1977/01/04~oard of Finance ]ecember 16, 1976 meeting ~cont.) Motion was made by Mr. Miller, seconded by M_r. Eeffernan and VOTED to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to transfer $157,000.00 from account #5011 School Bonds Retirement to account #5001 School Bonds Interest. Mayor Powers appeared to explain his proposal whereby positions now funded by ~ETA funds, which are necessary to the Town, can be funded under the Title II of ~he Public Works Act which w~ll give us some extra montSs. He listed the followin¢ ~ositions and salaries: CETA and Public Works Director $8,001.00 Finance Clerk 2,901.00 Mayor's Clerk 3,426.00 Custodian 3,568.00 Police Clerk 3,400.00 ~ Fringe Benefits 20% 4,260.00 ir. Miller questioned the basis of the salary for the CETA and-Public Works Direct and Mayor Powers explained ke would work full time and evenings., ~f required; he would be doing the Federal grants and also help ~n the area of personnel. The CET~ money he would be receiving would go ~nto the ~eneral Fund~ The position will car~ a lot of responsibility and the position was placed in Group 20 Step 4. Mrs. Dela~ felt the position would be sounder at Group 20 Step 2 as he shouldn't be given full credit and we do have to consider what we could pick up if there wasn't any Federal money. Chairman Ward stated regardless of what happens with these positions, once these programs cease, I am in no way com~tted to these pos~t~ons. Mrs. Delaney added she voiced the same opinion las% year. Mayor Pow~rspo~n~ed out they will have to ride on their own merits. The F~nance Clerk is in ~roup 3. Mayor's Clerk is in Group 5 Step 2 and following d~scussion, it was agreed to continue the Mayor' clerk under CETA and to include the position of plumDer .under the Public Works gra~ (see minutes of December 2, 1976~. The custodian's salary is according to Union scale; the Police Clerk is in Group 3 Maximum. Mrs. Delaney said she still feels these posit~on~ sSould ~tay under CETA funding. Dr. McIntosh felt there is £nequ~ty between tSe clerks and Mr. Clinton pointed out they are trying to correct this inequity in the salaries and a new salary schedule is being prepared. Following d~scussion, Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded~by~Dr,~McIntosh and VOTED to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town ~eetiRg to appropriate the sum of $25,005.00 from the Anti-recession Countercyclical Fund to fund the following positions: CETA and Public Works Director $7,400.00 Finance Clerk 2,901.00 Plumber 3,568.00 Custodian 3,568.00 Police Clerk 3,400.00 Fringe Benefits 20% 4~168.00 $25,0a5.00 ~otal DLD BUSINESS While discussing the posit~on crRated by th~s Board ~f a clerk to be shared between the Office of the Assessor and the Tax Collector, tt was pointed out the hours were to be 9 A.M.-4 P.M. When the position was created and funds appropriat~ it was the Board's understanding the hours would be tSe nermal hours of Town Hall ~mployees--8:30 A.M.- 4:30 P.M. and it was agreed to advise Mr. Scheyd and Mr. ~otyka that the Board is prepared to adjust the salary to a 30 hour work week if this is the case. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 P.M. Respectfully suSmitted, ~embers Present: Others Present: MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting January 4, 1977 Thomas W. Ward,.Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. ~ohn McIntosh ~8:27), Job_n F. Miller, Robert Dacey, Edmund D. ~effernan Gary S. Clinton, F~nance Director; R~cha~d Russell, Superintender PuDi~c Bu~ld~ngs~ Milton P.. Preeman, D~ector of Bus~ness Operat~ Berlin Schools;~F~ancis J,~ Motyka, Tax C~llector Meeting was called to order at 8:20 p.~. by CAa~rman Ward. r Y ey t OhS- MINUTES BILL It was moved by Mrs. Delaney, seconded, by Mr. Miller and VOTED to approve the minutes of December 16, 1976 meeting. It was moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Heffernan and VOTED to approw for payment bill from Judith Lindgren for secretarial services for the month of December, 1976 in the amount of $234.35 from #201 Board of Finance-Operating. 2ORRESPONDENCE Letter from Richard R. Russell, Superintendent of Public Buildings, dated December 22, 1976, requesting $304.00 be transferred to account $3802 Maintenance ~ersonnel to cover the custodial services at the Youth Center. The Board of Finan¢ Nad approved a transfer of $225.00 on October 5, 1976 to hire a custodian for the Youth Center for one month. On November 18, 1976, members agreed, following a telephone poll, to continue the custodial services until action could be taken at a meeting. A Town Meeting on December 27, 1976 gave approval to fund this positior under the Public Works Title II grant. No action was taken at this time; it was agreed to wait until May or June to determine if a transfer will be necessary. Memo from Mr. Clinton enclosing a copy of a letter from Mayor Arthur B. Powers to William Sager, Chief Counsel, Office of Revenue Sharing, Washington, D.C. dated December 21, 1976, requesting that the new Federal Revenue Sharing regulations which require citizen participation through bueget hearings be waived as our Town ( requires that all budgeted items exceeding $4,000 must be approved by Town Meeting and this applies to the Annual Town Meeting at which the budget is adopted. He requests that the Federal Revenue Sharing budget be adopted through' t~e budget hearing and Annual Town Meeting process and that the provisions in the Charter be utilized concerning Federal Revenue Sharing funds not allocated at the Annual Town Meeting which are over $4,000.00 and for those under $4,000.00 Letter from Morgan Seelye, Director-Public Works Department, requesting a tran~ ~f $2,000 to account ~610 Snow & Ice Removal-Material to avoid a deficit. He explained he has ordered additional sand and salt and cutting blades for the snow Mr. Miller and Dr. McIntosh stated they do not approve overspending in a budgeted item and then the department supervisor requesting ~ transfer of funds. A check of the status of the account shows a sizable balance; therefore, Chairman Ward requested Mr. Clinton to question Mr. Seelye as to the present state of the account. Copy of a letter from Mayor Powers to New Britain Mayor Matthew Av~tabile dated January 4, 1977, advising that after speaking Barry Squillaciote regarding New ~ritain's proposed plan for disposal of solid waste he was assured that~Berlin ~ould be included in any of New Britain's plans regarding a haul-away service. ~owever, in reviewing the bid specifications, there is no provision in the contrac' ~o permit use of the facility by other than the City of New Britain. Copy of a letter from Mayor Powers to Corporation Counsel Harry Jackaway, date~ )ecember 23, 1976, advising that the Town has contracted for a computer~tzed labor relations data service established by the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities and suggesting that he contact Mr. Clinton. Copy of a letter from Mayor Powers to First Selectman J. Peter Mahony of ~romwell, dated December 27, 1976, advising that it will cost approximately $3,500 to repair the Pasco Hill Bridge to allow for passage of passenger cars. He states it would seem plausible that the towns share the cost based on population; Berlin' share would be 62% or $2,275 and Cromwell's share would be 38% or $1,225. Mayor Powers requests the Board of Finance take positive action on allowing the Town to spend $2,275 for the reapir of the Pasco Hill Bridge. During discussion, it was questioned why the sharing of the cost to repair the bridge was based on population and Mr. Clinton was requested to learn the reasoning. Memo from Mr. Clinton, dated December 21, 1976, advising that if the present ~ate of expenditures continues there will be $15,450.08 unexpended in account ~2002 Police Personnel. Letter from Mrs. Jeanne G. Ward, Town Clerk, requesting a transfer of $17.00 ~o account $1112 Service Contract to cover the bill received. Mr. Clinton was requested to determine what machine Mrs. Ward is referring to. barter fer lows. Board of Finance January 4, 1977 meeting (cont.) TRANSFER Letter from Mayor Powers dated January 4, 1R77, enclosing a copy of a letter from Richard Russell, Superintendent of Public Buildings, regarding a request for a transfer of $400 to account %3814 Overtime. Mr. Russell explained the account is exhausted ~ua to calling in employees to start up oil burners and to check on-other matters that are referred to them by Sonitrol. According to thi~ year's contract, the employee must be paid a minimum of three hours wages.- Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr~ Dacey and VOTED to transfer $400.00 from #210 Contingency to account $3814 Overtime. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh ~LD BUSINESS Mr. Freeman presented the Board with a list of new equipment requested for the High School totaling $34,325.00. He advises that thelB~ard of Education ,did not wish to make the decision as to whether this equipment should be purchased in ithe high school bond issue with the Town receiving 50% reimbursement from the State (necessitating Town Meeting action] or if the equipme~t should be requested in ~he Board of Education budget. The final grant will be submitted to the State on February 2. Some merabers wondered if they could justify the calling of another Town Meeting for equipping the High School as there is a point where this has to be stopped. No action was taken at this time. THER BUSINESS Letter from Mayor Powers dated January 4, 1977, ad¥£sing that the Executive Board has voted to fill the vacant position in the Tax Collector's Office at an nnual salary of $6,400--Group 3 Step 4. The position is presently in Group 3 tep 2 of $6,000 per year. Mr. Motyka stated he required an employee who was ifamiliar with date processing, accounting and bookkeeping; based on this reco~muendation, ~the Executive Board agreed'to request approval of the $6,400 figure. Mr. Motyka noted it is difficult to get anyone with qualifications and experience for less money. Board members, in approving this recommendation, noted that although there is a balance in account #244 Assistant Clerk, some additional funds may be necessary before the end of the fiscal year. Mr. Mot~ka pointed out his typewriter is 11 years old and although h4s hoping it will hold together, it may need to be replaced before the new budget into effect. goes The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 P.M. MINUTES BOARD OF~INANCE Regular Me~ting January 6, 1977 RespeTtf~ submitted! ~Lin!~en )~ocr~ary {embers Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. John McIntosh, John F. Miller, Robert Dacey, Edmund D. Heffernan ~thers Present: Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director Meeting was called to order at 8:27 P.M. by Chairman Ward. ~INUTES Motion was made by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED to approve the minutes of January 4, 1977 as corrected as follows: TRANSFER Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Dacey and VOTED to transfer $400.00 from %210 Contingengy to account S3814 Overtime. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh FINANCIAL STATEMENT Cor~plet~ budget breakdown of Town accounts for the period ending December, 1976 was received from the Finance Department. CORRESPONDENCE Memo from./4r. Clinton, dated January 4, 1977, l~ting the .ao~%.of maintaining and operating town vehicles ~accounts }40i/ ~402, #403 and ~$~4] showing projected deficit or excess balances. Copies will he made for Board members.