1976/09/281. Regular Meeting Berlin Town Planning Commission, September 28, 1976 at 7:~0 pm. Members present: Messrs. Rosso, Baccaro, Stiano, Piskorskf, and Mr. Pastuszak, alternate sitting in for Mr. Hinchltffe. Also Mr. Castigltoni,alternate; and Mr. Seelye,Director-of Public Works. 2. Agenda Item 1 - Resubdivision Approval - Lot $1W, Blk. 69, Kensington Road R & K Kristopik, owners. Item was not presented for discussion. 3. Agenda Item 3 - Planned Industrial Site .Plan Approval - Lots 6 & 7, Block 83-B Woodlawn Rd. M. Roder & $. Ferdinand, owners. See Sept. 14 Minutes, Item 6 Messrs. Hirschfeld and Ferdinand appeared and presented the following Plan- "Site Plan - Warehouse for Capital Novelty Co., Woodlawn Road, Berlin Ct., Barry L Berson, Consulting Engr West Hartford, Conn." A letter was received from the developer giving all the inforrra tion required under par. 8:03:01 of the Zoning Regulations. It was noted that the Health Director has not approved, as yet, the sanitary sewer system. A letter, dated Sept. 21, was received from the Design Review Committee as a result of their meeting with the developers and stated mutually agreed upon suggestions. One suggestion of the Design Review Committee was relative to the outside appearance of the cinder block construction - they suggested that stucco be applied to the outside walls. The developers stated concern over the cost of stucco and seemed to be willing to agree to painting the portion of the building facing on Woodlawn Road. A motion was made by Mr. Plskorski, seconded by Mr. Stiano, that we approve the site plan with the following conditions (1) the Health Director approves the proposed sanitary sewer system; and (2) that the developers comply with the suggestions made by the Design Review Committee exceptln~that the application of stucco to the building will not be required; however that the portion of the building facing Woodlawn Road be painted. So voted. 4. Agenda Item 2 - Preliminary and Final Subdivision - Lot 8, Block 2, Club Drive Shuttle Meadow Countr? Club, owner. Messrs. Van Dorn and Stocks, representing the owner, presented a map entitled - "Subdivision Plan showing property owned by the Shuttle Meadow Country Club on Club Drive,Berlin, Ct. dated Aug. 17, 1976, 1"=40', Rev. 9/3/76 H.P. Kendrick." As stated on the map, Mr. Van Dom said that they would like to have lots 14,15, and 16 eliminated and the land to be included in Lot 8, Block 2. Mr. Seelye stated that the map meets all engineering requirements and recommended approval. Preliminary approval was granted on a motion made by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Stiano. Final approval was granted on a motion made by Mr. Stiano, seconded by Mr. Baccaro. $. Agenda Item 4 - Preliminary Subdivision Approval - Mountain View, Sect. 4 Dutktewicz Assoc., owner - Item was not presented for discussion. 6. Agenda Item 5 - Maintenance Bond Release -Red Barn Acres , Mona Clark, Developer Mr. Seelye stated that the expiration date for this bond was Sept. 10, 1976; everything is in good order; and he recommended that the bond be reduced to $-0-. So voted on a motion made by Mr. Plskorskl, seconded by Mr. Stiano. 7. Agenda Item 7 - Preliminary Subdivision Approval - Old Brickyard Lane, Robt. W. Krause Mr. Krause and his engineer, R. Hewitt, appeared and presented the following map - "Site Plan, Old Brickyard Lane Road, Berlin, Conn. Hewitt Engrg. P.C. dated Sept.3,1976, ! "=40'." Property of Elsie G. Holmes to be conveyed to John E. Krause & Sons. This Plan is for a seven lot subdivision in a Zone 7. Utilities will be underground. A letter was received from the Kensington Fire District, dated Sept. 23, 1976, stating that the water and sewer plans as prepared by Hewitt Engrg. are approved. It was agreed that sidewalks should be required, and Mr. Seelye suggested that they be positioned 29 feet in from the center of the road right of way. Preliminary approval was voted on a motion made byMr. Stiano, seconded by Mr. Baccaro, subject to installation of sidewalks. 8. Agenda Item 6 - Subdivision Revision - Longview Acres, Bell City Construction - see item 9, Sept. 14 Minutes. The following map was presented - "Site Plan Longview Acres, Phase I, Hewitt Engrg. P.C. 1"--40', dated July 9, 1976. Messrs. Bergs and Krause of Savage Hill Road whose prgperties abut Girclewood Drive, were in attendance at the meeting, also, because of their concern with the grade of the cut necessary to accommodate sidewalks abutting their properties. As suggested at the Sept. 14 Meeting, the Commission members made a field ~rip to the area under discussion. It was voted on a motion made by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Stiano, that the requirements for sidewalhs be waived for that portion of Circlewood Drive adjoining properties of Messrs. Bergs and Krause. Mr. Piskorski voted nay. It was further voted on a motion made by Mr. Stiano, seconded by Mi. Baccaro, that the right of way adjoining the Bergs and Krause properties be graded to our standard cross section for the full width with the exception that the two existing trees on the Bergs side be protected as necessary; that a dry stone retaining wall be placed along the side line of,the Burgs property and around the two trees; that the road be elevated as shown on the Plan submitted this evening which reflects a 5% approach grade to Savage Hill Road; and that the developer will erect a fence along the top of the retaining wall to the satisfaction of Mr. Bergs. 9. Agenda Item 8 - Revised Drainage Approval - Spruce Glen - Renal Schrager, developer Mr. Schrager presented a plan entitled "Grading Plan for Spruce Glen, owned by Glen, Inc. Spruce Brook Road, Berlin, Ct. 1"--40', dated June 1976, rev. 9-28-76 Kratzert & Jones,Engrs." The map as prepared shows a revised brook location and revised drainage: further suggested changes by Mr. Seelye are also indicated on the map. It was voted on a motion made by Mr. Baccaro, seconded by Mr. Piskorski, to approve the revised drainage and encroachment line as shown on the map along with the suggested revisions made by Mr. Seelye. 10. A referral was received from the Central Conn. Regional Planning Agency relative to the Belcher Brook, Wilbur Cross, and SpruceBrook Interceptor Sewers, dated Sept. 20, 1976. A motion was made by Mr. Piskorskf, seconded by Mr. Pastuszak, to reply favorably to the referral reason being that tt is in accordance with our Town Plan of Development. Mr. Sttano voted nay- for the reason that a portion of the Spruce Brook Interceptor Sewer would be in a Flood Plain Zone. 11. Mention was made of the C.P.P.Z.A. Annual Pall Meeting on October 28. 12. The Minutes of the September 14 Meeting were approved on a motion made by Mr. Stiano, seconded by Mr. Piskorski. 13. Saddle Hill, Section 11 - Item 4, Sept. 14 - Mr. Seelye reported that a proper bond which includes installation of sidewalks has been received. 14. Meeting adjourned at 10:20 pm. Respectfully submitted, ~ecretary Board of Finance ~aptember 21, 1976 meeting (cont.} Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED to authorize Mr. Seelye and Mr. Clinton to attend the seminars and report to this Board when they return. The meeting was adjourned at 10:Q7 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Members Present: Others Present: MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting September 28, 1976 Thomas W. Ward, Jr,, Blanche J, Delaney, Dr. John McIntosh(8:20) John F. Miller, Robert Dacey, Edmund D. Heffernan Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Mrs. Jean Conway, Supervisor- Director, Public Health Nursing Service: Ronald Gr~ggs and ~ill±am Tata members of the Nursing Board; Dr. L.A. Chotkowski, ~ealth D~rector Meeting was called to order at 8:03 P.M. by Chairman Ward. INUTES During discussion of the minutes of September 21, 1976 meeting, concerning he discussion with Mayor Powers and Morgan Seelye regarding Universal Specialties~ it should be noted the Board felt Fairview Place should be legally closed to truck traffic to the land owned by Universal Specialties. Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED to appr¢ the minutes of September 21, 1976 meeting as corrected. ABSENT:Dr.McInto: It was also agreed a copy of the motion made at the September 21, 1976 meetin~ calling for a Town Meeting regarding this matter be forwarded to Corporation Counsel Jackaway. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Mayor Arthur B. Powers dated September 28,~.t976 e~closing a lette ~rom the Penn Central Railroad in which their collection department is billing the Fown for $200 for the use of the sidewalk area under the Seve~ Arches on Kensingto~ Chairman Ward requested a letter be ment to the Mayor referring to his letter of November 6, 1975 and our reply dated November 26, 1975 advising that the Board of Finance desires the lease wit5 Penn Central b~ cancelled as it is no longer needed. Letter from Nicholas J. DiMaggio, Chairman- Board of Police Commissioners, ~ated September 27, 1976 in reply to Chairman Ward's letter ~f September 14, 1976 requesting that he notify the police service users that e~fective~Sunday October 3. 1976 the charge will be $8.00 per hour. (see minutes of September 9, 1976) Zr. DiMaggio suggests Corporation Counsel be contacted prior to any increases as this matter comes under the Freedom of Information Act and the Board of Police ~ommissioners will take appropriate action after hearing from Attorney Jackaway. Chairman Ward requested a letter be sent Attorney Jackaway expressing the opinion that tkis matter does not come..~under the Freedom of Informat~ Act and request Attorney Jackaway forward his opinion to Mr. DiMaggio. Letter from Mr, DiMaggio dated September 27, 1976 ~n reply to Chairman Ward's letter of September 14, 1976 to Chief Skinner regarding the teleuhone Jacks. [s-e minutes of September 9, 1976~ Mr. DiMagg~o advises at the present time in ord~ for a prisoner to make the telephone call he is entitled to, he must enter the offJ area endangering those civilians and other officers ~n the same a~ea. A second ja¢ is needed in the area of the phone system as a person assisting the dispatcher durJ ~n emergency crisis cannot effect~vely answer phones from the Chief's office or an5 )ther office in the Department when all lines are exhausted. Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED~to deny the request for funding for two telephone jacks. OPPOSED: Dr.McInt( as he felt fundswere being spent unnecessarily for the purchase of an immunization gun that will be used for a short period of time. (see OTHER. Letter from William Roe, Director of Recreational Services, concerning the lac )f a custodian at the Youth Center. It was agreed to hold this letter for discussion at the next meeting whe~ Richard Russell , Superintendent of Public Buildings w~ll be present. ~ve Road. on r k ng ,sh TRANSFER of Letter from Mrs. Joanne G. Ward, Town Clerk, dated September 28, 1976, advts~n~ ~ unexpected expenses affecting account #1109 Election Expense~ The estimated cost of printing an explanatory text of the Charter revisions i,s $500. There may be another referendum resulting in printing costs of $200. Also, because of the ~harter revision questions, the ballot will require addlt~onal postage and print~n~ costs; at least 26¢ to mail one ballot and she has applications for 150 thusfar. requiredShe requests for onea transfer week. of $1,Q00 which will include the salary for additional hel~ Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mr, Miller and VOTED to transfez $1,000.00 from #210 Contingency to account #1109 Election Expense. ABSENT:Dr,McIntosh DLD BUSINESS - Finance Department Machine Mr. Clinton presented the Board mer~0ers with a copy of his comprehensive study of the computer applications submitted to the Town. Some tlhne was spent reviewing and questioning various sections of the report. Mr, Clinton recommen~ed~t~e purch, of the NCR 499 system for the purchase cost including freight of $36,665 and $4,00, for additional programming which could be purchased in the next fiscal year, and $4,000 for computer supplies. The machine should be located in the Finance Depart] and the NCR 7200 in the Water & Sewer Department. It was agreed Mr. Clinton shoul~ request the Executive Board to waive the bids in this instance and to contaCt Corp~ Counsel to prepare a legal protection agreement. $35,000 is ~n the Federal Revenu~ Sharing budget for the purchase of a machine. Motion was made by Mr. Heffernan, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED to appropriate $4,000 from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund to Finance Departmen~ machine in the Federal Revenue Sharing budget, Flu Pro~ram Dr. Chotkowski appeared to discuss the plan to offer flu shots to all the peop] in Town. (see minutes of September 21, 1976} He advises that the State has ordere~ Dnly 13 guns for the entire state with funds received from the Federal government ~s there is a waiting period of 30 days, he has ordered and received a gun at a cos Df $1,050. He advised he is planning 8 sessions depending on the response. Mrs. ~onway noted she has reserved McGee School for 2 sessions. Dr. Chotkowski feels at 65% of the people will turn out. There will be a consent form to be signed by eac~ person prior to receiving the shot. He is requesting an additional $950 for salar~ costs either nursing or secretarial. Dr. McIntosH reported volunteer nurses would be willing to assist in this program. However, Dr. Chotkowski felt we should do a professional job; it is a national effort and we should do it right and we can be~ do it with professional help. We tried using volunteers in the polio program but it was absolutely worthless, he determined. When asked if the nurses would have objections to using volunteers, Mrs. Conway commented, we don't like to work a week. It was felt an attempt should be made to get volunteers, set up a training program ~nd. if the program doesn't get off the ground, providing a sincere effort made, a Pack-up plan can be instituted. It was pointed out the pro,ram ~s under ti Health Department of the Town and it should be their responsibility to conduct the Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mr. Miller and VOTED to transfe~ $2,000 from #210 Contingency to new item #15061976 Flu Program. OPPOSED: Dr. McIntosH as he felt we are spending $2,000 for a program that can be administered at no cost. ~ursin~ Service Mrs. Conway reviewed w~tH t~e Board her letter of September 17, 1976 explainin~ the possibility of requiring funds to cover an additional 10 hours monthly for theJ ~lerical Substitute #1542. ~ee m~nutes of September 21, 1976~ She now feels ther~ is no doubt but that they ~lll require the additional funding, $303,.30, which will mllow the clerk to work a total of 3~ hours per month. WHen she was employed undez ~ETA funding, she worked 12-16 hours per week however, Mrs. Conway explained she dj ~ great deal more typing, they revamped their entire filing system and organized t~ )ffice; however, now she will be doing billing only. It was pointed out the Offtc~ ~lerk #1541 works 20 hours per we~k. Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mr. Miller and VOTED to transfe~ $400.00 from #210 Contingency to account #1542 Clerical Substitute, Mrs. Conway then explained their second problem concerning sick time for a nur ~ho will soon be hospitalized for surgery. Mrs. Holmberg has 63 sick days coming Mrs. Conway expects her to be out ten weeks however, ~he is hoping she will only b out eight. They will require a full substitute which necessitates a transfer of $1,400.00 to account #1532 Staff Nurses. The Board members were in accord that they would provide the funds at a later date and to send Mrs. Conway a letter to this effect. DTHER BUSINESS Dr. Chotkowski extended an invitation to the Board members to attend the ~edication of the Bicentennial Park on O~tober 15th at 2 P.M. The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 P.M. ~sp~c~. ~ submitted, ~~, Secretary ration t out Y Y s Le program. d eir e