1975/05/15the Board of Finance to consider an increase of $454,000 not including negotiations. ~e added, they don't expect to get what they asked for; tSey hoped for a $i00,000 ireduction which will encable them to do almost everything. They would like to add I a new clerk typist for the special services man and they cannot make do with only three custodians for the new high school addition. Mr. Anderson added they did nog /inflate the figures; they didn't use that approach. If they can hold.T_he cuts to ~100,000 they will have to dilute the programs somewhat but they will manage. ~hairman Ward stated some of the budget figures have been estimated on the high ~ide therefore they should start on the~critical areas and when figumes come in forI ~uel oil and materials continue with other programs. Mr. Dacey and Mr. Barbera ~tated they would not move from a total $400,000 increase including the $78,000 savings from the closing of Kensington Grammar School but not including negotiation 4r. Vandrilla requested the Board of Education be allowed todiscuss this and retur ~ith their comments. After a few minutes, they returned to advise that with $400,0 ~hey would be shy funds for a priority position---that of D/rector of Curriculum. ~hey request an additional $20,000 with the guarantee they will use it for this )osition. If this is granted, they will settle tonight and will sell the budget to :he Town. Mr. Anderson added, this position is critical and ~f they cut other area they cannot justify putting on this person. He feels the position will make a significant improvement in the several areas such as looking into obtaining grants from the State; organizing and maintaining staff evaluations, etc. He also pointe out new rules and regulations will be in force at all schools and if these are not carried out he will go to the principal and start there. Atty. MarshaLl pointed ou this position is desired by some Board of Finance members and he urged they agree t the additional $20,000. Following departure of the Board of Education and the Superintendent; Motion was made by Mr..Dacey, seconded by Mr. Barbera and VOTED to grant ~ Board of Education an ~ncrease over last year of $322,000 including Federa Revenue Sharing but not including any salary negotiations with clerks, custodians or teachers. IN FAVOR: Mr. Ward, Mrs. ~elaney, Mr. Miller, Mr. Dacey, Mr. Barbera OPPOSED: Dr. McIntosh as he feels it is too much money Concerning the request for a Purchasing and Personnel Agent, Mr. Barbera reques the position be discussed at a future meeting when the budget is finished, chairma ~ard thought it had been talked to death but agreed to honor Mr, Barbera's request. The meeting was adjourned at 10:32 P.M. Respectfully submitted, MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Special Meeting May 15, 1975 [embers Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. John McIntosh, John M~ller, Robert Dacey 4ember Absent: Jack J.'Barbera )thers Present: Karl A. Mandl, Sr., Finance Director; Jacqueline. Fitzgerald., reporter-New Britain Herald; Susan Brown, reporter-Hartford Cour Meeting was called to order at 8:30 P.M. by Chairman Ward. {INUTES Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Dacey and VOTED to approve the linutes of May 8, 1975 meeting. IORRESPONDENCE Copy of a letter from George Skene, secretary-Four Volunteer Fire Departments, :o Karl A. Mandl, Sr., Finance Director, concerning the method by ~hich vouchers ~re paid from account #211 Reimbursable Expenses. Chairman Ward will review bills ~ubmitted for payment from this account. Letter from John F. Scott, 76 Harvest Hill Road, Kensington, expressing appre- :iation to the Board of Finance for their work in preparing tSe budget and for not [ranting additional monies to the Board of Education. He went on to offer his ~ssistance, if desired, to the proposed PUrchasing and Personnel Agent citing his ~xperience in both fields. ed it ~oard of Finance 15, 1975 meeting ~cont.) Letter from Morgan Seelye, Director-Water and Sewer.Commlssion dated May 13, .975, advising that the Water & Sewer Commission ~tll hold a public hearing on the ~nvironmental effects of the Berlin Interceptor Sewer on June 17, 1975. He enclose copy of the Notice of Public Hearing. Copy of a letter fmom John L. Nuttall, Jr., Manager-Water and Sewer Department of a meeting of the Town's representatives to The Mattabasse~t District, .nd the Executive Board of the District on Monday June 2, 1975 in the Town Hall at 30 P.M. to discuss pending matters concerning the metered charges from the Copy of the minutes of a Special Meeting of the Central Connecticut-Regional for Solid Wa[er Management on February 26, 1975. Chairman Ward pointed )ut at this meeting a motion was passed stating the CCRA should refund approximatel~ 140,000 to each of its. constituent municipalities when.~%he CCRA .certificate of ~osit matures on May 24, 1975. The exact amount to be refunded at that time is ;ubject to review by the Chairman to determine .the exact refund amount at that tim~ .n relationship to known costs and funding available. Copy of a letter from Joseph F~. Scheyd, Chairman-Board of Assessors, dated Ma5 i, 1975 to Mayor Arthur~B. Powers, enclosing a copy of an offer to purchase the o1~ ph equipment which is located in the old Town Hal~l. He advises that Irv Connecticut Zone Manager of Addressograph Multigraph made two verbal offers Dne for $200.00 as stated in Mr. Krantz' letter and another of $250.00 which would include the storage cabinets. Mr. LeClair of the clearing hOuSe in Wethersfield )ffered verbally $125.00. Letter from Eugene Devlin, Librarian'The Peck M~oriai-L~brary, dated April ~8, 1975, enclosing.a copy of the statement of need sent to Mr, Anthony Gandolfo, ~hairman-Public Building Commission. Mr. Devlin then listed sixteen general )bjectives of the library. In his letter to Mr, ~andolfo. he explained that their ~xecutive Board has concluded the time has again come to consider the need for space. He outlined the minimum standards as set ~ the Connecticut ~tate Library as based on a projected 20 year need. He requested the assistance )f the Public Building Commission and their recommendations. Cipies will be made ~or Board members. Letter from James H. Godfrey, Chairman-Water & Sewer Commiss~ion, dated April !5 1975, requesting $1,356,500 be appropriated as 50% of the estimated costs of ~he Berlin Interceptor and Force Main. He pointed out the fede_r~al and state contri will be 90% of all costs except land, the Town's share will be 10% of the co ~lus 100% of land and right of way costs, He enclosed a c~py of a sketch showing th route. The latest estimate of costs shows the total cost to be ~2,713,000.00. He advised that it is required that the Town appropriate funds for ~t least one half of the total estimated cost to allow for payments t~'contractors in anticipation of reimbursements by the state and federal governments-. He request ~he Town Meeting to consider this appropriation be held before the'end.of the schoo ~alendar, June 19, because of the anticipated public interest. Copies of Mr. Godf~ letter and the sketch will be made for Board members. FRAIqSFERS Mr. Mandl advised of several accounts requiring additional funds to cover thi~ ~iscal year. Some transfers will require Town ~eet~ng action. Motion was made by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr, Dace~ and VOTED to transfer $800.00 from #210 Continger~cy to account #2041~Traffic signs, signals and markers to cover bills for Connecticut Light & Power Comps charges unpaid and estimated for May and June. Letter from Mayor Arthur B. Powers, dated April 21, 1975, noting he has been by Chief Mechanic EdWard Haber that several of his accounts .are short listi main reason as price increases. Mr. Miller will look into an explanation for increase in bills for accounts #401 Town-Gas & Oil and ~405 School-Gas & Oil. letter dated May 5, 1975 was received from Mayor Powers updating the amount the transfers requested. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Miller and VOTED to transfer $600.00 from #210 Contingency to account #402 Town-Tires. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Miller and VOTED to transfer $650.00 from #210 Contingency to account #404 Town-Contractual Service. ~OWN MEETING The following transfers of funds will require action by a Town Meeting: Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mr. Miller and VOTED to authorize the Executive Board to call a Tow~ Meeting to appropriate the sum of $8,000 from the General Fund to account #121 Insurance-Lif, Hospital (employees~. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Dacey and VOTED to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate the sum of $6,500 from the General Fund to account #125 Social Securi~ ~ts -~y's ~y ng ~_25 Motion was made by Mr. Dacey,.s~conded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate the sum of $27,000 from the General Fund to account $129 Street Lighting. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Dacey and VOTED to ~ authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate the sum of $6,500 from the General Fund to account $403 Town-Parts.. Chairman Ward requested a memo be sent to all Department Heads advising that n Further purchases be made as the Town is facing a serious financial crisis. ~EW BUSINESS Motion was made by M=s. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Dacey and VOTED to approv a ~udget total of $8,247,870.00 for the support of the Town Government and the Schools for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1976. IN FAVOR: Mr. Ward, Mrs. Delaney, Mr. Miller, Mr. Dacey OPPOSED: Dr. McIntosh ABSENT: Mr. Barbera Motion was made by Mr. Dac~y, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED~ to approv a budget total of $278,050 to be supported by funds from Federal Revenue Sharing. .~ IN FAVOR: Mr. Ward, Mrs. Delaney, Dr. McIntosh, Mr. Miller, Mr. Dacey ABSENT: Mr. Barbera The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M. MINUTES BOA. RD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting May 20, 1975 Respectfully submitted, ~ecretary [embers Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. John McIntosh, John F. Miller, Robert Dacey 4ember Absent: Jack J. Barbera EXECUTIVE SESSION Following adoption of the budget at the Annual Budget Meeting, the Board of ~inance met in the McG-e Junior High School auditorium at 10:15 P.M. and a motion ~as made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Dacey and VOTED to go into Executive ~ession to consider the tax rate. It was moved by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED that a tax rate of 2~ mills be set to raise an amount of current levy of $87,826.00 on a Grand List of October 1, 1974 of $36,030,470.00 in the area served by the Towuu Water and Sewer Commission for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1976 to off-set in part the cost of operation of the Water and Sewer Commission budget. ALL IN FAVOR Further, It was moved by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED that to support the budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1976, in the amount of $8,247,870.00 predicated upon an amount to be raised by. taxes, current levy, of $5,898,265.00 as set forth in the budget adopted by the duly- called Town Meeting held in the Catherine McGee Junior High School on May 20, 1975, a tax rate of 51.5 mills be levied upon the Grand List of Octobe 1, 1974, which totals $121,503,010.00. ALL IN FAVOR It was moved by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Dacey and VOTED to go out of Executive Session at 10:28 P.M. ~GULAR SESSION It was moved by Dr. McIn.tosh, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED that the action of the Executive Session be approved and made public. It was agreed to advise the Executive Board that~in light of the increase in ~as usage in accounts $401 and $405 this Board would appreciate knowing the increas, in gallonage from fiscal 1973-74 to fiscal 1974-75 by vehicle, if possible. Our ~ecords indicate a 10,000 gallon increase which cannot seem to be justified. Also, it was agreed to advise the Executive Board when Edward Haber, Chief Mechanic, is ~vailable, this Board would like to set up a meeting between the Executive Board, {r. Haber, Milton Freeman and Larry Graham to discuss this matter. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 PM 3~sp~ct~u~submitted, ~d,?h Linag~en, ~ecretar¥