1977/01/27MINUTES BOARD OF FIN~LNCE Regular Meeting January 27, 1977 ~embers Present: Thomas W. Ward,Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. John McIntosh (18:30) John F. Miller, Robert Dacey, Edmund D. Heffernan ]thers Present: Gary $. Clinton, Finance Directo~; Morgan Seelye, Director of Public Works; Donald Prue, Superintendent of Highways; Lawrence Graham, Superintendent of Public Grounds and Recreation; Ted Hrubiec, Director of Public Grounds, Joseph Paskiewicz, Deputy Director of Public Works Meeting was called to order at 8:19 P.M. by Chairman Ward. MINUTES Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Heffernan and VOTED approve the minutes of January 25, 1977 as amended. ~ORRESPONDENCE Letter from Francis J. Motyka, Tax Collector, dated January 27, 1977, advisin that the Connecticut State'Tax Department will sponsor a seminar in Norwich on March 15, 16 and 17, 1977 at a cost of $120.00. Motion was made byMrs. ~elane~, secondedb~.~ir~ D~acey and VOTED to approve Mr. Motyka's attendance at the three-day seminar at a cost of $120.00 payable from account #211 Reimbursable Expenses. TRANSFER Messrs. Seelye, Prue, Graham, Raskiewicz and Hrubiec.appaar~.~o explain the snow and ice removal program and specifically Mr. Seelye's request of January 24, 1977 (see minutes of January 25, 1977) f~r an additional $7,.000 for Snow & Ice Eemoval Materials. Chairman ~ard questioned the neceas±ty o~.calling in all the men prior to seven o'clock to clear a couple of inches of snow.' Mr. Prue pointed out if they wait until seven o,clock, the roads are in a jam;they must get ~ut ahe~ of a storm when they are told to e~pe~t 6~8 inches. If the men cDme in at three in the morning, in four hours the town can be done. Polic~.complaints also affect this as Mayor Powers requests trucks~be~sent out i~ the police call and complain oJ slippery conditions. Mr. Hrubiec explained the school lo~s are da~e ~hen the dept~ reaches three inches. He suggested if th~ schoots delayed the opening of school for one hour, as is done in other towns~ some sa~ings would result in the overtime account. It was agreed to send a letter to the Board of Education requesting they consider this matter. Concerning snow and ice ~emoual materials, Mr. Prue noted they now have enough for a storm and a half; they use 15'0-200' tons of sand and salt per storm at an approximate cost of $350 for sand and $1,200 for salt. They are requesting an additional $7,~00 for materials but, of course, will spend only what is necessary. The purchase of salt will be a problem Mr. Seel~e n~ted becaus. the salt stockpile in the state is 'down~ Chairman ~ard~commented that we hear about saving money here and saving money there but no one wants to cut down on ser' Mr. Prue pointed out they must, according to contract, pay the men for three hours overtime when they are called out prior to normal working hours and the foremen ar, included in this overtime as they are working foremen. Motion was made by Mrs.~ Delaney, seconded by.Mr. Uacey and VOTED to transfer $2,000.00 from #210 Contingency to account ~610 Snow & Ice Removal-Materials; and~ TOWN MEETING and Ice Removal ~Materialso The meeting WaS ad~urne~ at 9:50 P.M. Members Present: Others Present: Motion was made by Mr. Heffernan, .secondsd by M~. Dacey and VOTED to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to authorize the expenditure of $5,000.00 from Federal Revenue Sharing funds for Snow MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting 'February 3, 1977 Respectfu!ly'i' submitted, .~dith Lin~gr~n~ secretary Thoma~ W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. John McIntosh (8:25 John F. Miller, Robert Dacey, Edmund D. Heffernan Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Dr. Jack R. Anderson, Superin tendent of Schools; Milton Freeman, Director of Business Operati members of the Board of Education--Mrs. Jeanne Kelly, Chairman; Mrs. Rhea Boscolo, Dr. Barton Bovee, Steven Vandrilla, Mrs. Mary Kreutzer, Anthony Parise; Thomas Shiel, reporter-The Herald; Paul Ohanesian, reporter-Berlin Eagle ices. )ns;