1974/02/07 MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting February 7, 1974 ~embers Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Jack J. Barbera, John Miller, Robert Dacey ~embers Absent: Blanche J. Delaney, Dr, John McIntosh )thers Present: Leslie C. Bentley, Finance Director Meeting was called to order at 8:15 P.M. by Chairman Ward. ~INUTES i .Motion was made by Mr, Barbera, seconded by Mr. Miller and VOTED to approve the ninutes of February 5, 1974 meeting. FINANCIAL STATEMENT Complete budget breakdown of Town accounts covering the period ending January 11974 was received from the Finance Department. BILL Letter from the Law Offices of.Siegel , O'Connor and Kainen enclosing a state- Rent from Post Reporting Service for the transcript concerning Case #DR-2659--- ~ouncil #t5 AFSCME, AFL-CIO and The Town of Berlin in the amount of $49.00. Motion was made by Mr. Barbera, seconded by Mr. Miller and VOTED to apprOVe for payment bill from Post Reporting Service in the amount of $49.00 from account ~116 High Court Settlements. ORRESPONDENCE Letter from Earry N. Jackaway, Corporation Counsel, dated. January 31, 1974 ~n reply to Chairman Ward's letter of January 17, 1974 asking whether or not any hew laws have affected Counsel's opinion #127 with reference to overexpenditure of budget allocations by the Board of Education. Atty. Jackaway advises there has been no change in Section 7-348 which restricts the Board of Education to their udget appropriation. Chairman Ward requested a ~op~ of Atty. Jacka~ay.':s letter be sent to Mrs. Joan Cardello, Chairman-Board of Education with a request that they I review each and every account in their 1973-74 budget. Copy of a letter from Dominick F. Scerra, Town Treasarer, to Anthony Gandolfo,i ~hairman-Public Building Commission, dated FeSruary 7, 1974, concerning the Senior' ~igh School Addition and Improvement Fund. Mr. Scerra requested the Public BUilding Commission adopt the following procedure for disbursements to all contractors and ~he construction management firm in order to maintain an orderly flow of cash and ~n investment schedule: all requisitions and estimates presented to the Finance Office up to the 14th of the month will be paid on the 15th of the month; all ~equisitions and estimates presented to the Finance Office after the 15th of 'the ~onth will delay payment on the same until the 15th of the following month. I Letter from Joseph F. Scheyd, Chairman-Board of Assessors, dated February 5, 1974, concerning the incomes the Town should receive from the State during fiscal !1974-75, in lieu of taxes, to compensate for the gradual exemption on merchants and itraders inventory and manufacturers inventory. He noted for the 70% exemption this' ~ear on manufacturers inventory, the State should reimburse Berlin $38,241; based lon the manufacturers inventory here in the base year 1964. For the 25% exemption ithis year on merchants and traders inventory, the State should reimburse Berlin 1519,926; based on the merchants inventory here ~n the base year 1967. Another !source of income is money rece/ved from the state for the Elderly Tax Exemption. iHe expects a ckange in the method when the legislature goes into session and sUggeSts ilast year's figure of $20,000 ~e used for now. Letter~ from Arthur B. Powers, Mayor, dated January 30, 1974, in reply to Chai~ ~ard's letter of January 28, 1974, indicating tSe lack of.communication between the ~ublic Building Commission, the Clerk of the Works and Richard Russell, Superintend iof Public Buildings regarding the Town Hall Complex. Ee advises that Mr. Gandolfo ~hairman of the Public Building Commission has invited Mr. Russell to attend the ~ommission's meetings so that he may be fully aware of all Town projects. Copy of a letter from Arthur B. Powers, Mayor, dated January 29, 1974, to ~ack Ross, Chairman-Worthington Fire District, exDressing th~ disappointment 'that lit will take until May 1, 1978 to dissolve the District and the hope that some of the responsibility of the management of the District can be transferred to the ~ater and Sewer Commission prior to that date. RANSFERS ~-~er from Mr. Bentley, dated January 31, 1974, requesting an appropriation !to the Registrars of Voters budget, in accordance with a letter from the Registrars, !due to additional expenditures incurred for the Republican Primary and the Referendum. taee mknutea of Dece~ber 4, 19731 Motion was made by Mr, M/ller, seconded 5y Mr. BarSera and VOTED to transfer $3,005.88 from #~10 Contingency to the following accounts: ~1004 Election Day Workers $1,899.80 #1005 Custodians 480.00 #1010 Instructions 54.00 man ent #1014 Election Day Meals $132.98 ~1025 Supplies 192.95 #1026 Telephones 246.15 Letter from Arthur B. Powers, Mayor, dated January 31, 1974, requesting an appropriation of $1,000 for the printing and indexing of 500 bound copies of the Charter for public purchase and 20 copies in loose leaf form for Town Officials. Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mr. BarSera and VOTED to transfer $1,000 from account ~210 Contingency to account ~165 Miscellaneo~ Also, in view of the fact some revisions might be made when a Charter~Revis~on Committee is named, it was agreed to suggest to Mr. Powers perhaps 250 copies migh~ be sufficient. It was VOTED to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 PM. Respectfully submitted, /~udith M. L~nd~n ~Secretary MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Meeting February 12, 1974 ~embers Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Jack J. Barbera, John Miller, Robert Dacey ~embers Absent: Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. John McIntosh )thers Present~ Leslie C. Bentley, Finance Director Meeting was called to order at 8:15 P.M. by Chairman Ward. IINUTES Motion was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mr. Barbera and VOTED to approve the ~inutes of February 7, 1974 meeting. ~ORRESPONDENCE Copy of a letter from Corporation Counsel Harry N. Jackaway to Joann~ Ward, ~own Clerk, dated February 11, 1974, in response to her question as to whether or Jot the fees collected by the Town Clerk;s Office can be collected by the Tax lollector as suggested by this Board. Atty. Jackaway, quoting Statute Section '-34b and Town of Berlin Ordinance #2-4, section 2, advised it is his opinion that .t is obligatory upon the office of Town Clerk to collect the fees paid to that ~ffice, and any collection paid to the Tax Collector instead would be illegal and .n violation of the laws of both the State of Connecticut and the Town of Berlin. IEW BUSINESS There was general discussion and agreements regarding changes in salary group ~s originally set by the PACE study, for a few Town employees. It was agreed a Ieneral policy must be set and adhered to. Further, they felt some jobs needed to ~how a better future, salary wise. It was VOTED to adjourn the meeting at 10:05 P.M. MINUTES BOARD OF FINANCE Regular Me~t~ng February 14, 1974 Respectfully ~ubmitted, [embers Present: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., Blanche J. Delaney, Dr. John McIntosh (8:25) John Miller, Robert Dacey lembers Absent: Jack J. Barbera ,thers Present: Leslie C. Bentley, Finance Director; Executive Board--Arthur B. Powers, Mayor; Deputiea~Loren Dickinson and Joseph Lanzoni; Miss .Pat~£a. Ca~ella; Edward Haber-Chie~ Mechanic; Nunzio Rosso- Chairman,Planning Commission; Deena Clavette-New Britain Herald; Mrs. Joyce Moiler-Hartford Courant; Atty. James Ripper, Paul Vall~er and Joseph Bernadino--interested parites. Meeting was called to order at 8:10 P.M. by Chairman Ward. ~INUTES -----~on was made by Mr. Dacey, seconded by Mr. Miller and VOTED to approve the ~inutes of February 12, 1974 meeting.