1976/10/14Members Present: )thers Present: REGULAR MEETING October 14, 1976 Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. Jobn McIntosh (.9:33) John F. Miller, Robert Dacey, Edmund D. Heffernan Gary $. Clinton, Finance D~rector; ~ayor Arthur B. Powers; Morgan Seelye, Director of Pubi~c Works riate Meeting was called to order at 8:10 P.M. by Chairman Ward. 4INUTES Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Heffernan and VOTED to approve the minutes of October 6, 1976 meeting. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh iORRESPONDENCE Letter from Corporation Counsel Harry N. Jackaway dated October'5, 1976, eferring to our letter to the Executive Board authoriz%ng a Town'Meeting to appro~ 538,000 for the construction of a road on tbe Tuffak property. (see minutes of September 21, 1976) Atty. Jackaway refers to this Board's request~that the Town be protected in the event of bankruptcy by Universal Specialities. He states the Dnly protection which can be arranged is the protection of the mortgage itself, which is a secured debt under the Bankruptcy Act, and the ToWn would have a first lien on the roadway. He recommends the authorization be amended removing the requirement of protection in the event of bankruptcy. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Dacey and VOTED to amen~ the motion made on September 21, 1976 concerning the construction of a ] road on tke Tuffak property to read: to authorize the Executive Board t9 call a Town Meeting to appropriate $38,000 from Federal Revenue Sharing / for the construction of a road on the southern perimeter of the Tuffak property from Old Brickyard Lane to Universal Specialities subject to th~ submission to the Board of Finance of a guarantee protecting the Town bo- on the pay back over a five year period as stated in letter from Corpora' Counsel gackaway to Mayor powersdated AuguSt 10, 1976 and including the permanent closing of Fairview Place to the land owned by Universal Specialities, it's successors and assigns. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh Attorney Jackaway also indicated it is the intention of the property owner to repa] the Town in quarterly payments over a five-year period, tOgether with interest at the prime rate, securred by a mortgage on the property purchased by Universal; also included is a release from Universal and the r%ght to use Fairview Place. Copy of a letter from Corporation Counsel Jackaway to Nicholas J. DiMaggio, Chairman-Board of Police Commissioners dated October 5, 1976, concerning the Police Revolving Fund, He advises that this charge is not involved in the Freedom of Information Act as it does not involve the furnishing of information to the general public; however, as a grievance has been filed he has requested further action be withheld. Copy of a letter from Mayor Powers to police Cbief.'Robert Skinner dated October 14, 1976 ~n reply to Ckief Sk~nner's letter of October 8 ad=ising that the facilit es in the police department are not being properly maintained.. 'Mayor Powers notes he has discussed the matter with Mr. Russell and it is~apparent 'that~ based upon the fact that CETA custodians are not available, an employee must be hired who will ~evote four hours per day to clean the police department with the balance of his time spent in other areas. Letter from Mayor Powers dated October 14, 1976 advising that the Executive Board has met with Dr. John Kiniry, Chairman of Park & Recreation and Mr. Lindsey Hansen, Golf Pro, to discuss the contract of Mr. Hansen which'expired July 1, 1976. He points out the Town as of July 1 was paying Mr. Hansen an~$8,000 salary along ~ith the net profits of the Pro Shop up to an additional $3,000. The old contract then required the Pro to pay all sums above the $15,000 back 'to the Town; all ~rofits above $23,000 was to be paid to the Pro. Mr. Hansen only exceeded $15,000 )rice. It has been proposed t~at Mr. Hansen's salary be ~ncreased to $10,000 a yea~ allowing him to run the Pro Shop without a payback feature to the Town. During discussion, Mr. Dacey said he would favor lifting the payback feature but not allowing the $2,000 increase, He felt we should not do both in one year but examine the situation in a year. He felt there is no incentive to make more with the payback feature, A motion made to increase Mr. Hansen's salary by $2,000 and to remove the payback featureI did not receive a second. )LD BUSINESS - Public Works Capital Development & Investment Act Mayor Powers and Mr. Seelye appeared to'-discuss, along with Mr. Clinton, the [ seminar Mr. Clinton and Mr. Seelye attended concerning the Public Works ACt. i They advised they were the only persons from Connecticut in attendance therefore all information received should greatly assist Berlin in submitting plans with theI hope of receiving approval. Ma~or Powers listed seven projects for which they wili apply for funding: beautification of Farmington Avenue; Town-wide Water System ~ iPhase II; rebuilding of town roads, construct sanitary sewers, Sage Park development; h ion Berlin firehouse; swimming pools. He quickly pointed out the swimming pool projec~ may be eliminated because the maintenance costs would be proSibitiv~. Front money is required for the beautification of Farmington Avenue $4,000~ the Town-wide ware] system Phase II ($5,000) and $1,000 for test borings to be made on the bridge for engineering fees in order to submit applications. Mayor Powers pointed out most of the projects wouldn't require any additional money until they are apprl if we get the grant we would be back for additional engineering money. TOWN MEETING Motion was made by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mrs, Delaney and VOTED to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meet~n9 to appropriate $10,0 0.00 from the General Fund to new ~tem #726 Federal Grant Appl~cat/on Fees for all necessary work including engineering fees in order to s~bmit applications for the Local Public Works Capital Development and Investment Act of 1976. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh To insure that the applications are properly completed prior to sul~a~ssion for approval, Mr. Clinton advised there is a private group of consultants who will rev~ the~applications. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Miller and VOTED to transfer $1,500.00 from #210 Contingency to new item ~727 Consulting Serw ces. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 P.M. MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting October 26, 1976 Respectfully submitted, /~udith Lindgr¢~~ ~/Secretary ~ 4embers Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. John McIntosh, John Miller, Robert Dacey, Edmund D. Heffernan ~thers Present: Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; L~ndsey Hansen, ~olf Pro Meeting was called to order at 8:17 P.M. by Chairman Ward. [INUTES Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED to the minutes of October 14, 1976 meeting. ABSTAINED: Dr, McIntosh ~ORRESPONDENCE Letter from Chief Assessor Joseph F. Scheyd dated October 15, 1976 advising ~hey have obtained $14,000 on the original b~ll of $17,592.39 to the Budney ~or personal property tax, with the assistance of Corporation Counsel Jackaway. Letter from Michael N. Kamins, Accounting and Data Processing, Bloomfield, dat~ ~ctober 18, 1976, advising that he has begun to assemble a data center and will ~ontact the Town to discuss the service. Letter from Morgan Seelye, Director-Water & Sewer Commission, dated October 20, ~dvising a PuDlic Hearing has been scheduled concerning the environmental effects ¢ the Belcher Brook Interceptor, the Spruce Brook Interceptor and the Wilbur Cross T~ ~ewer as required by the National Environ/aental Police Act. It will be held on ~ovember 16, 1976 at 7:30 P.M. ~n the Town Hall. Copy of a letter from Mayor Arthur B. Powers to Corporation Counsel Jackaway [ated October 26, 1976, advising that the Board of EDucation has requested the ~uperintendent to obtain an opinion from Attorney Su-Livan concerning a letter fro~ ~. Lattanzio which Mr. Patrick English feels should be public information. ~resident Thomas Marshall says it involved discussion ~f our personnel and would ~ntertain the matter in executive session. Mayor Powers questions whether or not ~h~ Board's action is proper in this matter in that Atty. Jackaway is the Town ~ttorney and that Mr. Sullivan was to be asked opinions by the Board only in ~nique situations. Copy of a memo from Clifford A. Landry, Jr., dated October 19, 1976 regarding IETA policy changes from the State Labor Department. He advises as of October 1, [976 there shall be a one year limit on all CETA partic£pants as to their maximum length of employment in the CETA programs. Anyone currently employed in the progrs ~ust be terminated by September 30, 1977. As of OctoDer 19, 1976 Mr. Landry has no eceived any indication from the State of the dollar allocation for the Town..He ~as been assured full funding for those currently employed, through the month of No 1976 f unk ~=mber, 1976.