1976/10/261. Regular Meeting Berlin Town Planning Commission October 26, 1976 at 7:30 pm Members present~ Messrs. Rosso, Baccaro, Stiano, and Piskorski. Also, A~ternate~ Messms. Castiglioni, and Lund sittin~ in for Mr..Hinchliffe. Also, Mr. Seelye, Direvtor of Public Works. 2. Agenda Item I - Planned Industrial Site Plan Review - Lot 20A, Block 83B Polymer - A Borghesi, Builder. Mr. Borghesi presented the following Industrial Site Plan for review - "Polymer Machine Corp. Woodlawn Road, Berlin, Conn.. dated October 19, i976 1"=20' Structural Engr. Allan R. Borghesi." This is for a .45' x 35' addition to the office section of the present building and to be constructed to rear of the present building. The Design Review Committee has reviewed the plans with'the developer~ their letter to the developer was reviewed and developed has complied with all their suggestions with the exception of showing a provision for screening the dumpster, It was Voted on a motion made by Mr. Stiano, seconded by Mr. Baccaro, to approve the plan as submitted subject to providing screening of the dumpster. 3. Agenda Item 2'- Bond Reductlon-~ Deerfield Mano~ - Section 5L:T&M Homes,owner Mr. Waltman of T & M Home~ appeared to sPeak ~for this request.' Mr. Se;lye statec that the present bond is $300,000 and recommended that a reduction of $1~0,500 be given. So voted on a motion made by Mr. Baccaro,seconded by Mr. Piskorskl 4. Discussion on an Agreement between the Town of Berlin and E. Auidi & Sons to finish Deerfield Manor as a result of calling Dalco's bond for this subdivision. The Agreement will assign the surety of the bond in the ~amount of $16,360 from Dalco to E. Aiudi and E. Aiudi will be responsible to see that the subdivision is completed to our satisfaction as ~er the approved plans. This was discussed in detail and it was the consensus of the Commission that before we accept this Agreement we would like to have a written opinion from the Corporation Counsel to the effect that the change in responsible party far the surety of the bond does not in any way jeopardize the position of the Planni Commission or the Town of Berlin. A motion to this effect was made by Mr. Lund, seconded by Mr. Baccaro, and Passe( 5. Agenda Item 4 - Revised Subdivision Plan - Discussion-Spruce Brook Industrial Park - Spruce Brook Assoc., owner. Mr. Richard Gordon and Mr. ~armolinsk appeared to discuss a proposed boundary change between lots 7F and 7E to make the two lots nearer the same size. Lot 7E will become 5.07 acres! and Lot 7F 5.45 acres. 6. Agenda I~em 3 - Revised Subdivision Plan - Discussion - Oxyoke Village George Jarmolinski, surveyor. Mr. Jarmolinsk discussed with us plans to revise Section 9A to correct errors in lot dimensions. 7. Agenda Item 5 .... Revised Subdivision Plan - Discussion - Mountain View, Section 11Dutkiewicz Assoc., owners. Item was not presented for discussion. 8. Request of ABC Film Co. of Mystic Conn. Mr. Dan Patrick of the above firm reviewed with us plans for a Photo Patio to be' built at ~ebster Square Shopping Center "Site Plan - Preliminary Proposal Photo Patio - Webster Square Shopping Center 1"=40' Mr. Patrick stated he has reviewed the proposed plans with the Design Review Committee and their letter to us of October 19 was read and discussed. Mr. Patrick's proposal as submitted inc porates the suggestions of the Design Review Committee. The Plan as proposed was accepted on a motion made by Mr. Lund, seconded by Mr. PiSkorski, with Mr. Stiano opposing the action. 9. Agenda Item 6 - Local Public Works Act Project Approval Mr. Seelye stated that the following projects are under considerationi that we should probably approve them in concept now; and that the individual projects wi] be presented to this Commission for approval before the Federal Grant is request( a. Continuation of theTown Wide Water Service b. Local sewers in fie Wilbur Cross Highway c. Road reconstruction - Norton Road (portion)~ High Road north of Glen St. and a portion near Wine,ell Drive; Lower Lane, entire d. Sage Park e. Beautification and sidewalks - Main St.,Kensg.; Farmington Ave., Percival Ave.(portion) west side of New Britain Road. g. Cromwell Bridge - Berlin St., East Berlin It was voted on a motion made by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Piskorski, that we approve these seven (7) items in concept. 10. Other Business a. Proposed Rte. 191 interchange with Rte 72 for the Sawmill Race Track Mr. Seelye presented a map showing the proposed interchange and it was agreed that we are opposed to this proposal and would like to have more information relative to the impact on Rte 72 and the State's solution for Rte. 9. Mr. Seelye will draft a letter for Mr. Pease's signature. 11. Zoning Referrals The following were discussed but no actions were taken a. David Chase and Frank Beckerman - request of zone change form R15 to Retail Business on Clinic Drive b. Norton Lane - General Commercial ~nd R43 to Light Industry c. Leckowitz - Excavation Permit - Norton Lane 12. The Minutes of the July 13 Meeting were approved on a motion made by Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Piskorski. The Minutes of the September 28 Meeting were approved on a motion made by Piskorski, seconded by Mr. Stiano. .The Minutes of the October 12 Meeting were approved on a motion made by Stiano and seconded by Mr. Piskorski. Meeting adjourned at 10,45 pm. Respectfully submitted, Peter Baccaro, Secretary 1. Regular Meeting Berlin Town Planning Commission, November 9, 1976 at 7,30 Members present, Messrs. Posse and Hinchliffe~ also Alternates, Messrs. Pastuszak sitting in for Mr. Baccaro; and Lurid, sitting in for Mr. Stiano. Also Mr. Seelye, Director of Public Works, and Mr. Howard, Asst. Town Engineer. 2. Mr. Pastuszak was apponted Acting Secretary. 3. Partridge Acres. Mr. A. Gandolfo, representing A. Toma~so & Co. appeared to inform us that A. Tomasso has entered into a contract with the bank, holding the bond for this subdivision, to be responsible for completing the roads, curbs, drainage, and walk where necessary in the Subdivision. He presented a map stating that the only construction change is in reversing the drainage so that it empties into the brook at a different point. This change was made with the approval of the Town Engineering Dept. Mr. Gandolfo stated that the Engineering Dept. will be contacted when the work is completed. 4. Agenda Item 1 - Revised Subdivision Plan Approval - Spruce Glen, Ronald Schrager, Developer - see Minutes of Sept. 28, item 9. Mr. Schrager presented a final plan showing the revised grading plan as approved on Sept. 28. Mr. Seelye stated that the plan was o.k. engineering-wise; recommended that we waive the application fee of $35.00; and recommended approval. Voted on a motion made by Mr. Minchliffe, seconded by Mr. Pastuszak, to waive the application fee. Voted on a motion made by Mr. Pastuszak, seconded by Mr. Hinchliffe, to approve the revised Subdivision Plan. 5. Agenda Item 2 - Final Subdivision Approval - Old Brickyard Lane - Robt.Knaus Developer - see Minutes of Sept. 28, item 7. Mr. Knaus submitted the following Map - "Subdivision Plan - 01d Brickyard Lane, Berlin, Conn., Hewitt Engrg. P.C., dated Sept 3, 197~,Revised Sept. 21 1976, Revised Nov. 9, 1976." 517! Berlin firehouse; swimming pools. He quickly pointed out the swimming pool projec~ may be eliminated because the maintenance costs would be proSibitiv~. Front money is required for the beautification of Farmington Avenue $4,000~ the Town-wide ware] system Phase II ($5,000) and $1,000 for test borings to be made on the bridge for engineering fees in order to submit applications. Mayor Powers pointed out most of the projects wouldn't require any additional money until they are apprl if we get the grant we would be back for additional engineering money. TOWN MEETING Motion was made by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mrs, Delaney and VOTED to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meet~n9 to appropriate $10,0 0.00 from the General Fund to new ~tem #726 Federal Grant Appl~cat/on Fees for all necessary work including engineering fees in order to s~bmit applications for the Local Public Works Capital Development and Investment Act of 1976. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh To insure that the applications are properly completed prior to sul~a~ssion for approval, Mr. Clinton advised there is a private group of consultants who will rev~ the~applications. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Miller and VOTED to transfer $1,500.00 from #210 Contingency to new item ~727 Consulting Serw ces. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 P.M. MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting October 26, 1976 Respectfully submitted, /~udith Lindgr¢~~ ~/Secretary ~ 4embers Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. John McIntosh, John Miller, Robert Dacey, Edmund D. Heffernan ~thers Present: Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; L~ndsey Hansen, ~olf Pro Meeting was called to order at 8:17 P.M. by Chairman Ward. [INUTES Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED to the minutes of October 14, 1976 meeting. ABSTAINED: Dr, McIntosh ~ORRESPONDENCE Letter from Chief Assessor Joseph F. Scheyd dated October 15, 1976 advising ~hey have obtained $14,000 on the original b~ll of $17,592.39 to the Budney ~or personal property tax, with the assistance of Corporation Counsel Jackaway. Letter from Michael N. Kamins, Accounting and Data Processing, Bloomfield, dat~ ~ctober 18, 1976, advising that he has begun to assemble a data center and will ~ontact the Town to discuss the service. Letter from Morgan Seelye, Director-Water & Sewer Commission, dated October 20, ~dvising a PuDlic Hearing has been scheduled concerning the environmental effects ¢ the Belcher Brook Interceptor, the Spruce Brook Interceptor and the Wilbur Cross T~ ~ewer as required by the National Environ/aental Police Act. It will be held on ~ovember 16, 1976 at 7:30 P.M. ~n the Town Hall. Copy of a letter from Mayor Arthur B. Powers to Corporation Counsel Jackaway [ated October 26, 1976, advising that the Board of EDucation has requested the ~uperintendent to obtain an opinion from Attorney Su-Livan concerning a letter fro~ ~. Lattanzio which Mr. Patrick English feels should be public information. ~resident Thomas Marshall says it involved discussion ~f our personnel and would ~ntertain the matter in executive session. Mayor Powers questions whether or not ~h~ Board's action is proper in this matter in that Atty. Jackaway is the Town ~ttorney and that Mr. Sullivan was to be asked opinions by the Board only in ~nique situations. Copy of a memo from Clifford A. Landry, Jr., dated October 19, 1976 regarding IETA policy changes from the State Labor Department. He advises as of October 1, [976 there shall be a one year limit on all CETA partic£pants as to their maximum length of employment in the CETA programs. Anyone currently employed in the progrs ~ust be terminated by September 30, 1977. As of OctoDer 19, 1976 Mr. Landry has no eceived any indication from the State of the dollar allocation for the Town..He ~as been assured full funding for those currently employed, through the month of No 1976 f unk ~=mber, 1976. Board of Finance October 26, 1976 meeting (cont.) Letter from Mr. John Cacciola, Restaurant Inspector re~$t~ p~on tQ attend the New England Food & Drug Officials Assoc~ation conference on Nove~er 3, 4, and 5, 1976 at a cost of $80-$90.00. Motion was made by Mr~ Miller, seconded by Mrs. Dela~ey and VOTED to advise Mr. Cacciola k~ ma~ attend the Confer~ce and upon submission of proper vouchers to the Finance Depar~ent not to exceed S90.00 may receiv reimbursement from account $211 Reimbur~able Expenses. DLD BUSINESS Referring to letter from Mayor Powers dated October 14~ 1976 concerning the proposed increase in salary for Lindsey Hansen, Golf Pro ~see m~nutes of October 1~ ~9761, Mr. Hansen appeared before the Board to discuss the matter in detail. ?ollowing discussion, Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Dacey~and VOTED to deny the request for a $2,000 increase in Mr. Hansen's ~ntract and to sugges~ that any adjustment in budget it~ #1975 Golf Pro De included in the proposed budget for 1977-78 when submitted to th~s Board. The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ry t, MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting November 4, 1976 [embers Present: Hembers Absent: Dthers Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, John F. Miller, Edmund Heffernan Dr. John McIntosh, Robert Dacey Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Edward Haber, Chief Berlin Fi~ Department; Dan Blanchette and IrVing Peplau, members of the Ber Fire Department Meeting was called to order at 8:05 P.M. by Chairman Ward. 4INUTES Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Miller and VOTED to approve the minutes of October 26, 1976 meeting. 3ILL Motion was made by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Heffe~nan and VOTED to approve for payment b~ll from Judith Llndgren ~or secmetarial services for the month of October, 1976 in the amount of $184.35 from #201 Board of Finance-Operating. FINANCIAL STATEMENT Complete budget breakdown of Town accounts for the period ending October, 1976 was received from the Pinance Department. 2ORRESPONDENCE Memo from Mr. Clinton dated Noveraber 2, 1976 enclosing a schedule of payments which the Spruce Brook Industrial Park must pay in taxes over the next twenty year~ at 8% interest. A copy of the schedule will be made for Board members. Letter from Mayor Arthur B. Powers dated October 28, 1976 advising they have ~eceived three requests for tax refunds that total $1,496.58; therefore, he request transfer of $1,500 to account ~164 Tax Refunds. No action was taken at t~is time; Mr. Motyka will apUear before the Boar¢ at its next meeting along w±th Mr. Scheyd to discuss the~%atter of additi assistance and questions regarding the tax refunds will be discussed at time. List of acreage owned by the Town of Berlin totaling 1,588.2 acres was receiv. ~s requested from Joseph Scheyd, Chief Assessor. Copies will be made for Board members. Copy of a memo from Mr. Clinton to Mayor Powers dated October 27, 1976 regard the purchase of telephone equipment. At present the Town pays a monthly fee of $1 hal his ng 1.60