1976/02/26~,~ireduction in the budget because the enrollment has continued to drop. Mr. Anderson .... ~ointed out they will reduce the kindergarten classes in September by one-half. Mr. Freeman advised that the Capital items requested total $20,622.50. Chairman Ward reminded the Board of the urgency in approving the high school prior to May. Mrs. Delaney and several Board of Education members~pointed out the school is in a mess with many things to ' be f~nlshed or corrected. Chairm~. Ward suggested the Board of Education members attend the next Public Buildings Commissi( neeting to get some answers; Dr, McIntosh will attend the meeting alsO with the nope of generating a movement to get tSe School completed to the satisfaction and ~pproval of the Board of Education prior to May. The conversation turned to the loose equipment request for the highschool. 4r. Dacey asked if education would suffer if they didn't get the television studio. ~he overwhelming reply was yes it would however, Mr. Anderson pointed out the ~elevision equipment does not have any impact on the photographic equipment. Chai~ ~ard reiterated it would be costly to maintain this type of equipment. Mrs. Bosco] ~eplied that New Britain' has gone four years without requiring service however, ~e should obtain a servi~e contract. Chairman Ward asked how all this equipment would change the end product, the graduating student. Mrs. Boscolo stated it will involve students in the workings of TV ~quipment~ producing plays, woodworking ~nd art classes would be making the sets; plays could be piped into the English ~lasses where the students will be criti~al!y analyzing the work...career oriented ~ducation...it will meet the needs of a lot of youngsters with visual and audio problems; every student exposed to the system would be a better student. Mr. %nderson added when Cable TV arrived within 1%-2 years, one channel~ill be donate~ ~or education and another channel donated for public affairs if we have the equip- nent to work with. Dr. McIntosh pointed out they could purchase tapes and to a limited degree achieve the same effect; the learning process is there; think of it ~s an alternate method to begin with. Mr. Anderson stated for this you must have ~ deck and a monitor @ $2,500 x 10 needed = $25,000 and you would be losing the ~otal physical impaCt. Chairman Ward said there should be some way of~ measuring ~he graduating class in June and the same test given every year to ~udge if the )rogram has benefited and is a success. Mr. Anderson stated no one item will make ~n impact; it is a series of changes that will bring about a measurable increase .n the knowledge of the youngsters...new curriculum, new text books...together ~here will be a snowballing effect over the next few years; it will improve the ~ducation. They plan to test the llth grade in the spring. Lastly it was pointed ~ut if they can order the equipment now it would be ready in September. For nventory purposes all heavy and expensive equipment will be permanently marked nd each department chairman is responsible for maintaining a complete inventory )f equipment in his department. Concerning sick days taken by the teachers, Mr. Anderson reported a low amount )f absenteeism on Fridays and Mondays however, there are certain teachers who foll~ ~ pattern of time off each year. After f~ve consecutive days absent, the Board of ~ducation has the right to have the person examined by the doctor of their choice ~nd the continuing of sick days will be up to the Board, They have docked people !or taking time before a holiday. The Board will consider an incentive plan Mr. ~derson brought up in that the schools will get the sick day money provided :ubstitutes are not needed. The meeting was adjourned at 11:37 P.M. Respectfully submitted, indgr~n Y MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting February 26, 1976 [embers Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, John F. Miller, Dr. Joh~ McIntosh (9:47), Robert Dacey, Edmund Heffernan ,thers Present: Dr. John Kiniry, Chairman-Park and Recreation Commission; Lawrenc Graham, Superintendent of Public Grounds and Recreation; William Roe, Director of Recreational Services; Ted Hrubiec, Director of Public Grounds; Robert A. Gunning, Youth Council Activities Direc Lillian Klotz, member of Youth. Council; Park and Recreation Commi members: George Lubin, Wallace Mierzejewski, Donald G. Bates; Jacqueline Fitzgerald, reporter-New Britain Herald Meeting was called to order at 8:17 P.M. by Chairman Ward. INUTES It was moved by Dr. McIntosh, seconded by Mr. Heffernan and VOTED to approve th ~inutes of February 24, 1976 meeting. iORRESPONDENCE Copy of a letter from Albert J. Dudzik, Jr., Town Auditor, dated February 17, 976 to James H. Godfrey, Chairman-Water & Sewer Commission, enclosing the Public man o Dr; ~sion ~oard of Finance 'ehruary 26, 1976 meeting (cont.) tilities Annual Report for the year ended June 30, 1975 Copy of a letter from .Dominick F. Scerra, Town Treasure~, da~ed ~ebruary 19, o Thomas.Marshall, Chairman-Board of Education po/nting o~t~he necessity for ~xpediency i~ rmaking application to the State. for t~e final 'grant on'the construct )f the high school addition and .renovation. In order ~or th~;Town' to ~rec~ive the ~rant of approximately $1,080,000 prior to the maturity dat~'of August 18, 1976, tt is necessary to make application by May 1, 1976. If this g=ant is not received )rior to the Maturity date, the notes must be renewed for 'an'additional $1,080,~00 ~t a considerable .cost of'interest. He feels some understanding between the Board )f Education and the Public Building Commission can be arrived at to expedite :he processing of the.f~n~l grant. Copy of a letter from Mayor Arthur B. Powers to The E.~ W. Mi'ldrum Insurance kgency dated February 19, 1976, advising that the Town has no intention of paying ~he $787.00 finance charge as he was advised by Marshall Warren of the Travelers ~hat when the Town paid the premium in full, the finance charge would be eliminate~ Letter from Mayor Powers, dated February 19, 1976, advising that the 1976-77 .ues for the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities will be $1,661.00. Letter from Sgt. Gerald R. Charamut-Berlin Police Department, dated February .8, 1976, advising that the billing forms for extra duty work have been received ~nd requesting the date on which to implement this policy.(seeminutes of January 27 It was agreed to not~fy Sgt, Charamut the new billing system will comraence July 1, 1976 and suggest to h/m that he.instruct all the officers at a meeting called for this purpose as to how the system will operate. ?RANSFERS Memo from Mrs. Jean Conway, Supervisor-Public Health Nursing Service, dated ~ebruary 20, 1976, requesting a transfer of funds to accou~nt %1504 TESTING Material ~s the total cost of the Senior Citizens Flu Clinic was $103.20.: - Motion was made by Dr. McIntosh, seconded by Mr. Dacey and VOTED to transfer $3.20 from #210 Contingency to account #1504 Testing Materials. ~OWN MEETING - Belcher Brook Interceptor chairman ward reread a letter from Morgan Seelye, D~rectoz~Water & Sewer ~on~aisslon, dated N~vemher 24, 1975~ advising that the Water &'Sewerl Commission zoted to proceed with the design and construction of the Belcher Brook Interceptor, ~ilbur Cross Trunk and Spruce Brook Interceptor Sewers based on the fact the 2onnecticut Department of Environmental Protection has ordered the construction )f these sewers to abate pollution and potential po-lution. The State has required zhat design be accomplished by June 1976 if we wish to remain eligible for the ]rant. The total cost is estimated at $3,100,000; $2,230,00D will be eligible ~or 90% Federal and State funding and $870,000 of the costs will be ineligible. Th iotal Town contribution will be $1,093,000 representing the ineligible costs plus 0% of the eligible. The ineligible costs are for local sewems and much will be cecovered through assessments of benefits and/or connection charges in lieu of ~ssessments. It is recommended at least 50% of the total costs be appropriated to allow !or the usual delays in? reimbursement. Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by M-~s. Delaney and VOTED to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting tc appropriate an amount not to exceed $1,550,000.00 through the issuance of bonds and notes for the construction of Belcher Brook Interceptor, Wilbur Cross Trunk and Spruce Brook Interceptor Sewers including engineering fees, administrative costs and rights of way expenditures according to a map dated May 1975 from Cahn Engineers, Inc, entitled ~Eligibility Map Belcher Brook, Wilbur Cross and Spruce Brook Interceptors. Expenditures from this appropriation other than those necessary to develop final plans will not be allowed until Federal and State funding has been approved. OPPOSED: Mr. Miller as he felt we are overcommitting the Town at this time. Chairman Ward stated this will never happen; we want to protect the project by committing Federal funds. ?OWN MEETING - Media Center The Board reviewed the Educational Media Center Proposal submitted by Jeffrey ~eyne~Media Director and Mrs. Mia McMahon High School Librarian totaling $284,940 :overing 20,000 books, audio-visual software, micro-form, second year acquisitions ~larm systems; book check system and micro-form equipment. Mrs. Delaney pointed )ut that during the Board's tour of the Media Center, Mr. Wayne informed them :his would be a two-year project; with this in mind, Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mrs. Delan~y, and VOTED to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate a sum not to exceed $200,000.00 through the issuance of bonds and notes to equip the Media Center according to Educational Media Center Proposal dated November 24, 1975. 976 )n 1976 f.78 BUSINES~ ~ MeSSrs. Roe and Gunning reviewed the 1976-77 budget request for the Youth Council. The amount requested for account #2702 is $7,666 which now includes the Community ~enter drop-ins and increased participation at McGee and the Higk School and extra ~rop-lns for the surmner. Account #2712 Glass Recycling should indicate $2,000 for ithe 1976-77 fiscal year. Mr. Graham reviewed the budget request for the Golf Course highlighting the areas which an increase is requested. He pointed out the Golf Pro would like an iadjustment in his contract but they have not discussed anything definite. Dr. Kin~ry ~dvised that the concessionaire wants to come back but his contract has nc~c as yet. een negotiated. Chairman Ward relayed to Dr. Kiniry the conversation Chis Board ad with Richard Russell, Superintendent of Public Buildings on January 22, t976 ~n which it was recommended the cost of utilities in the snack ba~ area be.paid byi ~he lessee. Dr. Kiniry said he did not see any problem and he would contact Mr. ~ussell to determine if a separate meter is to be installed in this area. Mr. ~raham advised that the Park & Recreation Commission has voted to close down the lubhouse in December and reopen in the spring in an effort to reduce Utility costt. hey are requesting $2,000 for Police Protection at the course because of the Lncrease in damage and vandalism. Mr. Roe submitted a detailed explanation of the budget request for Recreationa~ ;ervices. He pointed out the increase in wages for both Junior and~Adult Programs: indicates expansion of existing programs due to popularity with the implementation )f a few new programs. Mr. Dacey wondered.if we weren't getting too ambitious, :oo progressive; are we spending too much money? Mr. Roe stated if the participation trops to a certain level, the program is dropped; he figures these programs are :aking the place of additional police; the kids are really enjoying the programs. it was agreed account #1909 should be entitled Office Supplies and ReCorder phone instead of telephone as it appears to he misleading. Dr. Kiniry explained their ~equest for a new item Tackle Football.. The Park & Recreation Commission was ~pproached with the plan to implement midget tackle football; the group promoting :he plan will raise $7,500 if the Town would pay $2,500; it's a one-time expense. )r. Kiniry and some members of the Board of Finance expressed.their disapproval )f the program noting many articles have been written pointing out the youngsters .nvolved in this program are too young. Concerning the capital request for a two-way :adio, Chairman Ward requested Mr. Roe to check with Ed Haber at the 'Town Garage ~s to the condition of the radios in the police cruisers being replaced and advise :his Board. Dr. Kiniry advised the Board that they were requested to lea~e. %he salary ~ccounts blank in their request for the next fiscal~year. He pointed out that :he position of Director of Public Grounds with the many areas of responsibility a~d len under him and the position of Director of Recreation with 180 people'Under him| ~nd the responsibility of the programs relating to the townspeople~should be :onsidered in the same category as that of Youth Counselor. Do what you want with! :he capital items but give them what they deserve, Dr. Kiniry stated. I don't wan~ :o be confronted with the task of replacing any of these men, he added. Chairman lard notes we have corrected areas where necessary however, we have tried'~te hold | ~alaries down; we cannot satisfy everyone. He added, perhaps there is a similarit~ in :he positions; there has been a tremendous improvement in the grounds and the · ecreational services. )THER BUSINESS Dr. McIntosh reported his meeting with the Public Building Commission concernir~g ~he condition of the High School (s-e minutes of February 24, 1976] was cooperative~ ~nd interesting. He was told within two weeks the building should be in the position :hat it could be accepted; it is functional except the music room where tile lust be replaced and some work to be done in.the girl's shower room. Mr. Gandolfo,! lhairman of the commission, stated everytime the Board of Education was told an are~ ,ould be completed it was done on time. The feeling was that if the State will pic .p 50% of the total cost of the proj. ect perhaps the Board of Education wants to ' nclude the cost of the land purchase for the athletic fields and this is the reaso~ or holding up acceptance of the building. The meeting was adjourned at 11:22 P.M. embers Present: thers Present: MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting March 2, 1976 Respectfully submitted, ~dith Lindg~en ecretary Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. John McIntosh, John Miller, Robert Dacey, Edmund Heffernan Karl A. Mandl, Sr., Finance Director; Susan Brown, reporter- Hartford Courant Meeting was called to order at 8:07 P.M. by Chairman Ward.