1976/06/01 Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Heffernan and VOTED to transfer $68.00 from account #725 Sidewalk Maintenance, Service Contract to account #710 Engineering Supplies. Letter from Mayor Powers, dated May 25, 1976, enclosing a bill from the Reliable Typewriter Company for $69.00 for two manual typewriters for the Registrars of Voters. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Heffernan and VOTED to transfer $69.00 from #210 Contingency to account #1003 Make Voters Expenses and to approve payment of the bill from Reliable Typewriter Company. Letter from Mayor Powers dated May 25, 1976, requesting a transfer of funds to account #112 Advertising-Mayor's Office as they have outstanding b~lls totaling $74.80 for legal notices for Town Meetings keld on April 12 and 19 and May 18 and ~4. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Heffer~an and VOTED to transfer $125.00 from account #124 Accidental Death Insurance (firemen) t~ account #112 Advertising-Mayor. OTHER BUSINESS ' A voucher had been received from the Police Department ~n the amount of $1,0001 from account #2014 Training Schools to be paid to Sgt~ Gerald Charamut for attendance at F.B.I. Academy. A call to the Police Department requesting a breakdown of expenses brought the following explanation: 11 ~.round trips from Berlin to the Academy and back $550.00 two nights in a hotel during this per~od $80.00; special clothing and equipment for use in training programs $100.00; balance of $270 to be used for off- campus activities and miscellaneous expenses. This ks for a three-month period; Sgt. Charamut will leave July 1. Mr. Miller felt this Board should not question ~ how this money is spent as it is an item in the Police Department budget; the time to question the account is during the preparation of the budget. Mrs. Delaney suggested approving half the travel expenses. Chairman Ward pointed out this is an account this Board authorized for training and we should not do any cutting; it's not like the #211 account (Reimbursable Expensesl. Mrs. Delaney noted the account was increased by $1,000 for the 1976-77 f~scal year and Mr. DiMaggio had explained it was to send a man to the Academy. It was agreed to advise Mr. DiMaggio and Chief Skinner that a check could be picked up on July 1 as it will be taken out of the new budget. Meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M. MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting June 1, 1976 Respectfully submitted, JQ~itn LIndgre~ ~cretary Members Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, Dr, John McIntosh, Robert Dacey, Edmund D. Heffernan Member Absent: John F. Miller Others Present: Gary Clinton, Finance Director; Anthony Gandolfo, .Chairman-Public Building Commission; Jack Anderson, Superintendent of Schools; members of the Board of Education: Patrick English, Mrs. Rbea Boscolo, Dr. Rodger Nelson, Steven Vandrilla, Milton Freeman, Administrative Assistant; Claude Paquette; Richard Rutkowski, Gary Laskowski-- interested parties; Jacqueline Fitzgerald, reporter-New Britain Herald; Susan Brown, reporter-Hartford Courant Meeting was called to order at 8:12 P.M. by Chairman Ward. MINUTES Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Heffernan and VOTED to approve the minutes of the May 27, 1976 meeting. BILL It was moved by Dr. McIntosh, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED to approve for payment bill from Judith Lindgren in the amount of $228.10 for secretarial services for the month of May, 1976 from account #201 Board of Finance-Operating. TRANSFER A transfer of funds was requested by the Finance Department to account #1303 Advertising to cover bills on hand. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Dr. McIntosh and VOTED to transfer $100.00 from #210 Contingency to account #1303 Advertising. Board of Finance ~ June 1, 1976 meeting (cont.) TOWN MEETING Letter from Mrs. Jean G. Conway, Supervisor-Director, Public Health Nursing Service, dated May 14, 1976, advising that they are spending approximately $1,200 monthly for Home Health Aides and $500 monthly for Physical Therapy. They are short $350 to meet the April payment and still have May and June to go. She requests a transfer of $3,500. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Dacey and VOTED to authorize the Executive Board to call a Tow~ Meeting to appropriate a sum not to exceed $3,500.00 from the General Fund to account #1539 Contracted Services. CORRESPONDENCE Copy of a letter from Corporation Counsel Harry N. Jackaway to Thomas C. Marshall, President-Board of Education dated May 28, 1976 in response to Mr. ~arshall's letter requesting a clarification of the legal implications of the sale of the Selden School and the disbursement of the proceeds. It is his opinion that the proceeds of the building sale must be kept separate and deposited in the Olive Selsen Fund which is already in existence, and that said money can be invested ~in a savings bank or loaned to the Town of Berlin. Whatever interest is accumulated may be used by the Board of Education for the payment of teachers' salaries, fuel bills and other incidental expenses and for no other purposes, all as set forth in the will. BER/~IN HIGH SCHOOL RENOVATION AND ADDITION Mr. Gandolfo appeared to explain where the budget of $8,646,000.00 approved by a special referendum for the Addition and Renovation of Berlin High School has been exceeded by $205,103.42. He presented a detailed sheet of contractors' bills showing which of the final contracts have exceeded the original contract. He became aware of the over-expenditure about a month and a half ago when they were putting the final figures together to submit to the S~ate for the final grant payment; however, Chairman Ward was made aware of the situation about a week ago. He attributed the increase costs to the architectural changes when the building was opened up for renovation; lack of input to the Statement of Need which required changes in the science area and the home economic rooms; the purchase of an all-r~sk ~nsurance policy to protect the students while the area was under construction; design and research of Sage Park for the purpose of locating the athletic facilities there; and, security to protect the site. He felt the Town has saved in the bidding by phase construction on materials, labor and time However, the Board members felt between the architect and the construction manager there should have been checks and balances and production halted when it appeared they w~uld over-expend the budget. They felt a very expensive lesson has been learned. Mr. Gandolfo felt that for phase construction on an $8.6 million project, it is not much; and we saved a year's time. However, it was commented, we would have had a better handle on it from the beginning if we went with a General Contractor instead of phase construction. It was agreed to obtain an opinion from Corporation Counsel~Jackaway as to the responsibility of the Public Building Commission and Fusco-Amatruda Company and, if the Board of Finance can recommend the calling of a Town Meeting to appropriate funds which have been already spent or committed. The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, /~ecretary MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting June 15, 1976 Members Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. John McIntosh (8:50) John F. Miller, Edmund D. Heffernan Member Absent: Robert Dacey Others Present: Gary Clinton, Finance Director; Nunzio P. Rosso, Chairman-Planning Commission; Corporation Counsel Harry Jackaway; Jacquelfne Fitzgerald, reporter-New Britain Herald; Susan Brown, reporter-Hartford Courant; Gary Laskowski, interested party. Meeting was called to order at 8:35 P.M. by Chairman Ward. MINUTES It was moved by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Heffernan and VOTED to approve the minutes of June 1, 1976 meeting.