1974/12/03MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Special Meeting December 3, 1974 4embers Present: 4ember Absent: )thers Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, John F. Miller, Ro]0ert Dacey, Dr. John McIntosh ~$:23 P.M.i Jack J. Barbera Mayor Arthur B. Powers, Joseph Lanzoni and Loren Dickinson-Deputy Mayors; Pa~ricia.Cassella~seoretary; Jam~s .H..Godfrey, Chairman- Water & Sewer Commission; Morgan Seelye, Di~ector-publie Works Department; A.R. Bengston, Chairman-Conservation Commission; L.A. Chotkowski~ M.D., Health.Dir. ector; Nunzio Rosso, Chairman- Planning Commission; Harry N. Jackaway, Corporation Counsel; Harrison Sanders, Chairman-BicentennialCommitteeand Kathryn Gurske, Secretary~ Dr. Willard Wallace~ Atty. Ja~es Ripper; Edwin Murray, r~al estate agent; Jacqueline Fitzgerald, reporter- New Britain Herald; Susan Brown, reporter-Hartford Courant Meeting was called to order at 8:01 P.M. by Chairman Ward. ~INUTES Motion was made by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mrs. Delaney, and VOTED to approve ~he minutes of November 19, 1974. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh ~ILLS It was moved by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. ~acey.and VOTED to approve for payment bill from IBM for Board of Finance typewriter ribbons in the amount of :20.25 from #201 Board of Finance-Operating, ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh It was moved by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mr. Miller and VOTED to approve for ~ayment bill from Judith Lindgren for s~cretarial services for the month of Novembe L974 in the amount of $215.00 from #201 Board of Finance-Operating. ABSENT:Dr.. McIn 20RRESPONDENCE Copy of a letter from Albert J. Dudzik, Jr,, Town Auditor, to.Benjamin 2holewa, Director, Municipal Division, Office of the State Tax Commissioner, ~ated November 29, 1974, requesting an extension of thirty days be granted in =onnection with the completion and filing of the Municipal Audit for the year ~nded June 30, 1974. Legal Notice received from the Water & Sewer Commission of a Public Hearing o~ Proposed Revision of Water Rates, and 2] Proposed Revision of Connection Charge kates for Connection to Water Mains to be held December 4, 1974 at the Town Hall. Copy of a letter from Mrs. Sally A. Macfarlane, Chairman-Design Review Commit! Mayor Arthur B. Powers, dated November 19, 1974, profusely expressing the ~ommlttee's appreciation of the cooperation Emil Carlson has given them. Also, th( ~ssistance from Rudy Seiler.and Mrs. Florence Murphy was well appreciated. Letter from Joseph F. Scheyd, Chairman, Board of Assessors, dated November 27, [974, enclosing a copy of the personal property reimbu=sement claim form his offic( ~iled with the State. A copy will be made for Board members. Mr. Scheyd explains ~his is the result of a new State statute that eliminates the taxing of most newly ~cquired items of pe=sonal property to the individual taxpayer. It provides for the State to reimburse the towns on the same basis as if it were being taxed local] The reimbursement therefore will be based on the State's audit of our figures whick are $4,817,712 which at 60% is $2,894,777 times the mill rate which will be set in May of 1975. He added, this will be a new item of revenue. He notes further the figures and the items are subject to audit by the State Tax Department. Letter from Robert F. Probst requesting an appropriation of $110.70 to up-date the paupers' monument in the Norton Road Cemetery. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Dacey and VOTED to approve the work and to make payment fIom account #160 Maintenance and Operation-Cemeteries. If additional funds are required at the end of the fiscal year, as the major item in this account is salary, the $110.70' transfer will be made. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh TRANSFER Letter from Nunzio P. Rosso, Chairman-Planning Commission, dated November 26, 1974, requesting a transfer ~f funds within their budget due to an increase in legal advertising by the Commission. Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED to transfer $100.00 from account #1301 Secretary to account #1303 Advertising. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh tOWN MEETING-AQUIFER The aforementioned persons appeared to again request funds to be used to tosh acquire options on 150 acres of aquifer along-Hatchery Brook (see minutes of Augus i20, 1974, September 24, 1974 and November 7, 1974~. The Board of Finance had requested the Conservation and Planning Commissions to meet and discuss ways in which the aquifer could be protected by requiring less acreage. However, they maintain the entire 150 acres are needed and should be acquired mainly ~ ~ ~k~s~tP~i~ed out, the risk of polluting the ~quifer will~be~di~she~. g g ~n, the State recommends a minimum of a 200 feet radius from[ well. Mayor Powers stated he felt the Board of Finance has three choices: 1~ purchase mount of acres that has been suggested 2) compromise on the amount 3) turn it dowz ~e advised that the Executive Board favors the purchase of the total area suggested ~dding that our major concern is water with the proposed Bicentennial Park as a ni¢ Mr. Godfrey stated this project has been well researched; everyone who knows ~omething about this has been contacted and all recommend purchase of the 150 acres {e added, any additional purchase wihin the entire aquifer is not expected. The ~eologists have ascertained where we have our wells is the best possible spot. According to Mr. Bengston, when inquiries were made eight months ago, the State ~ave this project priority for funding under the Open Spaces Act, with plans for a $icentennial Park being a major factor and he does not foresee any change in this priority. Most of the discussion that followed reviewed what has been stated previously. Following departure of the guests, discussion continued withChairman Ward reminding the Board of the large body of water the Town.lost many years ago a~nd he felt our future generations should not be short-changed. He added, if we purchase the land and later discover it was a mistake, the land can be sold. Mrs. Delaney then pointed out a large portion of this area is undevelopable. Chairman Ward stated this should be taken into consideration during negotiations. Both Mrs. Delaney and Dr. McIntosh stated they felt the Conservation Commission could have proposed a compromise in the amount of acreage they requested. Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mr. Miller and VOTED to authori~ the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to transfer a sum not to'exceed $20,000 from ~he Capital Non~reeurring Fund to account #2302 Land Op~tions to acquire options on five parcels of land; 1 Wicklund, 1 Wilcox, 2 Krist¢ and 1 Bacon as stated in letter dated November 6, 1974 from A.R. Bengston, Chairman-Conservation Commission. The original figure of $10,000 was amended to $20,000 at the request of Edwin Murray, real estate agent for the Town. IN FAVOR: Mr. Ward, Mr. Dacey, Mr. Miller OPPOSED: M_rs. Delaney, Dr. McIntosh ABSENT: Mr. Barbera MOTION GRANTED The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 P.M. The next meeting is scheduled for )ecember 17, 1974. Respectfully submitted, J~it5 M. L~nd~r~n $~cretary the e idea.