1977/03/17IBoard of Finance ~arch 15, 1977 meeting ~cont.) !$7,100 annually under the previous program. Motion was made by Mr.. ~acey, seconded, by Mrs. Delaney~ and VOTED to appropriate $150.00 from Unappropriated Surplus to the Antirecession Countercyclical Fund. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh OLD BUSINESS Continuing its work in preparation of the 1977-78 budget for ~he Budget Hearing, the Board agreed to delay the grouping of all clerks now in the Union for year. Chairman Ward requeSt&d Mr. Clinto~ contact Bill Roe, Director of Recreation, o determine if the Youth Council budget can be incorporated with the Park and Recreation budget. Mr. Clinton advised the Board that account #3811 Utilities will require a transfer of funds and it was agreed to request Richard Russell, Superintendent of Public Buildings to attend this Board's next meeting. Also, it was agreed to request Mrs. Jean Conway, Supervisor-Public Health Nursing Service to attend the next meeting of this Board to discuss her request fo~ 18 additional clerical hours per week in the 1977-78 fiscal year. The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 P.M. MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting March 17, 1977 Respectfully submitted, th L~n, Secretary Members Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. John McIntosh (8:33] John F. Miller, Robert Dacey, Edmund D. Heffernan Others Present: Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Mrs. Jean Conway~Supervisor, Public Health Numslng Service; William Tara and Ronald Griggs- Nursing Board; Richard Russell, Superintendent-Public Buildings; Paul 0hanesian, reporter~Berlin Eagle Meeting was called to order at 8:04 P.M. by Chairman Ward. MINUTES It was moved by Mr~.Daaey, seconded by Mr. Miller and VOTED to approv the minutes of March 15, 1977 meeting. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh BILLS Bills received from Albert J. Dudzik & Co., Inc. totaling $6,964.00 ~for revie of General Fund, review of Special Fund~ including Town RallComplex, Federal Reve Sharing, CETA; reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenditures =elating to the reprodu of several copies of the Annual Report; final bill for the year ended June 30, 197 for the review of several contracts relatin~ to the construction of the new High School Addition; final billing for the audit of special funds relating to State and Federal funds. There is a balance of $400.00 in account #202 Audit & Accounti Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Dacey and VOTED to appropriate $4,000.00 from the General Fund to account $202 Audit and Accounting; and, TOWN MEETING Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr..Miller and UOTED to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate a sum not to exceed $2,600 from the General Fund to account ~202 Audit and Accounting. CORRESPONDENCE Memo from Mr. Clinton dated March 16, 197~, advising if the present rate of expenditure is maintained, the police departmaent will expend approximately $358,00 · n account #2002 Police Personnel leaving a balance of $10,000.. Letter from Mayor Arthur B. Powers dated Manch 11, 1977 enclosing a copy of last year's inventory of vehicles as completed by Edward Haber, Chief Mechanic. Mayor Powers stated the only changes would be in mileage and the replacement of some of the police vehicles and the sweeper. Copy of a letter from Mayor Powers to Corporation Counsel Harry N. Jackaway, ~e ~tion ~ated March 11, 1977, with reference to the use of funds resulting from the sale )f the old police station. He suggests that HUD be contacted to determine if this ~oney may be used as suggested. Letter from Mayor Powers dated March 11, 1977, enclosing a copy of a letter f~ )m ~illiam Roe, Director of Recreation, regarding the position of Senior Citizens' ervices Director. Mayor Powers urges the Board of Finance give favorable approval ~o Mr. Roe's request to appropriate $2,900 which will allow Madeline Neri to continue ~o run the program. Following discussion, the Board agreed to notify. Mayor Powers that when t~e job of Office Secretary is filled, the clerk should carry out the game duties as are now being performed.. If need be, the job description shoul be amended to include these duties. The Board does not feel the Town has the funds or that the position would receive the support of the townspeop Letter from Mayor Powers, dated March 11, 1977 enclosing a copy of a letter frDm ~organ Seelye, Director of Public Works, in which he requests permission to~attend ~he ~PWA North American Snow Conference to be held in Rochester, New York, April 20~22 k977. Overall expenses are estimated at about $200 which includes the conference ~e, lodging and meals. Following discussion, the Board agreed we cannot affort the expense at this time as the #211 Reimbursable Expenses account is running a severe ~ficit. ~RANSFER Memo from Cominick F, Scerra, Town Treasurer, dated March 14, 1977, requesting he balance in the public Improvement Fund be transferred to the General Fund as th !und is dormant. Motion was made by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Dacey and VOTED to transfe $572.61 from the Public Improvement Fund to the General Fund. IEW BUSINESS Mrs. Conwav appeared as requested, to discuss her request in. the proposed bu~ge ~hat the hours of the Assistant Office Clerk be increased to 18 hours per week. Th!s $oard questioned the necessity of two part-time positions when perhap~ one full-tim, :lerk would fill the need.~ Mrs. Conway explained ske gave'this considerable though' )efore she entered her request; however, the duties and responsibilities are tied t, ~he calendar with most of the work taking place ar~u~d the'first of the month.. he could not get along with one full time position. The two clerks combined would ork 38 hours per week. Some of the duties could be scheduled however, the first en days of the month and the last week of the month the services of both girls are ecessary. She explained there are no fringe benefits for the person who will work 8 hours. Projecting ahead give years, she will want a full time person plus a few :xtra hours depending upon the work load. Concerning her request for a School iealth Aide, Mrs. Conway explained the school clerks have refused to do first aid; .hey do not need the services of a nurse and as Willard and Griswold Schools have t e ighest enrollment, two nurses and the aide will he'work on a rotating schedule ~tween the schools.~ She informed the Board that a course in pharmacology is being scheduled at ~w Britain General Hospital for 16 weeks at a.cost of $62.00. A nurse who has ~orked for the Town eight years has indicated she'would like to attend the course. [rs. Conway further explained the course is being taught by a pharmacist from Mount final Hospital and the class is highly recommended. Motion was made by Mrs, Delaney, seconded by Dr. McIntosh and VOTED to approve the expenditure of $62.00 from account $211 Reimbursable Expenses. Mrs. Conway notified the Board account $1532 Staff Nurses is i~n~ed of dditional funding as the nurses are working so many more hours. She estimated 0% of these visits are reinkbursable. She will advise us of the estimate amount re~ uired. ~OWN MEETING Mr. Russell apDeared as requested to e~plain, his request for additional funds or account $3811 Utilities. Mr. Russell stated~he would like to reduce his reques' rom $12,000 to $10,00~. The price for oil has'increased from 32.9 to 39.9 and lthough he has taken measures to conserve electricity bv reducing lighting in the uildings and the parking lots as well as lowering the temperature, the rates have ncreased. With staff coordination, he reduced the electricity used in the high chool and they may go to a ~er kilowatt hour rate rather than a demand rate. e has requested the Executive Board to notify all department Heads there~wiL1 be .o tampering with the thermostat. This Board suggested a guard be placed over each .hermostat and will pass the suggestion along to the Executive Board. Mr. Russell lac recommended the air conditioning temperature be set at 76 and will send this B copy of his letter'to the Executive Board. The Board requested a breakdown by building of the expenses for heat, lights, elephone for last fiscal year and this fiscal year. Motion was made by Mr. Miller; seconded by Mr. Dacey and VOTED to authori~ the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate $10,000.00 from General Fund to account $3811 Utilities. ~R~p~;~/~, submitted, The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 P.M. ~f~~n, secreta~ ~rd the