1974/11/19~4 ~embers Present: ~embers Absent: Dthers Present: MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Special Meeting November 19, 1974 Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. John McIntosh, John Miller Jack J. Barbera, Robert Dacey Hugh N. Campbell, representing The Pace Consulting Group Meeting was called to order at 8:30 P.M. by Chairman Ward. ~INUTES Motion was made by Dr. McIntosh, seconded by Mr. Miller and VOTED to approve the ~inutes of November 14, 1974 meeting· ~ORRESPONDENCE Copy of a letter from Lawrence J. Cacciola, Deputy Director, Council #4 AFSCME, ~FL-CIO to Mayor Arthur B. Powers, dated November 18, 1974, stating the Union reque :he same increase given to all Town employees not in the Union. Letter from Jack R. Anderson, Superintendent of Schools, dated November 15, 1974 !xpressing appreciation for this Board's decision regarding the transfer of funds i the Berlin-Rocky Hill Cooperative Language Impaired Class. He advises that payment from Rocky Hill for the first half year of the program will be reoeived during the nonth of January; the remaining reimbursement will be received most likely during the first ten days of the month of June. PRANSFERS Bill received from the law offices of Siegel, O'Connor and Kainen in the amount ~f $910.00 for services rendered regarding Police Contract Negotiations. Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Ward, and VOTED to transfer $910.00 from %210 Contingency to account #2016 Mediation, At the request of Town Treasurer, Dominick F. Scerra, the following special ~unds were closed and the balances transferred to the General Fund: Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Miller and VOTED to close the Sportsmen's Club Land Fund and transfer the balance of $3,095.50 to tS General Fund; Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Miller and VOTED to close the Junior High School Water & Sewer Construction Fund and transfer the balance of $3,662·86 to the General Fund; Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr, Miller and VOTED to close the Public Improvement Fund and transfer the balance of $55,27 to the General Fund. )LD BUSINESS Mr. Campbell appeared to discuss the topics he plans to include in his training ~essions with department supervisors (see minutes of October 29 and November 7, 197 [e recommended the program be conducted in two sessions of two hours each and he wi ~ontact Mayor'Powers to set up the schedule. Due to the illness of ~he Mayor, the Zxecutive Board was not in attendance as originally planned, however, Chairman Ward ;erbally received approval of the program from the Executive Board. All supervisor ¢ill receive a copy of the performance appraisal form they will be required to comp [or each employee under their supervision. They will be asked to review it and be prepared to ask questions regarding this form or any problems pertalning to salary ~dministration. It is hoped the sessions will begin the first or second week of )ecember. A question was raised as to whether a union employee may be rewarded for excell- ence in performing his duties without violating the union contract. It was also pointed out a salary schedule should be formulated for part~time employees. Mr. Campbell added he would suggest to the Mayor that he not attend these ~essions; he would be briefed in a separate meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:29 P.M. Respectfully submitted, sts ~ete