1974/11/07~treet. It was pointed out only one industrial firm in this area has formally ~xpressed a desire to connect to the water main. Two other businesses presently ~ave an adequate supply of water but due to the high sulphur content,~.they must ~urchase bottled water for drinking purposes. However, Mr. Diskin noted the in- stallation of water mains would be an a-set in locating other businesses to ~his area. Mr. Seelye advised they will regain an estimated $11,225 from the firm ~lanning to connect to the main. Chairman Ward read a letter from Morgam Seelye requesting approval of an ~ppropriation of $3,200 for the extension of the original layout for water mains in Bishop's Curve, Berlin. Mr, Seelye explained they estimate a recovery of )1,030 with one additional house connecting. If the other property owner connects, ~n estimated $1,000 would be recovered in addition. Following further discussion and departure of the guests, Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED to authorize the appropriation of $3,200.00 from the Water accomnt of the Water & Sewer Department for the extension of the original planned layout for water mains in Bishop's Curve, Berlin. ABSENT: Mr. Barbera Mr. Campbell appeared to assist the Board in further implementing the Job ]valuation Study performed by The Pace Group. Chairman Ward indicated a need for L set of guidelines that could be distributed to department supervisors which would ~pecify reasons to justify a change in pay group and explain how to evaluate a ~osition. Mr. Campbell suggested the manual prepared by The Pace Group be carefully ~xamined to aid in answering some questions. He proposed a training program be Leld consisting of four one hour sessions for~all supervisors to o~tain a consisten ~f approach. Pace would supply a person to conduct these sessions and p~t together ~ procedure manual to be distributed to each supervisor explaining employee evalua- tion in detail. A list of supervisors who will receive the booklet will be supplie. ~o Mr. Campbell and he will submit a proposal to the Board and request a meeting ~ith this Board and the Executive Board to explain his plans. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:05 P.M. The next meeting is scheduled for November 7, 1974. REspectfully submitted, /~udith M. Lindgr~n /Secretary ~ MINUTES BOARD OF FINANC~ Special Meeting November 7, 1974 ~embers Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, Jack J. Barbera (8:06) John F. Miller, Robert Dacey, Dr. John McIntosh [9:43} Meeting was called to order at 8:03 P.M. by Chairman Ward. [INUTES Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED to approve the ~inutes of October 15, 1974 meeting. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mr. Miller and VOTED to approve the ~inutes of October 29, 1974 meeting. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh ~ILLS It was moved by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Barbera and VOTED to approve for ~ayment a bill from Judith Lindgren for secretarial services for the month of ~ctober, 1974 in the amount of $174.00 from #201 Board of Finance-Operating. ~BSENT: Dr. Mclntosh It was moved by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Dacey and VOTED to approve for ,ayment a bill from Aldo Castiglioni for photographs for the Annual Report in the mount of $30.00 from #201 Board of Finance-Operating. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh tORI:~SPONDENCE A list of parcels to be acquired by the Town of Berlin for Berlin High School mprovements was received and copies will be made for Board members. Letter from Hugh N. Campbell, representative of The Pace Consulting Group dated ovember 5, 1974, in reply to Chairman Ward's letter, outlining his recommendations ~o present a program to all town supervisors as suggested during his meeting with his Board on October 29, 1974 (see minutes). The Pace Group ~ill develop the ecessary materials, conduct the program and provide 2'5 copies of the booklet, to {oard of Finance ~ovember 7, 1974 meeting [cont,~ ~erve as a ref~erence, for a total of $1,200.00. A meeting will be scheduled with the Executive Board and Mr. Campbell as soon as possible. Copy of a letter from Henry Mierzwa, Executive Secretary, Public Utilities Commission, dated November 5, 1974, to the Water and Sewer Commission, requesting their Annual Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1974, which was due ~eptember 30, 1974. Copy of a letter from John L. Nuttall, Jr., Manager, Water & Sewer Commission dated November 7, 1974, to Albert J. Dudzik, Jr., requesting the date on which the Public Utilities Commission can expect to receive the Annual Report. Copy of letters from Dominick F. Scerra, Town Treasurer, dated October 22i, ~974 to Mr. Jack Anderson, Superintenden~ of Schools,. concerning the eligibility ~f the Town for the third State Gr~nt on th~ education facility portion ~f the ~own Hall Complex Project and the eligibility of the Town for the initial grant for! ~he Berlin High School Addition and Improvement. Copy of letters from Milton P. Freeman, Administrative Assistant, Berlin Public ~chools, dated October 28, 1974, advising they have not as yet reached 75% of the ~onstruction expense for the Town Hall Complex Project and therefore not eligible · t this time and that 25% of the total cost appropriated has not be spent on the 3erlin High School Addition and Improvement as yet; however, when the expenditures ~each the respective percentage levels, applications for the grants will be filed immediately. Letter from Mrs. Joan Cardello, Chairman-Board of Educa~ti~n, dated October 22, 1974, referring to the cooperative Language Impaired Program Berlin instituted with ~ocky Hill Public Schools. She advises that Berlin is. servLng as fiscal agent with ~ budget of $15,000 with the understanding Rocky Hill will rei~nb~r~e BerIin for 50% Df all expenditures; this going to the Town's General Fund. Ber'lin's share of these expenses is not included under the Board of Education's Pupil Personnel Services allocation, however, their budget' will also reflect Rocky Hill's share of the expenditures resulting in a deficit on paper. She requests the Board of FinanCe to take the necessary steps to prevent the B'oard of Education budget fDom showing deficit. Following discussion, it was agreed to advise Mrs. Cardello the Board of Finance will make the necessary transfers during the m~nth of June and requests that she contact Rocky Hill to assure this Board that the entire 50% of the expenses will be reimbursed to the Town during the month of June so our books can be closed properly. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh/ Letter from Mayor Arthur B, Powers, dated October 25, 1974, enclosing a oopy ~f a letter from Mrs. Blanche Mahan, Chairman-Committee for The Aging, requesting an additional appropriation of $735.00 to maintain t~eir transportation service as th~ bus rate has increased from $8.00 to $9.00 per hour. Following discussion, it was agreed to advise Mrs.. ~ahan and Mr. Powers the request has been approved however, the actual transfer of funds will be made at the end of the fiscal year thereby eliminating the possibilit~ of additional transfers of funds in the event the rate is again increase9 during this fiscal year. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh Letter from Mayor Arthur B. Powers, dated October 25, 1974, requesting an appropriation of $1,450.00 for the purchase and installation of a 4,000 gallon tan~ for no-lead gasoline requested by Edward Haber, Chief Mechanic. He enclosed a cop~ of a letter from Mr. Haber and a copy of an estimate from Mr. Richard Matava to furnish and install the tank. During discussion, members wondered ~f one of the tanks now at the garage could be used for the no-lead gasoline. Mr. Haber will be contac~ for answers to questions. Letter from Nicholas J. DiMaggio, Chairman-Board of Police Commissioners, dat~ October 21, 1974, in reply to Chairman Ward's letter of October 9, 1974, concernin¢ the invoice in the amount of $4,000 for the cash match share of the grant for the Connecticut On Line Enforcement Communications Teleprocessing S~stem. He advises the third year payment for the 1974-75 period is $4,0000 and his 1975-76 budget will reflect a request for $5,000 to cover the cost for the fourth year period. Letter from Joseph F. Scheyd, Chairman-Board of Assessors, dated October 22, 1974, advising the actual pro-rated assessments on Public Act #788, Certificate of Occupancy, amounted to $549,010 which multiplied by the 48 mill rate amounts to $26,352.48 in tax revenue. It was estimated the revenue would be $19,200.00. Letter from Elaine J. Soneson, Secretary-Berlin Free Library Association, dated October 25, 1974, l~sting the Officers and Directors elected at their recentI meeting. Letter from A.R. Bengston, Chairman-Conservation Commission, dated November 6 1974, requesting consideration and approval of an appropriation of $10,000 toward the Bicentennial Park project which will enable them to begin negotiations with th~ ed d landowners to acquire options on the five parcels of land. It was the general consensus of the Board to suggest to Mr. Bengston ~hat the Planning Commission and the Conservation Commission meet to discuss a method by which the aquifer can be protected by requiring less acreage and to advise this Board of the recommendations. ~RANSFERS I Letter from Lawrence E. Graham, Superintendent Public Grounds and Recreation, ated November 7, 1974, requesting a transfer of funds within their budget. Motion was made by Mr. Barbera, seconded by Mrs. Delaney, and VOTED to transfer $17.12 from account #C-3517 Well at Timberlin Park to account #C-3516 Pick-up Truck as the amount of advertising cost was not anticipated. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh L Letter from Mrs, Jean G. Conway, Supervisor-Director, Public Health Nursing ~ervice, dated October 30, 1974, enclosing a work sheet for the cost of living ~djustment for the employees of the Nursing Service. [see minutes of September 30, Motion was made by Mr. Barbera, seconded by Mrs, Delaney and VOTED to transfer $2,175.11 from the General Fund into the following accounts: #1531 Supervisor $228.43 #1532 Staff Nurse #5 257.93 #1533 Staff Nurse #1 89.44* #1534 Staff Nurse #2 250.94 #1535 Staff Nurse #3 250.61 #1537 Staff Nurse #6 158.56 #1538 Staff Nurse #4 192.75 #1540 Staff Nurse #8 350.00 #1~.4~10~fice CLerk ~ ~ ~ 201.,4.0 ~ .. #1542 Clerical Substitute 34.12 #1550 Dental Program 160.93 *Mrs. Conway requested this payment be held until after January 1, 1975. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh ~OWN MEETINGS Letter from Mrs. Joan Cardello, Chairman-Berlin Board of Education, dated )ctober 15, 1974, advising that the Board of Education approved the recommendation ~f the Superintendent of Schools that a request be forwarded to the Board of Financ !or the funding of the high school counseling position (girl's) currently being ~eld in escrow. With regard to the two additional positions held in escrow, she .ndicated a slight possibility of the need for these positions at mid-year, should · substantial increase in student population occur. She also advised that the Boar ~f Education wishes to assume that these two positions would be available for unding in the 1975~76 budget. Letter from Jack R. Anderson, Superintendent of Schools, dated November 6, 1974, dvising they request the above mentioned position be filled effective with the )eginning of the second semester of the current school year, January 27, 1975. ~e projected this person would be hired at a maximum approximately on the 5th step )f the Master's scale reflecting an annual salary of $10,865 plus a $600 differenti )ro rated for the ½ year. This would mean an expenditure of $5,701.00, according ~o Mr. Anderson, or a total of $5,815 with the addition of fringe benefits. Motion was made by Mr. Barbera, ~econded by Mr. Dacey and VOTED to authoriz~ thelE~e'cm.ti~e-Bo~rd ~ call a.'Town Meeting to transfer $5,815.00 from #210 Contingency to Board of Education budget item #214 Salaries, Instructional for a girls' High School Guidance Counselor as per letter dated November 6, 1974 from Jack R. Anderson, Superintendent of Schools. ABSENT: Dr. McIntosh The Board discussed the request of the Water & Sewer Commi-sion and the Economic )evelopment Commission for an appropriation of $50,000 for construction of 2000 ft. ~ore or less of 12 inch water main and hydrants in a portion of Wilbur Cross Highwa [nd Deming Road from the end of the existing main on the east side of Wilbur Cross [ighway to Selden Street (see minutes of October 29, 1974}. Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED to author the Executive Board to call a Town Meeting to appropriate a sum not to exceed $50,000 through the issuing of bonds and notes for construction of 2,000 ft. of 12 inch water main and hydrants in a portion of Wilbur Cross Highway and Deming Road from the end of the existing main on the east side of Wilbur Cross Highway to Selden Street or beyond. ~LD BUSINESS Mr. Barbera reported upon further investigating, he has learned the Federal lommunications Commission will not be requiring the. sWitch over to high frequency ,stems for police radios. (see minutes of October 15, 1974]. The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 P.M. ~ J~dith M. Lindgre~, Secretar ~974) ze