1978/02/23318 2 men all day); the bleachers are for Griswold School and Sage Park and to replace; some wooden ones--they seat 50-60 people per bleacher (they now borrow bleachers from the Lion's Club for Griswold School which requires a number of man hours setting t%em up taking them down and delivering them). The Recreation budget request will be heard Tuesday due to the late hour. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~/~ j~ ~,[~//~/~)~;, ....... ~ .... retary / '~MINUT~S BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting February 23, 1978 Members Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. John McIntosh, John F. Miller, Robert Dacey, Joseph A. Bernardi Others Present: Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Morgan Seelye, Director-Water & Sewer Commission; John L. Nuttall, Jr., Manager, Water & Sewer Department; Thomas Shiel, reporter-The Herald; Paul Ohanesian, reporter-Berlin Eagle Meeting was called to order at 8:30 P.M. by Chairman Ward. MINUTES It was moved by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Bernardi and VOTED to approw the minutes of February 16, 1978 meeting. NEW BUSINESS Messrs. Seelye and Nuttall appeared to review the 1978-79 budget request for th, Water & Sewer Department. Mr. Seelye pointed out there is no dollar amount includ~ amount due the Mattabassett District next fiscal year for the capital improvements to the facility as The District is still in the process of preparing reports and having the facility reviewed; they are not in to the engineering yet. Mr. Nuttall pointed out the Water & Sewer Department saved some $12,000 this ye. r between the work he has done on The Mattabassett District and the fact the PUCA report was prepared by him and Mr. Clinton. He asked that the Board of Finance consider this when they look at the blank space in the Manager's salary. He also felt a letter of commendation should be sent to the secretary-bookkeeper for her excellent job in preparing the books this year. Chairman Ward said the Town Auditcr was most pleased with her efforts and he would send a letter. Mr. Seelye advised the only difference between the budget adopted by the Water Sewer Commission and the amount Mr. Clinton figured is the amount to be raised by taxes. He feels there should not be a substantial increase this year in their mill rate; the Town is holding the line so should the Water & Sewer Commission served area. It would seem proper that the Town fund the debt service for the Worthington Ridge project. The Water & Sewer Commission has carried through the past 7-8 years due to revenues from other areas. We have had a relatively low assessment rate from that area. Since we are coming to a shortfall, he went on, we look to the Town for support. This would allow us to keep our mill rate the same. He also suggested the Berlin Street, East Berlin, sewer project (account #3326) be refinanced. It was pointed out while reviewing the budget, a proportionate amount of Mr. Seelye's salary is included in accounts 93106 and #3306. Chairman Ward stated approval should be given by the Board of Finance on a transfer within the Water & Sewer Accounts according to the Charter. Both Mr. Seelye and Mr. Nuttall agreed and stated this is now being done. Chairman Ward asked Mr. Seelye if there are areas in Town where there may not be sufficient water available from the hydrants to fight a fire. He referred to comments made when the Fire Board appeared for their hearing. Mr. Seelye said the possibility exists in the Spruce Brook Industrial Area but primarily in the ar~ as served by the Fire Districts where there are older and smaller lines. However, the cost to change this would be prohibitive. The Water & Sewer Department routinely takes flow and pressure tests on the hydrants. Chairman Ward suggested Mr. Seelye meet with the Fire Board so they may be made aware of the problem areas; and the / Fire Districts should do the same. The meeting was adjourned at 10:27 P.M. _P~spec~f~y submitted, ,/~~ren ' seflret'ary ? d in the