1974/02/28 MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting February 28, 1974 Members Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, Jack J. Barbera, Dr. Jo! McIntosh (8:26), John Miller, Robert Dacey Meeting was called to order at 8:05 P.M. by Chairman Ward ~ORRESPONDENCE Copy of a letter from Philip D. Doran, Chairman-Historical District Study 2ommittee, dated January 24, 1974 to arthur B. Powers, Mayor, requesting an ~perating budget be inoluded in the proposed 1974-75 budget with the tentative %eadings of "Historic District Commission" or Historic District Study Committee" chichever may eventually apply. During discussion, it was pointed out that three menbers of the Commission could be from the historic district and two.from outside the area. This raised ~ question as to whether the Town remains responsible to provide funds foli~wing ~he adoption of the ordinance establishing the historic district. It was agreed to obtain the opinion of Atty. Jackaway, Corporation Counsel. Copy of the minutes of a Special Meeting.of the Central Connecticut Regional ~uthority for Solid Waste Management on February 14, 1974 during which shredder bids were reviewed and it was voted unanimously to further analyze the bids submit by Oneglia and Gervasini, Grumman Ecosystems, and Waste Management as well as SCA ~ervices. Mr. Schneidermeyer also enclosed a copy of his recommendation based on the shredder bid evaluation. Copies will be made for Board members. Letter from Edward J. Rogean, Superintendent of Schools, dated February 22, 19' ~nswering some questions raised during review of the Board of Education proposed [974-75 budget on February 19, 1974. He listed figures concerning the enrollment ~t McGee Junior High School explaining their plans to bring down the classroom siz {e also explained the reasoning behind the principals and administrative ratios. ~opies of his letter will be made for Board members. Chairman Ward presented a copy of an analysis of Governor Meskill's budget for .974-75 - State Aid for cities and towns as put forward by the Connecticut Conferen ~f Mayors and ~unicipalities. In an effort to determine the amount Berlin'could !xpect in aid, Chairman Ward figured an additional $15,000 in ADM payments (from 1215 to $220 per pupil effective immediately and continued in 1974~75); $30,000 in !ederal revenue sharing funds according to the ADM formula and $70,000 according to ~opulation based on the 1970 census ($10 per pupil and $5 per capita population). Letter from Morgan Seelye, Director of PUblic Works, expressing hi~ desire to etain George Horbal in the Engineering Department following expiration of EEA unding (see minutes of February 21, 1974) and stating ~he reasons he is needed in hat Department. Following discussion, no change was made in the Board's former decision to deny the request. UDITOR'S REPORT The report of the examination of the books, accounts and records of the Town of ~erlin for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1973, was received from the Town Auditor, ~lbert J. Dudzik & Company and distributed to Board members. 'RANSFERS Letter from Mrs. Jean G. Conway, Supervisor-Public Health Nursing Service, date, 'ebruary 27, 1974, requesting a transfer of funds within their budget.to account 1539 Contracted Services noting their bills for physical therapy have been very hi, he added, a further transfer will be necessary to carry them through June 30. Motion was made by Mr. Barbera, seconded by Mr. Miller and VOTED to transf~ $500 from each of the following accounts to account #1539 Contracted Servi~ #1534 Staff Nurse ~2 $500 #1535 Staff Nurse #3 500 #1537 Staff Nurse #6 500 ~-~-~Total Letter from Lawrence E. Graham, Superintendent~PUblic Grounds and ReCreation, ated February 28, 1974, requesting an appropriation of funds to account ~1983 MachJ ~e to unforeseen repairs and account #1985 Golf Course Maintenaace and Repair due ~ $7,000 spent on repair and correction of the water system due to lightning damag~ Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Dacey and VOTED to transf, $3,000 from #210 Contingency to the following accounts: #1983 Machinery $1,000.00 #1985 Golf Course Maintenance & Repair 2,000.00 $3,000.00 Total BUSINESS In reviewing the letter from John R. Szymanski, Executive Director, The Mattaba~ [strict, dated January 25, 1974, requesting payment in the amount of $17,468 which spreaents accrued interest for delinquent payment of aase~ments due The Mattabasse iatr&ct (aee m~nutes of January, 2~ 1~74~, Cha~rma~ ~ard requested thi~ matter be nery ainly sett [t Ioard of Finance ebruary 28, 1974 meeting (cont.) urned over to Corporation Counsel. He recommended th4~mat~erSe~d~cu~ed ~tk ~or the Mattabassett District and if necessary, appropriate court action be taken ~o resolve this matter. ;EW BUSINESS Chairman Ward advised the Board that he had been requested by members of the last Berlin Fire Department to obtain th~s Board's permission to draw up specificat !or the truck requested in the Fire Board,s 1974~75 budget and put them out to bid ~o obtain a firm commitment. It is understood the bid cannot be awarded until funds are approved. Chairman Ward added the Fire Board would not grant them approv Following discussion, the Board members agreed the truck would be f~nded through Federal Revenue Sharing Funds and to notify Chief Romegialli to proceed with drawing up the specifications and put them out to bid but under no circumstances award the bid. During discussion of the requested position of Highway Technican in the 11974-' )udget from the Highway Department, the Board felt the position should be expanded ~o include duties performed for the Public Grounds and Public. Buildings Department~ ~his will be reviewed with Mr. Prue and further information will be presented. It was VOTED to adjourn the meeting at 10:40 P.M. MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting March 5, 1974 Respectfully submitted, ~dith M. Lindgre~/ ~i~ecretary ~ [embers Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., M_rs. Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. John McIntosh John Miller, Robert Dacey 4embers Absent: Jack J. Barbera )thers Present: Leslie C. Bentley, Finance Director; Jack Nuttall, blanager-Water Sewer Department; Water & Sewer Commission members--Thomas Dennis Thomas Walsh Meeting was called to order at 8:03 P.M. by Chairman Ward. ~INUTES Motion was made by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Dacey and VOTED to approve the ~inutes of February 21, and February 28, 1974 meetings. BILL It was moved by Dr. McIntosh, seconded by Mrs. Delaney and VOTED to approve fo payment bill from Judith Lindgren in the amount of $268.50 for secretarial services for the month of February, 1974 from $201 Board of Finance-Operating. 2ORRESPONDENCE Letter from Edward J. Rogea~, Superintendent of Schools, dated March 4, 1974, ¢ith additional information on the enrollment at McGee Jr. High School, especially ~ith reference to class size, ability grouping, etc. Copies will be made for Board nembers. FRANSFERS Letter from Mr. Bentley, dated March 5, 1974, requesting an approprimtion to ~ccount #2712 Glass Recycling to disburse the revenue as follows: Berlin Youtlh louncil 7 weeks x $30.12 = $210.84; St. Paul's 4' weeks x $30.12 = $120.48; $oph. Class B.H.S. 3 weeks x $30.12 = $90.36. Mr. Bentley advised since July 1, ~973 a total of $2,343.25 has been realized from the sale of glass of which 20% is ~etained by the Town and the remainder distributed to the groups operating the cent Motion was made by Mrs. Delaney, seconded by Mr. Miller and VOTED to transfer $1,000.00 from #210 Contingency to account #2712 Glass Recycling ;EW BUSINESS Mr. Nuttall and the aforementioned members of the Water & Sewer Commission mppeared to discuss their proposed budget for the 1974-75 fiscal year. Their budge ~equest from the Town will remain at $20,000 which will be used for water exploratJ During the discussion, Chairman Ward requested Mr. Nuttall to submit to this Board ~ letter breaking down the $2,400,000 cost for the Town-wide water system into pha~ gith the approximate cost applied to each phase of construction. Also, during ~iscussion of the situation involving the families who are using untreated water supplied by the City of Meriden, Dr. McIntosh suggested the Water & Sewer Commissi¢ investigate the possibility of acquiring a well developed by the late Lyman Hall cz ions ~1. :46)