1976/06/22MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting June 22, 1976 Members Present: ~thers Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, Dr, John McIntosh (8:401 John F. Miller, (B:35~, Robert Dacey, Edmund Heffernan Gary S. Clinton, Finance Director; Anthony Gandolfo, Chairman-Pub .ic Building Commission, Harry N. Sackaway, Corporation Counsel; Jack Scaramozza, Project Manager-Fusco-Amatruda Co., William Roe, Director of Recreational Services, Robert Gunning, Activities Director-Youth Council; Lillian Klotz-Council of Youth; Susan Brown, reporter-Hartford Courant; Richard Covini, New Britain Herald; Leroy Favrow, interested party Meeting was called to order at 8:10 P.M. by Chairman Ward. IINUTES Mr. Clinton requested the wording of the motion to transfer $4,000 from account ~2302 Land Options to the Town's Open Space account be corrected to read; to ~isburse $4,000 from account #2302 Land Options to the Town's Open Space Fund. Concerning the discussion prior to the vote to call a Town Meeting to cover the ltility bills, it should be noted Chairman Ward pointed out thatthe failure of the ~xecutive Board to dispose of the Town buildings prior to the heating season had ~ome bearing on this as heating costs for those buildings were not considered when ~his 3oard appropriated the amount in the utility account. Motion was made by Mrs~ Delaney, seconded by Mr. Heffernan and VOTED to approve the minutes of June 15, 1976 meeting as amended. ABSENT: Dr. McIntDsh Mr. Miller 2ORRESPONDENCE Copy of a letter from Mayor Arthur B. Powers to Albert J. Dudzik, Town Auditor, ~ated June 16, 1976, requesting his advice as to what cQurse the Town should follow .n order to maintain its credit rating and fiscal integrity concerning the matter ~f the outstanding utility bills. Copy of a letter from Richard Gordon, General Partner-The IPA Associates dated rune 10, 1976 concerning Spruce Brook Industrial Park, advising that Spruce Brook ~ssociates is temporarily funding the installation of natural gas in order not to h.)ld ~p the progress of the road. He adds as has been previously discussed, t~e Town.of ~erlin, w~ll at ~ts earliest convenience submit a revised resolution for the constr~c%- ~on of gas service into Spruce Brook Industrial Park along the town constr~cted roa.~, ~s this was the original intention of the part~es. He enclosed a copy of the ~nstallation request and a copy of a check from Spruce Brook Associates dated June .0, 1976 in the amount of $33,540.00 payable to Connecticut Natural Gas Corp. Mr. Miller and Mrs. Delaney pointed out gas service .was not discussed duri .g meetings with this Board. Chairman Ward noted this is only a matter of information and there is money in the fund if the Executive Board decides to put the gas in; he didn't feel it would exceed the budget. IRANSFERS i Letter from MrS. Jean G. Conway, Supervisor-Director Public Health Nursing Serv:ce ~ated June 17, 1976, requesting transfers to balance their salary accounts. Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTE~ to transf~r I $130.00 from account #1538 Staff Nurse #4 to account #1532 Staff Nurse #5. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh and, to transfer $481.00 from account #1534 Staff Nurse ~2 to account ~1531 Supervisor. ABSENT: Dr, McIntosh and, to transfer $130.0~ from account ~1536 Substitute Nurse to account #1535 Staff Nurse ~3. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh t Mr. Clinton requested a transfer of funds to account #215 Postage to cover the ailing of tax bills. Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED to transf, r $250.00 from account ~203 Finance Director, Salary to account #215 Postage. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh Mr. Roe, Mrs. Clotz and Mr. Gunning appeared to request a transfe~ of funds fron ithin the Youth Council budget to cover account ~2702 Special Staff Assistance for he remainder of this fiscal year. Mr. Roe explained they were budgeted for Selden chool where they averaged 30 youngsters; they moved to KGS where the participation rom 100 to 500 youngsters. They figure the cost of Staff Assistance is $42.00 per rep in. Mr. Roe pointed out they will need $1,405 in account ~2702 and $10.00 in .ccount #2705 Telephone which is the charge of moving the phone from Selden School. hey have the funds within their budget bu~ as it would require many transfers, ~airman Ward suggested the money be appropriated from the General Fund. ~anges Board of Finance June 22, 1976 meeting ~cQnt.) Mr. Roe also pointed out they will be short somewher~_aroun~ $2,500 in account ~2703 Police Protection for next year. They have one policeman at every ~rop in and three at dances. Motion was made by M_rs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Heffernan and VOTED to transfer $1,405.00 from the General Fund to account #2703 Special Staff Assistance. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh i and, Motion was made by Mr~ Dacey, seconded by Mr. Heffernan and VOTED to ~ transfer $10.00 from account #2709 Youth Dances to account #2705 Telephon~. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh OWN MEETING / Letter from Patricia A. Casella, Welfare Worker, dated June 22, 1976, requesting ia transfer of funds to account #140 Welfare potnt~ng out if eligibility determinatiDns fare granted from Social Security Administration and State Social Services she will lot use the entire amount. Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate an additional sum of $400.00 from the General Fund to account #140 Welfare. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh TOWN MEETING - BERLIN HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION AND RENOVATION Mr. Gandolfo, Mr. Scaramozza and Attorney Jackaway. appeared to discuss the over-expenditure of funds on the Berlin High School project (see Minutes of June and June 15, 1976). Attorney Jackaway wrote to Mr, Gandolfo on June 16, 1976, after meeting with this Board, requesting an itemized list of the contracts executed after November 19, 1973, the date on which the contract with Fusco-Amatruda was signed, ~nd the amount of~.each contract so that M_r. Gandolfo's claim that Fusco-Amatruda is within their budget can be verified. The letter was mailed to the Town Hall and ~r. Gandolfo did not see the letter until this meeting~ Mr. Scaramozza stated his firm was told they had $7,400,000 to construct and renovate the school and that the contracts were bid and awarded after the time his] firm was engaged. They still have not over-expended their budget. When the changes in the science program came in, they notified Mr. Gandolfo and were given the go ahead. Mr. Gandolfo explained it was at th~s time he appeared before this Board ~September 12, 1974] requesting additional funds and at the same time pointing out a savings can be made in other areas therefore, the Board of Finance voted to apprqve these changes with the funds to be provided from other areas where savings have been made. At no time was Fusco-Amatruda Co.. made aware of the amount of the bond issue ~or were they aware of the fact their fee was not part of the bond issue. Mr. GandolfO stated this was not unusual as they did not want the company spending funds the Building Conuuission had set aside for advertising, etc. He said the Building Commission held Fusco-Amatruda Co. responsible for the contracts t-hey let out and the Building Iommission is responsible for the bookkeeping where they got extras, all the work done at Sage Park for example. Chairman Ward said the Building Commission should ~ave come in and asked for more money; you don't spend the funds until they are appropriated; you just shut the project down and advise the townspeople. Chairman Ward requested Attorney Jackaway to review his opinion of June 9, 1976 and to send this Board a letter if there is any change. Be asked if it would jeopardize the Town if we went to Town Meeting in order to meet the bond issue and Attorney Jackaway stated paying the bills doesn't relieve anyone from any responsi- bility and he urged the Boazd to go. ahead. Following departUre of the guests, Mrs. Delaney notes Mr. Gandolfo had used $8,656,000 as the amount Town Meeting appropriated when the figure should read $8,646,000 therefore, the amount over- expended should read $215,103.42. Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mr.. Heffernan and VOTED to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate an additional amount of $216,000 through the issuing of bonds and notes for the Addition and Renovation of Berlin High School. OPPOSED: Mrs. Delaney, Mr. Miller ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~dith Lindgr~n /~ecretary il/ MINUTES EXECUTIVE BOARD June 22, 1976 The meeting was opened at 1:00 p.m. by Mayor Arthur B. Powers. Mayor Lanzoni was present. ABSENT: Deputy Mayor Dickinson. Deputy Also present were: Ms. Susan Brown, representing the Hartford Courant, Miss Jacqueline FitzGerald, representing the New Britain Herald and Mr. Michael Robinson, an observer. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mayor Powers, it was voted to sign the Tax Rate Bill and Tax Warrant, as submitted by Tax Collector Francis J. Motyka. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mayor Powers, it was voted to ac- cept the minutes of 6/14/76. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mayor Powers, it was voted to sign a Statutory Form Deed to Henry Perzanowski for the property known as the old Town Hall which was sold at Public Auction on 5/22/76 for $2S,000.00. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mayor Powers, it was voted to sign a Warranty Deed to John and Hermina Bolles for the property known as the Selden School which was sold at Public Auction on 5/22/76 for $40,000.00. MOTION CARRIED. The Water and Sewer Commission submitted bids on their Annual Repair Con- tract for the coming fiscal year. In a letter John L. Nuttall, Manager of the Department, he advises that seven local contractors were invited to bid (This is work which must be done by a local contractor in that it is based on 24 hour service) and that only one bid was received. The only bidder was E. Aiudi [ Sons, Inc. at a bid price of $56,520.00. On 6/15/76 the Water and Sewer Commission reviewed the bid and found it to be satisfactory. They recommended that the Executive Board accept the bidder, E. Aiudi ~ Sons. Mayor Powers and Deputy Mayor Lanzoni discussed the matter and Mayor Powers stated that he felt that we should try to find out why no one else bid on this large contract. For the last several years Aiudi has been the only bidder. It was decided not to award the bid until further investigation is made. Mayor Powers said there is no criticism on the part of the Board of the contractor but it is unusual for six bidders not to bid on such a substantial contract. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mayor Powers, it was voted to call a Town Meeting, tentatively for 12 July 1976, for the following: To appropriate a sum not to exceed $3500 from the General fund to Account #1539 Contracted Services (Nurses) (see previous minutes) · ExeCutive Board Minutes 6/22/76 To recommend a transfer of $16,300.00 from account #720 Re- fuse Disposal to Account #5811, Utilities. Any other items which the Board of Finance may recommend. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Powers read a letter from Huntress Electronics regarding the radio maintenance contract. The company advises that it will honor the current maintenance contract with the Town of Berlin for the new fy 1976-77, at the same price as last 7ear $458.34 per month. However, they list new equipment at an add on cost of $175.00 per month.'..totalling $633.34. Mayor Powers said he would recommend the first part of the agreement, but felt we should look further into this new equipment with Edward Haber. There is no criticsm of Huntress Electronics but we should double check. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mayor Powers, it was voted to extend the current maintenance contract with Huntress Electronics for existing equipment,at the same price at last year, $458.34 As far as the add on is concerned (an additional $175.00 per month for new equipment) this will be investigated by the Mayor and Edward Haber. It is deemed in the best interest of the Town not to bid out this item. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mayor Powers, it was voted to hold a · public hearing on the matter of Woodruff Lane, as precipatated by a letter from Mr. Enrico Valtorta. It was further agreed that the following altern- atives would be brought before the people: 1. Abandon that portion (town rig,-of-way) and put a cul- de-sac at the end of Woodruff Lane; 2. Extend Woodruff Lane into Winchell Drive; 3. Leave the situation just as it is. Said public hearing to be held at 7:30 p.m. on 12 July 1976. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Powers said that there are eight employees who are at maximum, some who have been at maximum for more than one year, and a few employees who feel that they are not in the right salary group and wish to be reclassified. Mayor Powers said that the Executive Board, under Section 9-S of the Char- ter, is charged with the responsiblity of administering the pay plan for Town employees. We have the responsibility as well as the authority to re- classify, said the Mayor, if we feel that there have been additional duties and/or responsibilities given the employee, or if it is in the best inter- ~st of the Town to make a change. Of course, the Board of Finance has the final decision, in that they control the finances. But we do have the re- sponsibility and authority to submit our recommendations to the Board of Finance. We must get the approval of the Board of Finance to make a change but the Board of Finance cannot change the group classification of any em- ployee. Executive Board Minutes 6/22/76 I would like to send to each of these employees a copy of his or her job description and ask that the employee advise if there are any changes, then the employee and the Department Head will sit down and the Depart- merit Head will make the necessary recommendation to the Executive Board. The Executive Board will review the recommendation to see if it is proper and if it is it will then be submitted to the Board of Finance. On motion by Mr. Lanozni, seconded by Mayor Powers, it was voted to follow the above described plan for recommending group reclassification for Town employees, in accordance with the Executive Board's authority under the Charter (Section 9-S). MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Powers read an Ordinance prepared by Corporation Counsel regarding tighter controls in Town owned parks. It was agreed that the Ordinance is a good one. There were only one or two areas where changes will have to be made. At the next meeting, a decision will be made on whether to ac- cept the Ordinance and present it to a Town Meeting. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Patricia A. Casella Secretary