 2L, in part by each, a total distance of 242.71 feet to a monument situated in the northwesterly corner of Lot 2L; thence N 1° 15' 5i"E a distance of 50.00 feet along a portion of Partridge Lane, First Piece above-described, to the point and place of beginning. THIRD PARCEL:- Being a portion of Briar Parch Drive and all of Rabbit Trail as show on a map entitled, " 'Partridge Acres' Section 3, Subdivision of Property of Northern En- terprises, Inc., Briar Patch Drive, Berlin, Conn. December 1973, Scale 1"=40', G.S. Jarmolinski Associates, Revised 2/24/78,* Class A-2 or better, certified substantially correct by George S. Jarmelinski," which map is on file in the Town Clerk's Office of the Town of Berlin, and being more particularly bounded and described as follows:- Commencing at a point marking the southwesterly corner of Lot 3P, as shown on said map; thence running S 6° 52' 35"E along the westerly lines of Lots 3Q, 3R, and 3S, in part by each, a total distance of 193.60 feet to a monument situated in the westerly line of Lot 3S; thence southeasterly on a c~rcular curve to the left with a radius of 15.00 feet a distance of 12.30 feet to a monum ent s~tuated in the westerly line of Lot 3S, said monument being at a beginning et a turnaroun~ for Briar Patch Drive; thence on a circular curve to the right with a radius of 60.00 feet and running along Lots 3S, 3T, and 3U, as shown on said map, a distanc of 237.70 feet to a monument located in the northwesterly corner of Lot 3U; thence N 6° 52' 35"W along the easterly line of land now or formerly of the Estat of David C. Porter, a distance of 30.00 feet to a monument located in the souther ly line of Lot 2X, as shown on said map; thence S 85° 03' 55"E along the souther- ly line of Lot 2×, a distance of 7.35 feet to a monument located in the southeast erly corner of Lot 2×; thence continuing on a circular curve to the right with a radius of 60.00 feet along the southeasterly line of Lot 2X, a distance of 40.88 feet to a monument located in said southeasterly line of Lot 2X; thence on a cir- cular curve to the left with a radius of 15 feet, a distance of 17.64 feet to a monument located in the easterly line of Lot 2X; thence N 6° 52' 35"W and running along the northerly lines of Lots 2X and 2W, in part by each, a dis- tance of 121.21 feet to a monument located in the easterly line of Lot 2W; thence on a circular curve to the left and northwesterly with a radius of 15.00 feet, a distance of 21.43 feet to a monument located in the northerly line of Lot 2W; Thence N 88° 44' 09"W and running along the northerly lines of Lot 2W and 2V, in part by each, a total distance of 165.51 feet to a monument located in the north- erly line of Lot 2V; thence on a circular curve to the 2eft and southwesterly with a radius of 20.00 feet a distance of 22.36 feet to a monument located in the northwesterly line of Lot 2V; thence continuing on a circular curve to the right with a radius of 60 feet along Lots 2V and 2U, in part by each, a distance of 146.16 feet to a monument located on the Turnaround in the northwesterly corner of Lot 2U; thence N 88° 44' 09"W a distance of 1.90 feet to a monument located in the easterly line of land now or formerly of Frank J. and Gloria M. Keating; thence N 1° 15' 51"E along the easterly line of land now or formerly of said Frank J. and Gloria M. Keating, a distance of 50.00 feet to a monument located im the easterly line of land now or formerly of said Keatings and also marking the southwesterly corner of Lot 2T; thence S 88° 44' 09"E, a distance of 11.27 feet to a monument located in the Southerly line of Lot 2T; thence on a circular curve to the left with a radius of 60.00 feet and running along the southerly lines of Lots 2T and 2S, in part by each, a distance of 105.64 feet to a monu- ment located in the southerly line of Lot 2S; thence on a reverse curve to the left and easterly with a radius of 20.00 feet a distance of 16.26 feet to a monu- ment located in the southerly line of Lot 2S; thence S 88° 44'09"E and running along Lots 2S and 2R, in part by each, a distance of 167.91 feet to a monument located in the southerly line of Lot 2R; thence on a circular curve to the left with a radius of 15.00 feet and northeasterly a distance of 25.69 feet to a momument located in the easterly line of Lot 2R; thence southeasterly in a straight line along a portion of Briar Patch Drive, the Second Piece above-described, a distance of 55.00 feet, more or less, to the point and place of beginning. *to eliminate 20' R.O.W. and Drainage on Lot 2X, Swale on Lots 2U, 2V and 2X and show utilities as built " a certain strip of land situated in said Town of Berlin, County of Hartford, and State of Connecticut, and being more particularly bounded and described as follows, to wit:- A strip of land running between the new and old street lines of Four Rod Road, as indicated as a shaded area between Four Rod Road and Partridge Lane and ex- tending northerly to property now or formerly of Eugene Faselle, on a map known as "'Partridge Acres' Section 1, Subdivision of Property of Northern Enterprises Inc. Four Rod Road, Berlin, Conn. October 22, 1973, Scale 1"~40', Revised Dec. 1, 1973, G. S. Jarmolinski Associates, Class A-2 or better, certified sub- stantially correct George S. Jarmolinski", which map is on file in the Town Clerk's Off,ce of the Town of Berlin to which reference may be made; sa~d strip of land being more particularly described as follows:- WESTERLY: By Four Rod Road, 190.18 feet; NORTHERLY: By a continuation of said strip, 3.15 feet; EASTERLY: In part by Lot lOOC, as shown on said map, 125.08 feet, and in part by Partridge Lane, 65.10, for a total distance of 190.18 feet; SOUTHERLY: By land now or formerly of Richard A. and Lorraine Mauran, Lot 99A, as shown on said map, 4.95 feet. VOL. 5 31~ EXHIBIT A FIRST PIECE A certain piece or parcel of land situated in said Town of Berlin bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the southeasterly corner of Metacomet Drfve, Section 4; thence S37© O0'O0"W, 50.00 feet to the southwest corner of Metacomet Drive, Section 4; thence N53© O0'00"W, 227.07 feet to a monument; thence along a curve deflecting to the left having a radius of 15.00 feet for an are of 22.48 feet to a monument; thence N48© 51' 30"W, 50.00 feet to a monument; thence along a curve deflecting to the left having a radius of 15.00 feet for an arc of 22.13 feet to a monument; thence along a curve deflecting to the right having a radius of 405.00 feet for an arc of 408.60 feet to an iron pipe; thence S75© 41' 30"E along the southerly property line of property now or formerly of Edward Paul, St. & Josephine Dutkie- wicz, 50.00 feet to an iron pipe; thence along a curve deflecting to the left having a radius of 355.00 feet for an arc of 417.76 feet to a monument; thence S53° 00' O0"E, 236.76 feet to a point being the point of beginning. Being Metacomet Drive on a map entitled, "Conveyance Map Metacomet Drive Mountain View Section 4 Berlin, Conn. Igor Vechesloff Professional Engineer and Land Surveyor 51 Lorraine Street, Hartford, Connecticut Scale 1"=40' Date 12/6/71 Drawing No. 1338. SECOND PIECE Two temporary easements for highway purposes (temporary cul-de-sac) at the northerly end of Metacomet Drive on the east and west sides of said Metacomet Drive as shown on the map referred to in "First Piece." Said temporary cul-de-sac on east side shall revert to the abutting land owner and said temporary cul-de-sac on the west side shall revert to the abutting land owner upon the extension of said Metacomet Drive. The resolution was moved, seconded and carried. Mr. Ronald Lindgren presented the following resolution: RESOLVED: That the sum of One Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars ($110,000.00) is appropriated for the acquisition of a tanker-pumper for the South Kensington Fire Department, that the Town issue its serial bonds, in one or more series, in a principal amount not to exceed One Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars ($110,000.00), to defray the foregoing appropriation; the Treasurer shall keep a record of such bonds as shall be payable at and certified by a recognized bank- ing institution, shall bear such date and rate of interest as shall be determined by the Executive Board shall be signed by the Executive Board, or a majority of them, and by the Treasurer of the Town of Berlin, or bear a facsimile of any such signatures, under the seal of said Town or bear a facsimile of said seal; Adinolfi, O'Brien & Hayes, P.C., Bond Counsel, of Hartford, Connecticut, are designated as the attorneys-at-law to render an opinion approving the legality of such issue; the Executive Board is hereby authorized to determine the form of sucl bonds, and, with the Treasurer, to sell such bonds at publfc sale, either as a separate issue or combined with other authorized but unissued bonds of the Town of Berlin, to deliver the same on behalf of the Town and to do all other acts necessary and appropriate to complete the issuance of such bonds; that the Exec- utive Board is authorized to expend the foregoing appropriation of One Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars ($110,000.00), and to apply for and accept grants-in-aid from the State of Connecticut and the United States of America; that the Executiv, Board and the Treasurer are authorized to take any other action which may be considered necessary or desirable to enable the Town to issue bonds or notes to defray the appropriation of One Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars ($110,000.00), and that the Executive Board and Treasurer are authorized to sell temporary notes of the Town, from time to time, in an amount not to exceed One Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars ($110,000.00), under and pursuant to the provisions of Section 7-378 of the General Statutes of Connecticut, Revision of 1958, as amended, in anticipatio~ of the receipt of the proceeds from the sale of bonds authorized at this meeting, and are authorized to comply with the provisions of Section 7-378a, as amended, if the maturity of such notes shall extend beyond the time permitted by Section 7-378; the Executive Board and Treasurer are hereby authorized to determine the amount, date, maturity, interest rate, form, and other details of such notes. Upon motion duly made and seconded the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: YES NO 219 6 VOL. 5 Mr. Thomas Ward presented the following resolution: RESOLVED: That a sum, not in excess of $10,000.00, as recommended by the Board/~f Finance, be and the same is hereby appropriated from the General Fund to Account #1539 Contracted Services. The resolution was moved,'seconded and carried. Mr. Thomas Ward presented the following resolution: RESOLVED: That a sum, not in excess of $4,000.00 as recommended by the Board of Finance, be and the same is hereby appropriated from the General Fund to Account #164 Tax Refunds. The resolution was moved, seconded and carried. Mr. Thomas Ward presented the following resolution: RESOLVED: That a sum, not in excess of $6,000.00, as recommended by the Board of Finance, be and the same is hereby appropriated from the General Fund to Account #140 Welfare. The resolution was moved, seconded and carried. Mr. Thomas Ward presented the following resolution: RESOLVED: That the budget, including the Water and Sewer Commission Budget, as submitted by the Board of Finance stating the specific appropriation for the expense of the Town and support of the Schools for the Fiscal Year commencing July 1, 1978 and ending June 30, 1979 be and the same is hereby adopted. The resolution was moved and seconded. Mr. Philip Doran presented the following amendment to the resolution: RESOLVED: "That Item #8001, Current Levy, be reduced by $250,000.00 and that the Board of Finance be and hereby is directed to select reductions in expenditures for General Government and for Education to result in a new figure of $6,993,682.00 for Item #8001, Current Levy for the twelve months end- ing June 30, 1979." The Moderator ruled the amended resolution out' of order in accordance with a ruling from the Corporation Counsel. The decision of the Chair was challenged and by hand vote the decision of the Chair was sustained. Mr. Richard Rutkowski presented the following resolution: RESOLVED: "That the grand totals of expenditures of General Government, Capital and Education estimated for twelve months ending June 30, 1979 be reduced by $250,000.00 to a new figure of $9,743,634.00 and that the Board of Finance be and hereby is directed to select reductions in expenditures to result in the foregoing new Grand Total." The Moderator again ruled the amended resolution out of order in accordance with Corporation Counsel's ruling. The Chair was again sustained. Mr. Doran presented another amended resolution: "Resolved that the total expenditures of the budget be reduced by $250,000.00 and applied proportionately to all items." The amended resolution was moved, seconded and defeated. After considerable discussion the Clerk again read the resolution: RESOLVED: That the Budget, including the Water and Sewer Commission Budget, as submitted by the Board of Finance stating the specific appropria- tion for the expense of the Town and support of the Schools for the Fiscal Year commencing July 1, 1978 and ending June 30, 1979 be and the same is hereby adopted. It was carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, oanne G. Ward Town Clerk RETURN OF NOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on May 10, 1978, I left a duplicate of the foregoinl warning and notice of special meeting of the Town of Berlin with Joanne G. Ward, its Town Clerk. I FURTHER CERTIFY that I caused a copy of said warning and notice to be published in the New Britain Herald, a newspaper having a circulation in the said Town of Berlin. I FURTHER CERTIFY that on May 10, 1978, I set upon all the signposts within the limits of said town and at all other places designated by the town a written copy of said warning and notice signed by the Executive Board. I FURTHER CERTIFY that all of the above acts were done by me at least five days before the holding of said meeting on May 16, 1978. Arthur B. Powers Mayor I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing notice and return are duly recorded ir the records of the Town of Berlin, Connecticut. Dated at Berlin, Connecticut this 18th. day of May, 1978 Town Clerk LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SPECIAL TOWN MEETING JUNE 27, 1978 A special meeting of the electors and citizens qualified to vote in town meetings of the Town of Berlin will be held at the McGee School on Norton Road, Kensington, Connectic-ut on Tuesday, June 27, 1978 at 8:00 for the following purposes: 1. To consider and act upon an amendment to the resolution adopted at a Special Town Meeting on April 12, 1976 which appropriated a sum not to exceed $1,550,000.00 through the issuance of bonds or notes for the con- struction of Belcher Brook Interceptor, Wilbur Cross Trunk and Spruce Brook Interceptor Sewers including engineering fees, administrative costs, and right of way expenditures according to a map dated May, 1975 from Cahn Engineers, Inc. entitled Eligibility Map Belcher Brook, Wilbur Cross and Spruce Brook Interceptors and amended at a Mpecial Town Meetfng on May 9, 1977 to include the following local sewers: Local sewers in Wilbur Cross Highway from 1000 feet north of Middletown Road to the south- erly end of Worthington Ridge, local sewers in Worthington Point Road, Worthington Lane, Whitney Lane, and in the west side of Wilbur Cross High- way from about 700 feet north of Worthington Point Road to about 100 feet south of Worthington Point Road and an extension of the Belcher Brook In- terceptor from Toll Gate Road to the Spruce Brook Industrial Park to elim- inate the pumping station there, be further amended to delete the followin "Spruce Brook Interceptor". 2. To consider and act upon recommendations of the Board of Finance to appro- priate an additional $1,550,000.00 through the issuance of bonds or notes for the Belcher Brook Interceptor bond, which will make the total appropri ation $3,100,000.00 3. To consider and act upon recommendations of the Board of Finance to appro- priate an additional $1,350,000.00 through the issuance of bonds or notes to the Berlin Interceptor Sewer Bond resolution adopted at a Special Town Meeting on July 28, 1975 and amended at a Special Town Meeting on Februar 27, 1978 which will make the toal appropriation $2,700,000.00 Dated at Berlin, Connecticut this 21st. day of June, 1978. Arthur B. Powers Joseph P. Lanzoni Robert A. Argazzi Executive Board Attest: Joanne G. Ward, Town Clerk Mr. Arthur B. Powers was elected moderator of the meeting. Mrs. Joanne G. Ward was Clerk of the meeting. MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING EXECUTIVE BOARD May 16, 1978 The Special Meeting of the Executive Board was opened at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Arthur B. Powers at the Berlin:High School. Deputy Mayors Joseph P. Lanzoni and Robert A. Argazzi were present. Also Present were: Thomas Shiel, representing the Herald and R°n Cioffi, representing the Hartford Courant. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. Lanzoni, it was voted to accept the minutes of 5/8/78. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Argazzi asked if the MayOr had written ~o the. Secretary of the State yet. Mayo~ Powers sai~ h6~'had not yet"dgne so. He said it was not that he did not intend t0, just that he had had the opportunity. The Mayor said he would get to it this week. Mayor Powers announced that our Blue Cross Experience Rating had gone up approximately 20% for the coming fiscal year. The Town is combined with the Board of Education and the Police Department. However, the Board of Education has its Own appropriation for this item. Mr. Clinton reported that he had figured in an increase when he prepared this budget item and his figure was only $678.00 less than Blue Cross' final figures. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to appoint Lloyd Duvall as an Alternate Member of theBerlin Historic District Commis- sion to fill the vacancy created when Edward Stone was moved from Alternate to Regular Member. Mr. Duvall's term will expire on 51 January 1982.MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it'was voted to appoint Harrison Sanders as an Alternate Member'of the Berlin Historic District Commission to fill the Vacancy created when Cynthia Wilcox was moved from Alternate to Regular Member. Mr, Sanders' term will expire on 51 January 1981. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Powers read a letter from the Marjorie Moore Charitable Foundation's Board of Trustees in which they advise of a meeting held to discuss the various requests for funds made by the Executive Board. community Center: oU~ 'request was for $1700 for Youth Council Items and $4550 for equipment for the Adult Section, as recommended by James Capo- diece, Director of Recreational Services: The Foundation has looked upon this favorably but tabled the request because of the question of whether the Center is presently in compliance with Federal regulations concerning Executive Board Minutes s/16/78 accommodations for the handicapped. The FoundationS asks if there is a problem are provisions being undertaken by the Town to correct the con- f'~ dition, and if not, is there the possibility we may have to suspend op- erations. If, however, no problem exists, the' Foundation would act on the request immediately. The Mayor said he would have Mr. Russell check it. EMERGENCY VEHICLE- KENSINGTON AMBULANCE SERVICE: Our request, as recom- mended by the Kensington Ambulance Service, was for $54,150.00 in order to purchase a vehicle which is considered to be more durable and in com- pliance with federal and state regulations. Th~ Foundation has also tabled this request, saying that would li-ke to meet with Ch'ie:f Scalora at the fire house to Obtain additional information on both the new and present vehicles. They want to ~took into our remarks about compliance with fed- eral and state regulations. Mr. Manning advises he will contact Chief Scalora. BERLIN SAVINGS BANK PROPERTY: Our request was that the Foundation consider razing the building, rough grade'it.and landscape it.at a cost of approx- imately $15,000. The Foundation advises that the it would prefer the Town to undertake the razing and rough grading and at that time it would review a request for landscaping and a bus shelte~ which was suggested by the De- sign Review Committee. The Mayor said the Design Review Committee went to the Foundation with this request Without coming to the Executive Board first. However, the Mayor said he would write to the Foundation asking that they reconsider our request to raze the building with our Town equip- ment to assist with the rough grading. We do flor have"the fUnds for the razing of the building and this is what we need most...we can take care of the rough grading. BEAUTIFICATION OF FARMI~G~0N AVEN~E~: Our 'request was for matching funds of $70,000 to complete this project.' The total cost is expected to be around $140,000. The Foundation advises that it feelS this proposal is beyond the scope of the Foundation. Mayor Powers said that the Beautifi- cation Committee is now,thinking about going ahead with'a pilot project which would be less costly but Still'large'enough so that public opinion can determine whether we should go further, and if there is no interest then it will be abandoned. He said he would write to the Foundation and ask for help with the smaller pilot project. Mayor Powers read a letter from Mr. Fishman of Pension Investment Corpor- ation (see last week's minutes).. Mr. FiShman feels that he can do a good job of saving money for the Town in studying oUr Pension Plan. He already has submitted his hourly fees but now says that after looking at the plan document and our objectives he believes they can come up with a meaningful report including a meeting or two for a maximum fee of $2800. If he sees that the fees exceed this in any way, he will ask permission from us in writing to charge us further. In-addition, they will do the on-going actuarial and consulting-work for $37S per year plus $10 per participant up to SO and SS per participant thereafter. That would come to approxi- mately $127S annually. This on-going annual evaluation is optional on our part. Executive Board Minutes s/1617.s The Mayor said he would be willing to recommend that we hire this firm to study our Pension Plan and see if they can save us some money. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. Lanzoni, it was voted, at the request of Mr. Argazzi, to table this matter of.hiring PensiOn Investment Corporation for one week. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. Lanzoni, it was voted to appoint Mrs. Peter King, 20 Meetinghouse Road, Kensington, to serve on the Mental Health Catchment Area Council of the North Central Regional Mental Health Board to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mrs. Blanche De- laney. Mrs. King will serve until May of 1980. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mayor Powers, it was voted to appoint Deputy Mayor Robert A. Argazzi to the Criminal Justice Supervisory Commit- tee to replace former Deputy Mayor Loren E. Dickinson. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Argazzi, seconded by Mr. Lanzoni, it was voted to approve the job description and the posting of a "Notice of Position Opening" for the vacancy of an Engineering Technician I in the Engineering Department. The vacancy is the result of the resignation of Edward Druzlowski. MOTION CARRIED. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Executive Board then attended the Annual Town Meeting at 8:00 p.m. !e~p~.ct f~l ly~ submitted, Secretary The ADDENDUM:, 17 May 1978 A telephone poll was conducted on this date. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Argazzi, it was voted to allow the Junior Women's Club of Berlin to sell the discarded furniture, pre- viously owned by the Board of Education, at a tag sale on Saturday, 3 June 1978 at the Town Garage. The total proceeds of the sale will be utilized by the Junior Women's Club for the improvement of the KGS Community Center. MOTION CARRIED. ~e[~ct fu[.ly srbmit ted, Secretary