1978/03/07324 Mr. Seelye advised he would like to discuss salaries and wished to present figures ~he had compiled however, Mayor Powers requested Mr. Seelye discuss them with the Executive Board first and then forward them on to the Board of Finance. I Mayor Powers proceeded to discuss the budget requests of the Executive Board for the 1978-79 fiscal year. $500 was added for account #105 Clerical Overtime which !was a new account set up this year. The Copying Machine allows for the purchase oger a five year period. The increase in account #114 Maintenance-Office Equipment reflects an increase in rates as well as equipment not included in the previous year. While discussing the cost of the Pension Plan, Mr. Bernardi suggested the actuaria1 work be done by an independent firm and supplied Mayor Powers with the names of two firms he was familiar with. Mayor Powers said he would definitely look into this. Account #136 City of Middletown indicates a reduction because they had revaluation. Chairman Ward suggested the Town sell this property to Middletown provided we didn~t have to pay a $500 auctioneer's fee. Mayor Powers agreed to look into it. Mrs. Delaney asked if the Mayor had ever considered an advisory committee to th~ Youth and Family Services Director. The Mayor said the thought had never crossed his mind; he would consider it. Account #181 Charter Revision Commission would be mostly for the cost of legal advertising. Mayor Powers will send us a breakdown of Dog Expenses. Chairman Ward also aske, if he would look into the installation of a telephone upstairs in the Meeting Room for emergency purposes; it would connect with the police department dispatcher's d, sk. Briefly touching on salaries of middle management employees, Mayor Powers said ~here must be equity in this. You can't have union employees wages going up and middle management remaining status quo; there must be some separation. When you are in inflation spiral everything has to go up. Chairman Ward said you have to have a moratorium somewhere--they are going out of sight. Mr. Bernardi felt it has to begin on the Federal level. Chairman Ward pointed out if worse comes to worse we w 11 have to cut an employee for each raise granted. When questioned, Mayor Powers reported the employee evaluations are almoSt complete and will be sent along shortly. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 P.M. Respectful~submitted, ~t ~L 1 n~ r~'~ }~s e c r e t a r 'g~n, y MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting March 7, 1978 Members Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. John McIntosh (8:40 , John F. Miller, Robert Dacey Member Absent: Joseph A. Bernardi Others Present: Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Ron Cioffi, reporter-Hartford Meeting was called to order at 8:17 P.M. by Chairman Ward. MINUTES It was moved by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED to approve tt~e minutes of March 2, 1978 meeting. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh CORRESPONDENCE A Revenue Report for the Town from July 1, 1977 through February 28, 1978 was received from the Finance Department. A breakdown of all Town accounts for the period ended February 28, 1978 was rec~ived from the Finance Department. Memo from Mr. Clinton dated March 3, 1978 providing a breakdown of the Fund Balance as of February 28, 1978. Memo from Mr. Clinton dated February 28, 1978 indicating he is of the impressio! following the recent budget hearing with the Water and Sewer Commission, it was decided that the Commission would pay its principal and interest accounts directly to the bank and requests an entry be made and approved by the Board of Finance. Chairman Ward said he was not under the same impression and that the present procedure should remain. Letter from Corporation Counsel Jackaway dated March 3, 1978 advising judgment was entered for the property of Victor M. Salce to be assessed at $21,750 from $26,130 for the readon that the property was not served by a sewer line and was located in a flood plain zone. Letter from Mrs. Jean G. Conway, Supervisor-Director, Public Health Nursing Set% ice, dated February 28, 1978 requesting $200 in Marjorie Moore Funds to purchase a cassette Courant ~oard of Finance 4arch 7, 1978 meeting (cont.) recorder/player and tapes for use at educational meetings. Chairman Ward indicated this Board need not be involved in this matter and he requested Mr. Clinton to advise Mrs. Conway to purchase the recorder/ player and tapes and submit a bill to the Finance Department. However, Dr. McIntosh suggested someone look into the stipulations of the will as he recalls the funds are not be used for recurring items. There is $3,200 in the account. Copy of a letter from Mayor Arthur B. Powers to Nicholas J. DiMaggio, Chairman- Board of Police Commissioners, dated March 3, 1978, advising there are no funds available for an extension telephone in the dispatch area of the Police Department. He suggests the item be requested in the budget. Chairman Ward reread the letter from Mayor Powers dated February 1, 1978 request- ing $100 for his flight ticket to Washington, D.C. to attend the Annual Congressioral City Conference. The Connecticut Conference of Municipalities will pay his hotel accommodations. (see minutes of February 28, 1978) Mr. Miller said he was concerned as to how much more will it cost us however, Mayor Powers advised him this is the only expenditure he will be asking for from the Town for the balance of this year. Chairman Ward sai¢ we have no overall picture of what it is going to cost us and again suggested the annual dues of municipalities include the trips CCM feels are necessary to represent their group. He requested a letter be sent to the Mayor indicating this. Mr. Dacey felt this is a very good point however he feels we have to pay for the immediate expense. Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mr. Miller and VOTED to approve the expenditure of not more than $100 for flight expenses from Hartford to Washington, D.C. from #211 Reimbursable Expenses upon submission of proper vouchers to the Finance Department. IN FAVOR: Mr. Ward, Mr. Dacey, Mr. Miller OPPOSED: Mrs. Delaney, Dr. McIntosh MOTION PASSED TRANSFERS Memo from Mr. Clinton dated February 28, 1978, advising all invoices and encum brances chargeable against the Spruce Brook Industrial Park Fund have been receive~ and paid. He requests the Balance of $1,718.05 be transferred to the General Fund and close the account. Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED to transJ ~r $1,718.05 from the Spruce Brook Industrial Park Fund to the General Fund and close the account. ABSENT: DR. McINtosh Letter from Mr. DiMaggio dated March 2, 1978 requesting a transfer of $5.00 from account #9053 Sirens-Radios-Lights to account 99055 Traffic Equipment to cove] an overexpenditure caused by shipping charges they failed to anticipate. Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED to transfer $5.00 from account #9053 Sirens-Radios-Lights to account ~9055 Traffic Equipment. OPPOSED: Dr. McIntosh TOWN MEETING Letter from Mayor Powers dated March 6, 1978 advising that the Executive Board voted to refer the request of Morgan Seelye for a transfer of $12,000 to account :611 Snow & Ice Removal-Truck Rental to this Board. Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate a sum not to exceed $12,000.00 from the General Fund to account #611 Snow & Ice Removal-Truck Rental. )LD BUSINESS - Cooley property Chairman Ward read a letter from Mayor Powers dated February 21, 1978 advising that the Exedutive Board voted unanimously to ask the Board of Finance to reconsider its position on the appropriation of $2,000 for land surveys, etc. on the Cooley )roperty. The Executive Board felt that the loss of taxes would be more than offset by the availability of this land for recreational purposes for our future generations. (see minutes of January 31, 1978) Mrs. Delaney pointed out this property is indicated as Open Space in the new Town Plan. Chairman Ward said he wouldn't mind bringing in a group of experts to judge how much recreation area we will need. Mr. Miller pointed out we don't know what the Bicentennial Park is going to cost us;I we should get out of these woods before we go any further. As a motion to reconsider the motion made and defeated on January 31, 197~ to appropriate $2,000 from the General Fund to new item ~194 Appraisal of~ Cooley property must be made by one who voted with the prevailing side, the matter was not reconsidered. NEW BUSINESS Chairman Ward suggested before we begin work on the budget requests a decision should be made on salaries of non-union employees. We have a proposal of $200 acrbss the board plus a step if eligible. He said he had been considering junking this ] '~y scale and give everyone a general raise. Mr. Miller said every job has a certain value next iyear maybe the job is worth more; the Executive Board should tell us how much the~ .want to give. Mr. Dacey commented as long as you have inflation the cost of livin is going to go up; I think we should give the $200 or even $300 and go back after ~he budget meeting and come up with a new plan. Dr. McIntosh said we said we would do this last year; he would be in favor of a moratorium on wages and give the $200 cost of living. Mrs. Delaney felt we should hold the line; it has got to stop sometime. Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mr. Miller and VOTED to approve an increase of $200.00 for all non-union town employees plus a step where applicable and leaving those persons presently at Maximum on the same step IN FAVOR: Mr. Ward, Mr. Dacey, Mr. Miller OPPOSED: Mrs. Delaney, Dr. McIntosh MOTION PASSED Mrs. Delaney said we shouldn't have voted on this until we have the evaluations It was agreed this is to establish a salary, if we don't have an evaluation when we go through the budget, we won't put a salary in. The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 P.M. MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE March 9, 1978 Regular Meeting Respectfully submitted, J~dith Lindg~en, secretary Members Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. JOhn McIntosh (8:38 John F. Miller (8:15), Robert Dacey, Joseph A. Bernardi Others Present: Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Thomas Shiel, reporter-The Herald, Ron Cioffi, reporter-Hartford Courant Meeting was called to order at 8:13 P.M. by Chairman Ward. MINUTES It was moved by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. D acey and VOTED to approve tile minutes of March 7, 1978 meeting. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh, Mr. Miller BILL Letter from Mayor Arthur B. Powers, dated March 9, 1978, advising during the blizzard, he authorized the Fire Department to purchase coffee and sandwich materi~ at the 7-Eleven Store for those who spent the night there because their cars were :stranded along with those working in the Kensington Fire Department. He enclosed a copy of a letter from a Field Representative from 7-Eleven Food Stores indicatin~ the bill due is $43.09. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Dacey and VOTED to approve payment of the bill from account #165 Miscellaneous. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Mayor Powers dated March 9, 1978, enclosing a copy of a letter from the Hartford County Soil and Water Conservation District requesting $200 from the Town for services rendered during 1977. NO action was taken pending additional information. Letter from Mayor Powers dated March 9, 1978 enclosing a copy of a letter from Richard Russell, Superintendent of Public Buildings advising he would like to atte an Energy Management Seminar held at Connecticut Light & Power in the spring. As there are no funds available to him, Mayor Powers requests the necessary funds be appropriated. Motion was made by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Dacey and VOTED to approve an exepnse not to exceed $55.00 to allow Mr. Russell to attend the Energy Seminar and upon submission of proper vouchers to the Finance Department payment may be made from account #211 Reimbursable Expenses. ABSENT:DR. MC It was also agreed to instruct the Executive Board to direct Mr. Russell to submit a report to the Executive Board indicating the results of the seminar and to advise the Executive Board there is a balance of $70.00 in the #211 Reimbursable Expenses account for the remainder of the fiscal TRANSFER Memo from Mr. Clinton dated March 9, 1978 indicating the Building Code Board of Appeals is convening to hear an appeal regarding the Florence Cairns property and Mayor Powers requests $50 be allocated to cover the costs of advertising and secretarial duties. :ntosh