1975/01/30Board of Finance ~anua~y 28, 1975 meeting (cont.) MINUTES Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Dacey and VOTED to approve the minutes of January 21, 1975 meeting. ABSENT: Dr. Mc~ntosh Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mr. Barbera and VOTED to approve the minutes of January 23, 1975meeting. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh CORRESPONDENCE ! Letter from Nicholas J. DiMaggio, Chairman~Board of Police Commissioners, dated ~anuary 23, 1975, requesting a transfer'of $1,000 to account 62041 Traffic Signs ignals and Markers. He explained they were billed in excess of $1,000 for material urchased prior to July 1, 1974, by the Highway Department. This account was rlginally part of the Highway Department budget. He added, this request will over utility expenses through June 30, 1975 and will not allow for the purchasing f traffic control signs. A check of the records indicates a present balance o~f $1,751.55 therefore, it was agreed to wait until additional bills are received. Copy of a letter from Mayor Arthur B. Powers, to Jack Anderson, Superintendenti ~f Schools, dated January 24, 1975, referring to Mr. Anderson's letter of January !1, 1975, requesting a Town Meeting be held at the end of February for the purpose )f taking the necessary steps to acquire the land adjacent to the High School for ~he proposed athletic facilities. Mr. Powers advises that the purchase of the ~roperties should be done through negotiation rather than condemnation. However, .f it is not possible on some properties, then condemnation will be necessary. Ir. Murray should know by the end of February if purchase by negotiation is possible. fEW BUSINESS The remainder of. the meeting was devoted to rev£ewing, the 1975-76 fiscal year ~udget request of the Executive Board, Public Works Department, Highway Department ~nd Municipal Garage. Mr. Powers maintained the budget presented by the Public ~orks Department and Highway Department following review by th~ Executive Board is ~he budget the Finance Board should review, not the budgets as originally presented. !his was generally agreed to as these departments are under the jurisdiction of the :xe~utive Board. The salaries requested for 1975~76 in acooun~s 6107 Switchboard )perator and #117 Corporation Counsel should be ramoved until performance appraisalI !orms have been completed. Mr. Powers explained h~s request f~r Executive Board !lerk noting the girls in the Finance Department answer the telephone when the layor's secretary is out of the office however, in the new Town H~ll~his will not ! ~e possible. The request for capital expenditures under administration should 'eflect the request for a shredder for $650.00 as noted by ~he Town Clerk. Mr. ~ickinson explained his reasons for not voting for the inclusion of the new positio~ ~f Purchasing and Personnel Agent pointinq out the cost factor should be co~sidered~ ~nd austerity practiced in view of the uncentainties of state aid, federal revenue ~haring, etc. He also reCalled ~he unfavorable feelings of some residents last | 'ear when this position was mentioned, Mr. Powers pointed out a great deal of mon~ ~ .s available in Federal programs possibly beneflt~ng Bell.in and we need someone to bird dog' these programs. In purchasing alone, this person could save us money, ~e added. Under the capital request from the Highway Department, the backup alarms for :1,500 should be removed as the Board of Finance already voted to purchase them. The meeting was adjourned at ll:10 P.M. Respectfully submitted, in~ren Y MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting January 30, 1975 [embers Present: 4embers Absent: )thers Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, Jack J. Barbera, John F. Miller / Dr. John McIntosh, Robert Dacey Karl A. Mandl, Sr., Finance Director; Jack Anderson,Superintenden~ of Schools; Milton Freeman, Administrative Assistant; members of the Board of Education--Steven Vandrilla, Chairman; F~ster Rackli~fe, Dr. Rodger Nelson, Mrs. Jovan Cardello, Mrs. Dolores Watrous, Patrick English, Mrs. Joanne Kelly; interested parties--L. Clark,i J. Medvec, M. Kreutzer; S. Parise~ Rhea Boscolo, Dr. & Mrs. E. H.i $cheer ~Q~oard of Finance ~anuary 30, 1975 meeting (cont.) Meeting was called to order at 8:08 P.M. by Chairman Ward. ~INUTES Motion was made by Mr. Barbera., seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED to approve :the minutes of January 28, 1975 meeting. f O!~ MEETING ! Letter from Anthony Gandolfo, Chairman-P~blic Building Commission, dated January ;24, 1975, requesting $26,000 be returned to the Town Hall budget as explained to ~  his Board on January 23, 1975. The Police Department Communications system costs 61,000 less the $35,000 previously approved by this Board or a total net amount I f $26,000. During discussion, Mr. Barbera expressed the feeling that we should wait I until the Town offices move in the new building and review their needs at a laterdate. Mr. Miller voiced the same feeling however, he added, bringing it to a Town Meeting will allow the townspeople the opportunity to approve or disapprove. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Ward and VOTED to authorize the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate the sum of $26,000 through the issuing of bonds arid notes for furniture equipment for the Town Hall Complex. OPPOSED: Mr. Barbera IEW BUSINESS Prior to reviewing the 1975-76 proposed budget of the Board of Education, Mr. ~ackliffe advised that September 1 the addition to the High School will be complete ~ith the exception of the music area. The .r~r~vation will be completed within the oudget period therefore, the entire school will be used in the 1975-76 budget perio ~he new programs will be ready to start; they are registering students now. Mr. Vandrilla began by explaining most of the budget increase is in staffing ~nd new programs and that it represents the beginning of"curing the illness in~ our oresent system". This will better prepare, our .students for the world when they iraduate. They have not established a priorit¥on the new programs but will do so ~hen they know how much money they will have to work with. Mr. Anderson stated he %as already shaved this budget a great deal from the original requests~ He explain ~he enrollment has decreased some 30 students Kr5, no change in 6-8,. and a decrease )f 20-25 in 9-12. He has implemented new programs for which the Town will receive [00% reimbursement and when funding ceases, we will n~t have to continue the progral Chairman Ward commented Mr. Devlin of Peok Memorial Library will be in contact ~ith the school department to plan for a central library that would serve students ~nd adults. It was pointed out the size of the.library was expanded by the State [nd the Board of Education looks upon it as a community facility which is why they ~re requesting a supervisor in the library. It is designed to be opened at night ~nd they have included staff in the budget for evenings, Chairman Ward stated we are opening the school in one of the worst years in ~he history of the Town with the very slight increase in the Grand Liat, no help !rom the State, etc. We want to fully utilize the new facilities .as quickly as ~ossible and although the entire budget can be defended, we have other problems and ~e don't want to antagonize the townspeople. We do hope that whatever monies are iive the Board of Education, the Industrial A~ts program will be implemented. 'ractically speaking, it is not possible to do everything all in one year. Within ~ month, the Board of Finance should ~ave .some Projection of figures and we requestl ~he Board of Education return to get an idea of what they could hope to get for thel ~ext fiscal year. Mr. Vandrilla ended the meeting stating they feel it's a priorit~ ,udget and with an attractive education system we can hopeto bring people into the ~ rea. They realize there are economic limitations and they will keep it in mind. The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 P.M. Repsectfully submitted, embers Present: thers Present: MI~UJTES _ BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting February 4, 1975 Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. ~Delaney, Jack J. Barbera, Robert Dacey, John F. Miller (8:4~), Dr. John McIntosh (8:40) Karl A. Mandl, Sr., Finance Di:~ctor; Nicholas J. DiMaggio, Chair] Board of Police Commissloner~; Police Chief Robert Skinner, Sgt. Gerald Charamut; Jacqueline Fitzgerald, reporter-New Britain Herald an-