1976/01/20 Miller felt he would like to know what we are committing the townspeople to in 5pproving all these projects. was agreed to postpone any decision until the next meeting scheduled for Tuesda~ ~t ~anuary 20, 1976. ~OWN MEETING AT the previous meeting, Board members ~eceiveda copy of the second assessment Notice and the assessment plan for the proposed sanitary sewer, pumping station and force main proposed for tke east end of Berlin Street. Mr. Seelye explained ti sewer system was requested by two of the three property owners, Stan Chem, Inc. and Eugene O. Baron, and a public hea~ing was held on November 18, 1975 at which time no one appeared in opposition. He added, until the assessment payments are receiv~ the Water & Sewer Commission, not the general fund, will cover construction costs as the project is for local benefit only. Following discussion and the departure of the guests, Motion was made by Mr. Miller, seconded by Dr, McIntosh and VOTED to requ~ the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate an amount not t¢ exceed $27,700 through the issuing of bonds and notes for the constructior of sanitary sewers in a portion of Berlin Street East Berlin from the Cromwell town line westerly to the Mattabassett trunk l~ne known as project WS-36. The meeting was adjourned at 11:03 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~ecretary MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting January 20, 1976 Zembers Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, John F. Miller (8:21] Dr. John McIntosh 08:35), Robert Dacey, Edmund ~effernan Dthers Present~ Karl A. Mandl, Sr., Finance Director; Edward McKeon, reporter- Hartford Times. Meeting was called to order at 8:16 P.M. by Chairman Ward. ~INUTES It was moved by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mrs. ~elaney and VOTED to approve the minutes of January 15, 1976 meeting as amended, ~ORRESPONDENCE Letter from Mayor Arthur B. Powers, dated January 19, 1976, requesting this ~oard allow the pu-chase of a rebuilt time clock at a price of $160.00 f~r use in :he Town Garage. He advised that the expenditure would come from account ~506 ~upplies and Tools. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Dacey and VOTED to appro~ the purchase of a rebuilt time clock for the Town Garage from account #50f Supplies and Tools. ABSENT: Dr, McIntosh Letter from Nicholas J. DiMaggio, Chairman-Board of Police Commissioners, dat~ January 14, 1976, in reply to Chairman Ward's letter of January 11, 1976, advising ~he purchase of two vehicles was made without trade-ins as Mayor Powers requested ~he old vehicles be turned over to him for reassignment to other town agencies. ~he trade-in value would have been approximately $550 each. Mr. DiMaggio pointed ~he three vehicles were not put to bid at the same time since there were areas in ~he specifications for the emergency wagon which required clarification. There ar !egulations mandated ~y the Emergency Medical Service governing ambulance type vehi It was agreed to request Mayor Powers advise tk~s Board of the whereabouts of the two vehicles being replaced specifically, if they will replace two already assigned to departments or if they would be two additional vehicle Letter from Nicholas J. DiMagglo, Chairman-Board of Police Commissioners, date 'anuary 14, 1976, in reply to Chairman Ward's letters of November 26, 1975 and Janu 1, 1976, enclosing a copy of a summary of the status of the six cases referred to bill previously presented by Siegel, O'Connor & Kainen. Letter from Mayor Powers, dated January 20, 1976, referring to Chairman Ward's stter of January 16, 1976, listing the five fibs received and the costs for the ~lring and installation of the Stand-by Generator, However, as Mayor Powers did no ndicate what the low bid of $1,980 consists of~ it was agreed to seek additional nformation from Edward Haber. st ."les. ~ry in oard of Finance anuar~0, 1976 meeting (cont.) Letter from Mayor Powers, dated January 20, 1976, advising that i-n the Fire Board budget for fiscal 1976-77 is an item "East Berlin~Sewer Assessment" ~2,269.54 and another item "Berlin Water Assessment" $1,722.50. He realizes that ~he Water and Sewer Commission operates independently and-must keep its books )&lanced but he feels that Fire Departments and other Town-owned facilities should ~ot be ckarged for water and sewer assessments and requests the comments from this ~oard. He further adde tkat tke Executive Board voted to make the pumper requestedi ~or the Kensington Fire Department a priority item under Federal Revenue Sharing. If, however; funds were not available, t~e Executive Board~co~mends the Board of ?inance give prime consideration to the purchase of the pumper if funds are availa~ ~fter the total budget for tke community has been considered. FRANSFERS Letter from John L. Nuttall, Jr., Manager, Water & Sewer Commission, dated )ecember 15, 1975, enclosing a sewer main assessment invoice for properties owned ~y the Town in East Berlin, specifically, park land and school property. He point~ ~ut this assessment was levied in 1973 and to date nothin~ has been paid on the ,rincipal. The total assessment, compiled as follows, Lot 14, block 148 $ 7,931.00 12, 148 6,316.00 22, 145 18,240.50 $32,487.50 ~as been broken down into eight installments due over a seven year period. The installment due is $4,060.99 and the interest due is $1,866.11. As $1,625.00 was appropriated for the 1975~76 fiscal year for ~he intere~ payment, Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by /gr. Dacey and VOTED to transfer $242.00 from ~210 Contingency to account ~4122 Water and Sewer Commission. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh As $3,000.00 was appropriated for the 1975-76 fiscal year for redemption of debt, Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Dacey and VOTED to transfer $1,061.00 from ~210 Contingency to account #4074 Water and Sewer Commission. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh and Respectfully submitted, ~/udith Lind~en ~$ecretary The meeting was adjourned at 9:17 P.M. MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting January 22, 1976 ~embers Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche ~. Delaney, Dr. John McIntosh (8:40) John F. Miller, Robert Dacey, Edmund Heffernan ~thers Present: Karl A. Mandl, Sr., Finance Director; Francis J. Motyka, Tax Collector; Joseph Scheyd, Chief Assessor; Richard R. Russell, Superintendent-Public Buildings Meeting was called to order at 8:13 P.M. by Chairman Ward. ~INUTES ~ Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED toappprove t ninutes of January 20, 1976 meeting. ~ORRESPONDENCE Letter from Francis J. Motyka, Tax Collector dated January 21, 1976 requestingI ~pproval to attend a t~ree-day seminar sponsored by the Tax Collectors AssociationI Df Connecticut in accordance with Public Act 12-2. He figures the cost to be $ Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Miller and VOTED to approve his request with reimbursement from account #211 Reimbursable Expenses with the submission of proper vouchers to the Finance Department not to exceed $96.00. Letter from Morgan Seelye, Director of PUblic Works Department dated January 22, 1976, requesting a transfer of $2,000 to account #610 Snow and Ice Removal-Materials and a transfer of $2,000 to account #612 Snow and Ice Removal-Overtime. He estimates ~pproximately $4,000 worth of additional salt and sand will have to purchased. I 5owever, in account #612 Snow and Ice Removal~Overtime an additional transfer may ~e necessary.